Lord we meed you today and everyday! Lord we cry out to you during your time of need, we tell people how much we love you, we tell people how awesome you are, we tell people to trust in you, we make T-shirts, we put them on bumper stickers, and we post on Facebook. Lord forgive us for not owning it ourselves, forgive us for not trusting you, for not believing your word, and for our blatant hypocrisy. Lord today I want to simply worship you, as Paul says to worship you in spirit and in truth. I pray today that all who read this would take a moment out of their day and click the playlist pick a song and worship you, as we heard yesterday during the sermon Lord, we need to find that middle C on the piano and be able to harmonize with you in unison. Lord when we tune in to your middle C then we will line up with you, Lord you strike that chord through the nature of your beauty that you've given us, through your word which is living alive and effective, Through prayer where your spirit convicts, encourages, and enlightens us, through the relationships we have with others. Lord you were always playing those chords we just need to hit them to find your pitch.
Lord today we simply want to worship you because you are awesome, you are amazing not because of what you do for us, but rather what you do through us, and simply because you are God. So today let us take 10 minutes to put aside our agenda use our phones to set this appointment with you today for 10 minutes Lord for all the time you've given us forgive us for even minimizing our time with you to only 10 minutes. Lord we have to start somewhere so for that 10 minutes today will put aside to lift up your awesomeness, and to singing songs of worship to you.
For anyone who wants to join me at 12:30 PM today I will be stopping for those 10 minutes praying for God to speak to me, and to lift up songs of praise. If you will be joining me today please email or text me so I know that we are praying together.
Playlist for this Sundays songs.
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