Psalm 27
How about some word associations? I say the word, and you give me a one word response.
Michael Jordan
Tiger Woods
Nick Foles
The appropriate responses should be basketball, golf and football. I am hoping you will hear a lot about Nick on Sunday. Well, if we add King David to the list, the one word associated with him would be "worship." In his own words here is what David says.
One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
David had many responsibilities and demands on his time. He was much busier than any of us. He was king, he had an economy to run, diplomats to receive, interviews with reporters, and State of the Union speeches to give. On top of this he had multiple wives and a ton of kids. Talk about busy.
Yet with all of this activity and all of these pressing responsibilities David had one overarching passion. He worshiped God. If you asked him his "Top Priority", the very first item on his "TO DO" list was worshiping the Lord.
Do you want to discern what your "#1" priority in life is? Consider the following scenario; today your boss calls you in their office and says profits are way up so you can take Monday off. You are free to do whatever you want on Monday, February 5th. So, there you are with one completely free day. What will you write down on your TO DO list for that day? What would be #1 on that list? Would you even include worship as a priority?
David chose worship as his first and foremost passion. That is why David was called, " a man after God's own heart."
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