Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday, February 1


[Jesus:] "Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?"

"He will bring those wretches to a wretched end," they replied, "and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time." (Matthew 21:40,41)

Jesus's Parable of the Tenants (along with the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in Chapter 20 before it) points out the danger of doubting God's righteousness, looking down on others' supposed lack of righteousness, and judging God's lovingkindness to us and others. Jesus directed these parables towards the Pharisees, and they did sting: "When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus's parables, they knew he was talking about them. They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet." (Matthew 21:45,46)

While we could delve into the Pharisees' false righteousness, we may take perhaps a more applicable tack in considering our tendency to judge others, while not holding ourselves accountable to God's standards. In essence, this practice begins with pride and feeds that pride through comparisons and self-justification. "At least I'm not like that," we muse. We forget, however, that our sinfulness has precluded us (on our own merit) from heaven; only through the perfect righteousness of Christ may God's wrath be rightly fulfilled. We stand only on Christ's righteousness -- not our own.

The pathway to growing in Christlike character begins with a recognition of our shortcomings and a hunger to seek God through it all. As we abide in Christ, He desires to bless us with the power of the Holy Spirit. If we ask, God will indeed give us the power of the Holy Spirit and build fruit into our lives.

I read an encouraging post on growing in 2018 and what it takes to include learning as part of one's life. The article discussed the critical element of limiting multi-tasking and focusing on the lesson at hand. Applying that to our spiritual growth, what has God been showing you as a growth area in 2018? How may you focus on that growth area and skip some other distractions?

These parables also underscore how little we deserve the blessing of being included in God's family. It draws my thoughts to the humble prayer of the tax collector: "Have mercy, O God, on me, a sinner." Praise Him that He lavished His love on us, sinners saved by His grace alone.

Lord Jesus, thank You for teaching us about the power of righteousness through these parables. You alone have the power to save us, and yet we do not welcome your move in our lives. We judge others' worthiness and even question Your motives. Help us to have an attitude of humility and a learning mindset. Renew us and strengthen us through Your Holy Spirit so that we may better reflect Your character. We love You and worship You today. In Jesus's Name, amen.

596 Glenbrook Road, Unit 13 | "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection
Stamford, CT 06906-1423 | and the life. He who believes in me will
(C) 203.820.1741 | live, even though he dies; and whoever
(H) 203.355.9374 | lives and believes in me will never die.
(E) | Do you believe this?'" -- John 11:25,26

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