Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 31

2 Corinthians 4

"What We Do in Life Echoes in Eternity" Maximus Decimus Meridius

One of my favorite movies is Gladiator; in it General Maximus utters those awesome words. I love this quote because it has its source in the writings of the Apostle Paul.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18   For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Life is short, eternity is long, but our lives can make an impact on eternity. I want to be a part of something that makes a difference for eternity, I mean who doesn't?  So why does so much of my life seem focused on the world's passing show? The scramble for popularity, riches, pleasure and power are so empty, yet their pull is so strong.

What is the key to release the grip of this world and strengthen our grip of eternity?  Here are three questions that can help us transition to an eternal focus.

1. Who will remember anything about your life in 100 years from now? If we are only living for the moment, our life has no more value than a mosquito. But if we live for an audience of one, Jesus, then every act will be remembered by the King for all eternity.

2. Do the things of earth satisfy? If money, power, pleasure and popularity satisfy the human heart, why did Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain take their lives?

3. Will what I worship be enough to save me?  If we worship the things of earth, will they serve us well when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death?

So the key to a successful life is living for an eternal impact. It would be wise to focus our lives on activities that will count for eternity. As far as I know only three things will make it through eternity; God, His Word and the souls of people.  As we contemplate our actions today let's make it our goal to invest in these three eternal opportunities. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, August 30


"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ....  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." (2 Corinthians 4:6,7)

In this most personal letter, Paul reflects on his ministry and what has transpired.

He recognizes that his competence flows from God and that He must enlighten the hearts of those to whom Paul ministers.  God must reveal "the light of the knowledge of... [His] glory... in the face of Christ"; that is, people must experience and perceive the beauty and excellence of Christ, not just the fancy tactics of a skillful preacher.  The transformation that the Gospel brings reaches to the heart and not just the mind.

The second verse discuss the "treasure in jars of clay."  Here, Paul refers to the everlasting "treasure" of the Gospel, deposited securely in human hearts.  Yet, we recognize that we carry around this Gospel in our earthly, temporal bodies.  The resulting contrast between the timeless nature of the Gospel and our humanness underscores that the Gospel's "all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

As the Bible records, the early disciples took care not to flatter themselves with people's adulation or to take advantage of their position for personal enrichment.  Instead, Paul, Peter, and their co-workers experienced tremendous hardship in carrying the Gospel around the Mediterranean world.  Their selfless love for cities and people whom they had never visited and their willingness to surrender themselves even unto death point to the reality of the "treasure" in the Gospl and its "all-surpassing power."

In our day, we desperately need the "all-surpassing power" of the Gospel to heal broken lives, relationships, and families.  We know that God's power remains undiminished, but our reliance on our own systems has caused us to become less attuned to God's treasure.  How can you remember the priceless value of knowing God today?  How could you trust Him more for the road ahead?

Lord God, thank You for the faithful witness of the early disciples.  Thank You that the "treasure" and "all-surpassing power" of the Gospel remain undiminished today.  Help us to rely more fully on You and to see Your work in our lives, relationships, and families today.  Bring healing for our brokenness and freedom for the captives.  In Jesus's mighty Name, amen.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Aug. 29

Psalm 43

On Monday we went back to school for Professional Development.  A video was played on the topic of finding your joy and your purpose in life. It started out on the right track in saying that joy cannot be found in material possessions.  As I was watching and listening, I wrote in my reflection book that if the speaker doesn't mention God she missed the point.  There was some mention of spiritual awareness and perhaps because it is public school the video chosen couldn't mention Jesus, but the point was clear, (at least it was to me and then my co worker sitting next to me who had to listen as I had to verbalize the obvious). Chasing material "things" will never bring true, everlasting joy. This point was also clear to the Psalmist in today's reading.  "There I will go to the altar of God, to God - "the source of all my joy".  (v.4)  The Psalmist is clearly struggling with deceit and injustice and in his crying out to God. There are a lot of "why's" being asked from a place in his heart of longing to understand. Then, the psalmist shows us the turning point, he changes to a position of praising God asking for light and truth to lead the way to where God is. It was in his praise that the Psalmist came to the tabernacle of God, the tent of meeting, the place where God lives and waits to meet with us.  With gratitude, he can now fellowship with God. Whether or not the circumstances changed was no longer the focus.  The focus was now praise and worship. The change took place in his soul.  As we get ready to go into 40 days of prayer, I think it is crucial that we too set up a place where we come to the tabernacle of God. Set up a tent of meeting where it's just you, your Bible and journal, and the Lord.  While there are a few circumstances I would love to see change in my life,  I pray even more for for myself and everyone on this journey that God blesses our souls and meets us where we are as we draw closer to Him in our praise and worship.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Blog post Monday Aug 27th

A Prayer For Grace Experienced and Grace Passed On  (2 Corinthians 1:12)

Lord I want to make sure that the relationships you put in my life are lived out by me in the holiness and sincerity that can only come from you.  I do not want to react, assume, or make decisions in my relationships based on worldly wisdom or my own, often times, tainted sinful emotions, hurts, or failed expectations.  Lord I want and need to have your spirit fill me with the knowledge of your Grace and then the strength to express your Grace towards others, in the relationships I have.  The only way I can show God grace towards others, especially when it isn't easy, is to ponder and reflect on the constant Grace you show me.  I recognize that I take your Grace towards me for granted every single day.  I horde it selfishly as if I earned it and don't always easily show it towards those whom I don't feel deserve it.   If I ever feel that I am deserving of your Grace I ask you to help me to remember that Grace from you is unmerited favor, I did nothing to deserve it but despite my sin against you, you chose to lavish it upon me.   So, I need to go forth and likewise show unmerited favor to those with whom need it not just those I deem deserve it.  Lord make me aware today of the relationships in which I need to surrender my heart, my hurts, my frustrations, my expectations and so on to you.  When you do I ask you to fill me lord with your unmistakable Grace.  May I experience it, it's comfort, it's freedom, it's healing, it's power and realize that if I choose to share that Grace with others then I open up a door for them to experience these same blessing in my earthly relationship.  I will learn to trust you and in that trust I will learn to let you use my sincerity and grace in the hearts of the ones I am showing it towards and leave it to you to work in them just as you are at work in me.

Thank you Lord for your unmatched selfless love and gift of Grace.  You truly do amaze me!


Blog post Monday Aug 27th

A Prayer For Grace Experienced and Grace Passed On  (2 Corinthians 1:12)

Lord I want to make sure that the relationships you put in my life are lived out by me in the holiness and sincerity that can only come from you.  I do not want to react, assume, or make decisions in my relationships based on worldly wisdom or my own, often times, tainted sinful emotions, hurts, or failed expectations.  Lord I want and need to have your spirit fill me with the knowledge of your Grace and then the strength to express your Grace towards others, in the relationships I have.  The only way I can show God grace towards others, especially when it isn't easy, is to ponder and reflect on the constant Grace you show me.  I recognize that I take your Grace towards me for granted every single day.  I horde it selfishly as if I earned it and don't always easily show it towards those whom I don't feel deserve it.   If I ever feel that I am deserving of your Grace I ask you to help me to remember that Grace from you is unmerited favor, I did nothing to deserve it but despite my sin against you, you chose to lavish it upon me.   So, I need to go forth and likewise show unmerited favor to those with whom need it not just those I deem deserve it.  Lord make me aware today of the relationships in which I need to surrender my heart, my hurts, my frustrations, my expectations and so on to you.  When you do I ask you to fill me lord with your unmistakable Grace.  May I experience it, it's comfort, it's freedom, it's healing, it's power and realize that if I choose to share that Grace with others then I open up a door for them to experience these same blessing in my earthly relationship.  I will learn to trust you and in that trust I will learn to let you use my sincerity and grace in the hearts of the ones I am showing it towards and leave it to you to work in them just as you are at work in me.

Thank you Lord for your unmatched selfless love and gift of Grace.  You truly do amaze me!


Saturday, August 25, 2018

August 25: Of Grief and Guidance

Job 16:1-19:29
1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Pslam 40:1-10
Proverbs 22:1

It's only been a month, and four people whose families I know have passed on, leaving the families in inestimable grief. Had all the deceased been like my uncle - almost 80 years old, a full and joyful life behind him - the passing might have been easier to understand. Not so. The other three - one, a mother of two in her mid fifties, from an illness that gave her barely 8 months, her children in their teens; the other, a father in his early forties, who passed away suddenly, leaving behind a widow and three children, ages 6 and younger. And the most tragic of them all - a three year old little boy, a car accident, leaving a swath of heartbreak that cuts through parents and 4 year old sibling, aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins and grand uncles and grand aunts…

When faced with tragedy, well meaning friends try to fix things. They try and provide comfort through reason, to find purpose in what happened, as if somehow that would ease the pain.

Today's readings suggest a different course of action. We are in the middle of Job. He's a good man who has served God faithfully. But for reasons Job does not understand, God has permitted the loss of all he holds dear -children, household, worldly goods, health. And the friends who started out supportive - they wept, tore their robes, sprinkled dust on their heads, and sat on the ground for seven days and nights without saying a word - these friends have not been able to help themselves, and have insisted God is rightfully punishing Job for sin. They thought a reason for what happened would make the pain easier to bear.

They weren't helping. Consider a sample of Job's response to them: "you are miserable comforters, all of you! Will your long winded speeches never end?" Job cries out "God has turned me over to the ungodly…[God] shattered me…His archers surround me…He pierces my kidneys". And they did nothing to change the truth - that his "hands have been free of violence and [his] prayer is pure".

In the end, where does Job try to find solace? From past conviction - "I know that my redeemer lives…and after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God." His comfort is in the One whose thinking is beyond Job's understanding.

Today's psalm gives us the same counsel: "I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." Because the truth is, in times of indescribable grief, He really is the only one who can give comfort and help.

Father, when I am confronted by grief You will have permitted, remind me that You hear me; remind me to wait for You to answer me. And when I am faced with a grieving friend, remind me that I cannot fix, and that the best I can do is sit in sorrow with them and wait for You to answer their cry.

Friday, August 24, 2018

August 24

Psalm 39

As we draw to the end of our summer I reflect on how quickly it has disappeared. I distinctly remember setting goals around Memorial Day and thinking how far in the future Labor Day was. I fondly remember the simple joys of this summer, vacation time with our families, men's cookouts, book club meetings, and playing baseball with our grandchildren. I also remember the struggles many in our church family had this summer. There you have it; the whole summer is gone.

King David must have had a similar experience because he wrote at the end of one season of life, "Let me know how fleeting my life is. Each man's life is but a breath." Psalm 39

Life is like being outside on a cold, brisk morning when you exhale warm air from your lungs and it forms a definite cloud. The cloud is real; you can see it, but just as quickly as the cloud was made, it disappears. The dissipation of that cloud is a reminder of the frailty and the brevity of human life.

A few years ago a group named "Five for Fighting" sang a popular song called "100 Years."  The premise of the song is that if you've only got 100 years to live, then 15 is a great age to be because you've got plenty of time—"time to buy, time to lose, time to choose."  22 isn't bad either, as you're just crossing the threshold into grown-up pursuits. At 33 or so it feels like things are coming together—you have people in your life and work to do. But at 45 you're nearing the halfway mark, and time is slipping away. At 67 the sun is falling toward the horizon, and before you know it, you're 99, wondering where the time went and wishing you were 15 again, even for a moment.

David said it is a good thing to question how we spend our lives. He asks this exact question in verse 7, "But now, Lord, what do I look for?" We need to evaluate and consider how we are living our few, brief days on earth.  A short life should be spent wisely. We would be foolish to misspend a single hour.

So where do we find the answer?  David points us to a relationship with the living God. He says, "My hope is in you."  Life is more than the events that happen in a summer. Life is growing to know and love God more each day. Allow God to teach you what really counts in life. If you don't, one day you will be "99 simply wishing you were 15 again."

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday, August 23


"For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve.  After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep.  Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born." (1 Corinthians 15:4-8)

In this passage, Paul recites the key truths of the Gospel and backs it with clear evidence.  Even as the Corinthians had received teaching directly from Paul, it seems that they had some lingering suspicions about the Resurrection, leading to Paul's writing of this most important chapter.  He notes that, without the fact of the Resurrection, our faith in Christ doesn't have effect beyond this life, and, in that case, we would be pitiable indeed.  Yet, the Resurrection has solid historical grounding:  from multiple sources and from the testimony of changed lives of those willing to die for Christ.

The second half of the passage above mentions Jesus's post-Resurrection appearances to the Twelve, to more than 500 hundred "at the same time," to James, and to Paul.  By highlighting these witnesses, Paul invites his readers to verify the truth with this quite large group.  Had the events not actually occurred, critics could easily have torn down the Gospel message and rendered Paul's ministry as null and void.

Yet, critics were not successful, as the Gospel spread throughout the Mediterranean world.  These witnesses, so convinced of Christ's rising from the dead, were willing to suffer grave persecution and ultimately surrender their lives to the sword.  Why would they have chosen such a path for something they knew to be a myth?  Alternatively, skeptics question:  Perhaps this whole lot had become deluded by some farce?  Again, this criticism holds little water because of the sheer numbers of individuals involved.

These meditations above fall under the heading of apologetics, the rational defense of the Christian faith.  Combined with the great work that God has done in our lives, we have the clear testimony of history and logic that stands for the Gospel.  We may rejoice that we have a wonderful Lord and Savior—and the testimony of the Scriptures is absolutely true!

Lord God, thank You for orchestrating history as You have.  Thank You for Your sovereign control over all history, the present, and the future.  We look at the testimony of Paul today and are reminded of its truth and power.  Bring forth power in Your Church today, so that we may live in devotion to You and Your call for us.  Give us opportunities to share this truth with those who are hungry to know You.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Aug. 22


When I first received Jesus and my Savior and Lord I didn't even own a Bible.  My life was a hot mess and as pieces started to come together, (and I bought my first Bible), it was pointed out to me to read the book of Job.  All I could think the first time I read his story was "that poor guy!".  While much of his story spoke to my life at the time, I also realized that in the midst of my mess, there was actually room for it to be worse, as hard as that was to believe.  So here I am, a few years later, rereading the story and thinking to myself what if Job's story is actually a story of hope. What if we look at Job's story through the spiritual eyes of understanding that we live in a broken, fallen world where the enemy runs rampant and harsh realities of human life sometimes include undeserved suffering.  We see in verse 1:6 that God was on His throne (as He is today), before life as Job knew it fell apart. He is always in control and holds the intricacies of creation in His hands and has since the beginning of time (Genesis 1).  He always works things out for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose in ways our minds just can't understand. (Romans 8:28, Is.55:9). We have read many stories through our reading of men and women with incredible, unshakeable faith in the midst of their trials. Perhaps when we face mountains instead of asking "What Would Jesus Do", we start asking "What Would Jesus Say", and search the scriptures for His truths. It might require more strength and spiritual wisdom than we possess but the Holy Spirit will guide us into truth and we will mature along the way. I don't understand why, but it is often through adversity that God's greatness and love are discovered and our faith grows, which is very different than having life work out the way we think it should or would like. Jesus promises us in John 8:31-32 that if we abide in Him we will be set free and will enjoy freedom, peace, power, and joy that can only come from intimacy with God which always transcends above our circumstance. I think Job's story of faith sets this example.  There is hope through faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Monday, August 20, 2018

Blog Post Monday Aug. 20th

15 Prayers For A Heart To Be Focused On Love As Found In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8  (Choose to read them all or go to those that you need to be your prayer.  You could read one a day for the next 15 days.  It's too easy to read through this list and use it as a nice passage in weddings without really thinking about how they should or need to be applied to our everyday lives)

If I have faith, spiritual gifts, knowledge, am able to give to those in need, if my outward expressions appear morally noble but in my heart I have not love then I am nothing and all my worldly actions are temporal (1 Cor 13:1-3).  Lord your word tells me what love is and I now lift up prayers seeking to be filled with you, to be filled with love so that my life may count for something in building your kingdom today and every day.

Love is Patient; Lord I need patience and I know in order to have it I will be given circumstances and people placed in my life in which to practice it with.  Help me to have a heart of loving patience today knowing that patience ushers in peace for me and gives you room to work in the one with whom I have been called to display it towards.  Lord You Are patient with me as I stumble through my day to day routines.  Help me to remember your patience for me and to use that knowledge and grace shown me to spur me on to do the same to others who need it as much as I need it from you.

Love is Kind; Lord I know that kindness is easy to give when I feel people are deserving of it. It is easy to be considerate and helpful with those whom I feel have earned it. But, Lord, you show me kindness even when my actions and attitudes are in opposition to you, when my actions are in defiance.  This tells me that the love I need to have, that allows kindness to be poured out, needs to be for all not just those that make it easy or that I deem worthy.  Only you lord can help me to display this aspect of your love.  There will be people in my day today and every day with whom I don't feel deserve my kindness therefore my love and with whom I don't want to give it.  Lord to withhold kindness means I withhold love and I nullify any other act of kindness I try to show because it is not drawn from love but from a place of earning it.   It isn't always easy for me for show this kind of loving kindness but you have shown through the cross that displaying love is not always easy acts but the benefits to others can be eternal. 

Love Does Not Envy; Oh Lord, I live in a country of plenty.  I am bombarded daily with advertisements for things.  Daily I see FaceBook posts, instagram pictures and snapchats about other peoples perfect looking lives.  In the grocery aisle magazines try and lure me with all the new trends everyone has to have and I am pushed to want what I don't have.  There seems no escape from the draw to see and want what others have.  But you call me to not envy, to not desire what is fleeting and temporal.  Lord I know that gratitude is what I need to have.  I need a heart and eyes to see and know and Love the blessings you have giving me, to see the ultimate blessing I have in you.  I ask you Lord to quiet and still the voice of envy that tries to drown out my gratitude and love for what I have and I ask you to help me to remember that I posses the greatest gifts anyone can ever have, your loving salvation Lord.  What I have above all earthly possessions is your eternal hope and joy of eternal life.  Thank you for that precious gift of love.  Help me to remember that in envy I can lack love for others and sometimes envy prevents us from being able to love others who seem to have more.  Guard my heart and mind so that I may be a vessel of love toward all.

Love Does Not Boast; Lord I believe that there are times when boasting can stem from lacking self worth or a need to feel valued.  Lord when I boast about things of myself my focus is on myself and my accomplishments and my needs.  How can I display love for others and lift them up and validate them and encourage them if I am too busy boasting about myself?  Lord I need you to be my encouragement when perhaps I feel discouraged.  I need to look to the unconditional, selfless, non boasting Love you have always shown me.  Romans 12:3 tells me "Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment".  Help me to have sober judgement Lord, and not allow my thoughts to inflate myself over you or over others.  Your word also tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:31 "Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord."  Lord my "boasting" should be about who you are and your love for me which is available to all who seek it.  I should have a heart that Loves others so much that I do not boast about my earthly accomplishments but your eternal ones.  Fill my heart with Love of who you are so I may display it to all I encounter today.

Love is not Proud; Pride is one of mankind's greatest downfalls and the root of sin, Lord.  I know pride is often when I look at myself more highly than I ought.  Pride comes when I think all my accomplishments and good things are of my doing and mine alone.  Lord my heart needs to be humbled.  I need to make sure that I give you the glory and honor in my life so that others may see your loving selfless goodness and be drawn to you.  Like boasting, Lord, pride is a focus on me and a neglect of others needs.  My pride doesn't leave room or the proper room for a fully loving heart toward those you put in my path.  Teach me to be humble and for my humbleness to be a sign of love to those in my life.

Love is not Rude; Lord you created me to be a reflection of you and your loving gracious character. When I am rude I am detracting from that character, I am creating a poor reputation for you as your child.  I am not lovingly leading others to experience your good and perfect character.  Again Lord, much like kindness, there are times when I can feel justified in being rude if others are being rude to me.  But lord you clearly tell us that Love is not rude.  You were offended and slandered throughout your life here right up to your crucifixion and you never ceased to display your Father's character in full, you never once counted it a right to be rude.  Your love was constant and consistent.  Help me lord to reflect on your life and love toward all remembering Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Help me to love and not be rude to those who may be deserving but to put aside my sinful desires to misrepresent you and to love those who are a challenge to love.

Love is not Self Seeking; I ask Lord that you would make it clear to me when my actions or attitudes are set towards selfish gain and not the interests of you or of others.  I want others to feel loved by me and ultimately to experience your love in their lives through how I live mine with them.  I want to live out Philippians 2:1-4  "Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."  Lord I can do this when I make you and your love the center of my life, the foundation for what I do in my life.  Give me the strength to live a life of love as you did and to put others needs and interests above my own and live a selfless life for you.

Love is not Easily Angered; Oh Lord this is a hard one.  I realize that if I have not sought to have a heart of patience, kindness, contentment, proper personal perspective, humility, and selflessness I will stumble in anger as I try to live a life of love towards others.  Lord I need you to help me understand what easily triggers my anger and hinders your love being displayed through me.  I know that anger can hurt and scar those I love and even those who I may not know but are watching my life.  I know that often times my anger is ignited when plans or people don't go or live according to my expectations.  I need to remember that you are ultimately in control and that I always need to surrender my will and my agenda to you and your will.  I need to trust what you are doing in the lives of others and I need to seek you daily in order for me to be in line and following your plans and protecting my heart with your love so that when an opportunity to be angry arises I am able to meet it with patience, humility, and kindness from you and shower love not anger on those who need it.

Love Keep No Record of Wrong; I am guilty Lord of bringing up the past in defensive against others.  It is often leverage I use in an argument in which I feel gives validity to my point.  I know Lord that I hate when others use the past against me.  It doesn't make me feel forgiven but it keeps me chained to mistakes and regrets and it stirs anger, not love in me.  Because I know how it feels to be on the receiving end I know that I should know better but I still do it Lord.  I know in Ps.103:12 it says "as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."  Lord you remove our wrongs from us, you forgive and promise to never use it against us again.  What an ultimate display of selfless love you have shown me.  I need to surrender my right to be right, my right and want to win an argument, and I need to learn to truly forgive others without holding on to those hurts in order to use them against others in the future.  It truly isn't loving to throw the past at those we need to love in the present.  Let me truly experience your forgiving love that keeps no record and to share that love with others.

Love does not Delight in Evil but Rejoices with the Truth; Lord this is one that I read and quickly pass over because I say quickly, "I don't delight in evil and I love truth."  But I know Lord that if you word says something I need to pause and reflect on how this might be an issue with me.  I understand that I don't delight in many evils or what I think of as evil but anything apart from you and your truth is evil Lord.  Therefore, I need you to help me to see what things I might delight in that are essentially evil.  I know gossip is evil lord but it can be easy to not see it as that but simply as having conversations with others out of concern about others.  But if I gossip I am not loving the person I might be speaking about and therefore I am not spending my time rejoicing in truth and I am being a bad witness of Christ love to others.  Lord help me to see any and all evil that I may be delighting in and that prevents me from rejoicing in truth and therefore being a beckon of love to others.

Love Always Protects; Lord I need to know what areas of others lives I can lovingly protect and I need the strength and ability to provide that love.  For some it may be their life stories that I need to protect from gossip.  Others it may be a sensitive heart from being crushed.  Perhaps I need to protect someone's hopes and dream from an uncertain future.  It could be one's time, or faith, or fears (protecting them from their fears with encouragement), or any number of things.  Lord this is where being a person who loves with a love that is not self-seeking is vital.  I need to make sure to spend time with others and to pray for Godly wisdom to help me to know how my love can be used to help protect others and allow them to feel safe and loved by me.

Love Always Trusts; This is one of the most challenge aspect of love Lord.  We live in a fallen world where people wrong others all the time.  Sometimes we wrong others on purpose and often times without intent.  To trust is a challenge.  But Lord, here your word tells us that Love ALWAYS trusts.  Rather than enter into relationships expecting the worse or assuming we know the intent help us to trust what others tell us.  Lord we need discernment with this.  I know that trust is not always meant to be blind and love does not mean that we say yes to every single thing a person asks of us.  But Lord, there are many occassions where I don't trust the words of others when perhaps you call me to.  I know that you lived your life in completely trust of The Father's will even though sometimes it meant pain suffering for you.  Help me Lord, in my love for you to learn to trust you more and more because you are trust worthy.  When I am trusting you I will be better equipped to loving trust others when you call me too. 

Love Always Hopes; It is easy Lord for the difficulties and circumstances of life to cloud our hope and leave us questioning your love for us and plans for us.  Help me to be encouraged and always remembers the words of 2 Corinthians 4:16-18  "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."  Lord may my hope always be in the eternal promises you have made for us.  May I live a life of hope during the afflictions and may I learn to be there in love for others who are going through difficult times.  May I have a  love for them that comes from my love from you and may it fill them with a hope for so much more that this life has to offer.  Help me to hold onto the hope found in your love for me always and to lean on it and let it anchor my life.

Love Always Perseveres; Lord perseverance in love can take many forms.  It can simply be that we are there for those in need and helping others through their difficult times.  It can also mean to persist in a relationship that is challenging.  Sometimes people have been hurt or disappointed by others and expect to be again.  When relationships get tough we need your strength even more.  I am reminded Lord of your disciple Peter who denied you three times but you didn't abandon your love for him, you held no record of wrong and loved him according to his need at that moment.  Lord help me to remember your persistent persevering love for me and let that be my strength in showing the same kind of love to others when it might not be so easy.

Love Never Fails; Lord I fail people all the time which means I lack in my holding onto and displaying love to others.  1 John 4:8 says, "...God is love."  You are love Lord and you are the ultimate example of all of these things I have prayed about.  Your love for me will never fail, it will never lack in what I need from it, it will never loose it's authority, it will never be defeated, it will never be overcome, it will never be lost or ever cease.  Your love for me is always there for me anytime of day, in any and all circumstances.  May I learn to recognize your love, to experience your love without hindrance, and let your love fill my heart and life so that I may love others with your unfailing love for them.

Lord your word says that I can have faith, I can have hope and I can have love but the greatest of these is love.  In your love I find faith.  In your love I find hope.  Help me to make your love in my life more important than anything else.  I know that when your love fills my heart and I experience it daily I am then equipped to love others according to 1 Corinthians 13.  Fill my heart today lord and let me live a life of loving others the way you love me.


Saturday, August 18, 2018

August 18: Of History, 2500 Years Ago and Today

Esther 1:1-3:15

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Psalm 35:17-28

Proverbs 21:19-20

Please pardon the length of today's reflection.  I hope it is worth the time it takes to read.

The Book of Esther took place 2500 years ago, during the reign of King Xerxes I.  And yet what it teaches, about the oppression of people of faith, and how we are to respond, remains true to this day.  Consider: the Jews have been "carried into exile from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar"; they have been "taken captive".  They live in a land whose laws are hostile to their faith.  And because one man - Mordecai - had refused to commit idolatry by bowing down to a local official - Hamman - that official deemed it just recompense to punish not just Mordecai, but the entire Jewish people.  That official decided that if the Jews would not abandon their God, they would be exterminated.  If they would not bend to his will, then they would be broken.

This was not idle talk.  Mordecai obtained the king's approval and support, and sent instructions throughout the land to kill all the Jews - "young and old, women and children - on a single day…and to plunder their goods".  This was real.  And in light of the Jews' status in exile, it seemed there was nothing they could do to prevent it.

If you've been following the news, there is a case of a Christian baker in Colorado.  He sells his cakes to any customer, without regard to gender, race or creed.  And yes, he sells his cakes to the gay community.  With one exception: as a Christian, he believes marriage is meant to be only between man and woman.  And so he will not bake a cake for a gay wedding.

A gay couple, longtime customers, asked him to bake a cake for their wedding.  He refused, they sued, the state courts sided with the couple, threatening to put him out of business.  He appealed to the Supreme Court, who determined that the state regulators had demonstrated such animosity towards religion that they were unable to demonstrate an impartiality in their adjudication.  They vacated the decision.  Case closed, right?

No.  Shortly thereafter, a woman asked for a cake to celebrate her "gender transition" anniversary.  Again, the baker refused, citing his religious beliefs.  And so the state is once again punishing him for those beliefs.  [An aside: if all the woman really wanted was a gender transition cake, why couldn't she have gone to any number of bakers who would have happily baked one for her?]

Put yourself in the baker's shoes.  For sticking to his beliefs - beliefs he is supposed to be allowed to live by - he is possibly going to lose not just his livelihood - the ability to meet his needs going forward - but all his savings, which represent the fruits of his labors past.  Because he would not put anything above God.  And because the officials decided that, like Mordecai (and like Daniel before him), if he would not bend to their will, then he would have to be broken. As would anyone else who might have the temerity to exercise their religious beliefs.  

And lest one think I focus on just one issue, the fact is this is true about so many things.  The world today, in so many ways, insists, demands that we agree, that God's commands are irrelevant, that He doesn't exist. And it is prepared to exact its pound of flesh from those who will not bend.

How does one trying to live one's faith respond to such a situation?  Thankfully, further along in the book of Esther, we get clear directions, and a warranty.  The directions are straightforward - continue to live as we should; lift the situation up to God; and then fast and pray.  The warranty is pretty clear as well - God promises to answer our prayers, as He did the Jews' prayers as Esther was about to enter into the king's presence, as He did when He gave the Jews the approval and the means by which to prepare to repel the attack.  

To my mind, this is a reminder that Satan hasn't figured out he's already lost the battle; it's been over 2500 years, and he is still trying to fight.  And it is also a reminder that, if we let Him, God will fight, and win, in our behalf.  

Father, the world demands we abandon You and we reject Your commands.  As the world seeks to either bend us to its will, or break us if we will not bend, fight the battle for us - the battle we cannot fight, the battle we cannot win.  Fight it, as You did for Esther, Mordecai and the Jewish diaspora.  "Rescue me from their ravages, my precious life from these lions.  I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise You.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, August 17, 2018

August 17

Nehemiah 13:25   I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair. I made them take an oath in God's name and said: "You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take their daughters in marriage for your sons or for yourselves.

I am not recommending using the Nehemiah approach to changing culture.  In our reading today he used rebuke, cursing, beating people up and pulling out their hair. Just to clarify, that is not how I lost mine.

Israel was a theocracy where God was the king and His law was the constitution. Given that the nation had just returned from 70 years of captivity caused by their rejection of God's commands about marriage, I can see why Nehemiah was a little over the top with this issue. 

But make no mistake about it; marriage is the building block to all nations.  That puts our nation on the trajectory of extinction.

So how do we change the culture? Let me make two suggestions. First, I am making a call to art not a call to arms. From my perspective, TV and the movie screen have changed our nation more than anything else. So to change it back again I want to encourage you to have a movie night at your house. Here is a list of movies taken from "Movie Guide" that celebrate marriage: Father of the Bride, Cheaper by the Dozen, Shadowlands, It's a Wonderful Life, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Quiet Man, The Sound of Music, Julie and Julia, Fireproof and Up…   just to name a few. Show the movie and have a discussion with your friends or neighbors about marriage.

Second, is to change our political strategy. The Church has the wrong strategy. Jacque Ellul, the quirky French philosophy, in his book "THE POLITICAL ILLUSION" pointed that the current cultural view is that all problems are political therefore all solutions are political. Christians have bought into for the past several generations. To make our country a Christian nation we must do it by passing Christian laws. We measure our success by the number of laws we get passed. To be clear, I am totally in favor of being politically active, voting, being informed, and staying informed on all the current issues. Laws are important because they either open up pathways to Biblical morality or shut pathways down. But politics is always downstream from culture. Politicians hold up their finger to detect which way the wind is blowing and get in front of it. Their goal is to get elected.


Here is how I propose we engage and change the current marriage culture in our country. Show the world our sizzling marriages as Christians. Show the world by example that we have great marriage relationships. The world needs to see how much we love, romance, sacrifice for, have fun with, spend time with, and experience the deepest human relationship possible on earth. When they see this they will want to buy in again. That is the goal. 


It may be that the culture will soon be beyond repair – that traditional views will not be tolerated. Or, maybe not. But one thing is for certain, we must use the arts and our lives to pull this culture back to a healthy view of marriage and it will only be accomplished one heart at a time. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday, August 16


"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God -- even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.... Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." (1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1)

These verses above speak to the Christ-follower's responsibility to bring salt and light into communities where the light of the Gospel may not be showing. While we cannot convince anyone of the beauty of Christ or the reality of His resurrection, Paul's instruction to "do it all for the glory of God" applies to us.

How may we practically live out this mandate today? The context suggests that our actions hold significance for our witness for Christ; the Corinthians wondered about food sacrificed to idols, a controversial topic that, if handled flippantly, could bring disrepute on the Church and her message. As a result, Paul urges caution in exercising Christian freedom: we do not wish to rattle the consciences of those watching.

We wish to present a sweet aroma of Christ to a watching world (2 Corinthians 2:15-17), starting with thinking not just of our own concerns, but also those of others. That others-mindedness will draw us back to seeking God's best for our lives and living a life of integrity, humility, and excellence in our efforts. To God be the glory in our lives and our community!

Lord God, we thank You for giving us the opportunity to live among many people. Give us wisdom to cast Your sweet aroma among those who are hungry and thirsty to know You. Help us to wrestle with controversial topics and to avoid rattling consciences. Use us as Your hands and feet in Stamford and beyond. In Jesus's Name, amen.

596 Glenbrook Road, Unit 13 | "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection
Stamford, CT 06906-1423 | and the life. He who believes in me will
(C) 203.820.1741 | live, even though he dies; and whoever
(H) 203.355.9374 | lives and believes in me will never die.
(E) | Do you believe this?'" -- John 11:25,26

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Aug. 15

Psalm 34

I used to do Online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministries. One of the studies we covered was based on the verse from Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction".  As we studied, we learned that Biblically "fear of the Lord" actually referred to honor, respect, and a state of being in awe.  We see that in this Psalm as well in verse 9. "Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing." In the context of the Psalm, David is calling on God for protection as he pretends to be insane before Abimelich.  As we read through David's Psalms we learn that even in David's imperfections, he was in awe of God, held Him in reverence and called upon Him in times of fear and struggle. There are two words in the Bible that I look for when I read passages.  The words are "so that". In school when we teach writing we would refer to these as connecting words, much like answering the question "why" with "because". We hold God in awe "so that" when we go through struggles and fear we know we are not alone.  We hold God in reference "so that" when life doesn't make sense we are not trusting in what we see, but trusting in Who we have faith in. No doubt we live in a fallen world and we can't live in denial of all that happens around us and to us. I do believe we are praying to the same God David prayed to because God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Like David, I am in awe of God and hold on to His word and His promises "so that" I can make it through my day.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August 14

August 14

Nehemiah 7:73-9:21
1 Corinthians 9: 1-18
Psalm 33:12-22
Proverbs 21:11-12

The second half of Psalm 33 begins by contrasting the armies of kings and the strengths of horses with God's nature and power to deliver His people. While the armies of kings are called a false hope, the Psalmist writes of God: "Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine…"

Charles Spurgeon comments on this passage:

"Behold. For this is a greater wonder than hosts and horses, a surer confidence than chariots or shields. The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him. That eye of peculiar care is their glory and defense. None can take them at unawares, for the celestial watcher foresees the designs of their enemies, and provides against them. They who fear God need not fear anything else; let them fix their eye of faith on him, and his eye of love will always rest upon them."

When I'm afraid, I don't often turn to chariots or horses for my protection, but am quick to lean on my own strength, blame others for what's going wrong, despair prematurely, etc. This morning, the Psalmist reminds me that my resources and self-protection pale in comparison to looking to the God of steadfast love who can deliver me and enable me to flourish even in difficult circumstances.

The Psalm closes with simple but powerful reminders to redirect our hearts to our ultimate Protector and Deliverer. Remember God's character, give thanks and be glad in Him, trust in Him and wait on Him.

Father, would you awaken our hearts today to sense your steadfast love resting on us as we place our trust in you. Amen.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Aug 13

Lord we meed you today and everyday! Lord we cry out to you during your time of need, we tell people how much we love you, we tell people how awesome you are, we tell people to trust in you, we make T-shirts, we put them on bumper stickers, and we post on Facebook. Lord forgive us for not owning it ourselves, forgive us for not trusting you, for not believing your word, and for our blatant hypocrisy. Lord today I want to simply worship you, as Paul says to worship you in spirit and in truth. I pray today that all who read this would take a moment out of their day and click the playlist pick a song and worship you, as we heard yesterday during the sermon Lord,  we need to find that middle C on the piano and be able to harmonize with you in unison. Lord when we tune in to your middle C then we will line up with you, Lord you strike that chord through the nature of your beauty that you've given us, through your word which is living alive and effective, Through prayer where your spirit convicts, encourages, and enlightens us, through the relationships we have with others. Lord you were always playing those chords we just need to hit them to find your pitch. 

Lord today we simply want to worship you because you are awesome, you are amazing not because of what you do for us, but rather what you do through us, and simply because you are God. So today let us take 10 minutes to put aside our agenda use our phones to set this appointment with you today for 10 minutes Lord for all the time you've given us forgive us for even minimizing our time with you to only 10 minutes. Lord we have to start somewhere so for that 10 minutes today will put aside to lift up your awesomeness, and to singing songs of worship to you.

For anyone who wants to join me at 12:30 PM today I will be stopping for those 10 minutes praying for God to speak to me, and to lift up songs of praise. If you will be joining me today please email or text me so I know that we are praying together. 


Playlist for this Sundays songs. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

August 11: Of Bricks, One at a Time

Nehemiah 1:1-3:14
1 Corinthians 7:1-24
Psalm 31:19-24
Proverbs 21:4

Have you ever had a moment when it hits you how much a mess you've made of things?  The moment can come many ways - the night before finals and you haven't studied at all; the day a bill is due and there isn't money in the bank; the summer the kids leave home and you haven't taught them what they need to know.  A flood of emotion engulfs you - regret, remorse, anger, sadness, helplessness and fear - none of them very good alone, together threatening to drown you into giving up.  

That must have been what Nehemiah felt.  In exile, he learned those who had returned to Israel were "in great trouble and disgrace", and that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down, its gates burned with fire.  He was so overwhelmed, he sat down and wept.  At that point he must have been tempted to give up.  

What did Nehemiah do?  He repented of Israel's sin, lamented Israel's situation to the Lord, and cried out to God for help.  He mourned, he fasted and he prayed.  And he remembered that he had no claim on God - and that his prayer was premised on God's words: "…but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for My Name."

After he did this, two things worth noting.  First, God answered his prayer. King Artaxerxes permitted him to return to Jerusalem, and gave him what he needed to rebuild.  And second, God didn't wave His hand and rebuild Jerusalem.  No, Nehemiah and the Israelites had to go through the rebuilding process, one brick at a time.  But in the end, the rebuilt many of the gates and much of the wall, restoring much of Jerusalem.  It took time and effort, but they got much done - none of which would have been possible, had Nehemiah not first prayed, nor had God not answered Nehemiah's prayer with Artaxerxes's permission and support.

If you are like me, you are a parent who worries for his kids, has bills to pay, and struggles with deadlines he needs to meet; you are an adult who looks around and sees the sinful distortion our society has come to accept; you are a person who thinks he's just made a total hash of things.  And you may find yourself overwhelmed, tempted to just give up.  Don't.  Nehemiah gives us a set of instructions to follow:  acknowledge our sin, turn to God, repent, ask for help, and rely on His promises.  And then wait, and when He answers, do what needs to be done - one brick at a time. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Aug 10

1 Corinthians 6


The city of Corinth was the ancient world's "Las Vegas." Those who came out of this culture into a relationship with Jesus had to make a choice in their sexual thinking. The Corinthian culture said that everything was permissible, that there were no boundaries, and so do whatever you please.  The Corinthian culture was driven by self-worship.  It is the exact same goal our culture champions today. This world view detaches sex from God and says our pleasure is the ultimate goal. Notice how Paul ends this passage, "Therefore honor God with your body."   In the end, sex is an act of worship.


In sexuality, we are either worshipping ourselves or worshipping God. If we worship ourselves, we will make our goals supreme. We will then use the body of another person to get our pleasure. But sexuality is an empty god. It promises much but delivers very little. G.K. Chesterton nailed it spot on when he said, "Every man who knocks on the door of a brothel is looking for God."  Sex can never deliver. It can't make us content. Sex can never give us lasting happiness or meaning and purpose in life. Sex just can't give life.


The other choice is to worship God in our sexuality. We allow God to give us guidance and direction and then make every sexual decision to honor him. So, we need to ask this question: Are we engaging in sex to please ourselves or to please God?   If we are living for ourselves, we become dangerous because we will use people for our own pleasure and we won't have proper boundaries since our own goals are supreme.


We need to ask, "What pleases the God who designed us?  Are we living for an audience of one in our sexuality?"  The choice to honor God and live for His pleasure, not our own, is a radical choice that will absolutely transform our lives and our sexuality.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thursday, August 9



“In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water

    that he channels toward all who please him.

A person may think their own ways are right,

    but the Lord weighs the heart.” (Proverbs 21:1,2)



These two verses from Proverbs both relate to God’s sovereignty over creation.  This reality should ultimately bring us peace, knowing that His purposes will prevail.


The first proverb addresses the nature of human governmental structures.  At the time that these verses were written, kings wielded tremendous authority, well beyond that of most modern leaders.  Outside of considering God’s sovereignty, an individual subject might stand in great fear of the king, believing that the king’s whims would determine his or her future.  This verse captures the idea that even kings’ hearts remained under God’s control and that God intended to protect his faithful servants.


The second proverb underscores that God’s Word stands above our own thinking, however elevated.  We often resort to self-justification, even as we know in our consciences that we have disregarded the truth of God’s Word.  As an example, we might believe that God wouldn’t really judge us for our pride or our lack of love for others.  Times have changed, right?  Yet, God’s Word hasn’t changed, and it remains effective today and forever.  If we choose to live according to our own standards, we will ultimately break God’s law and fall under judgment.  By the powerful blood of Christ, however, we may be established as God’s sons and daughters and receive full forgiveness for our sin and reconciliation with God.


After receiving salvation, we will do well to honor God’s Word faithfully.  For the Christ-follower, we set our hearts and minds on bringing glory to God, and we will fall short of that goal if we choose to disregard God’s Word.  Humility will lead us to obedience and ultimately freedom and joy.  I commend this talk by Francis Chan on living humbly before God as an additional resource; its message will challenge and edify you:



Lord God, thank You for teaching us wisdom through the Proverbs.  Thank You that You control the course of history, even reaching to the halls of power.  We submit ourselves to You today, looking to follow Your Word more closely.  Show us where we may live more humbly and more fully recognize Your sovereignty in our lives.  In Jesus’s Name, amen.