Micah 5:1-7:20
Revelation 7:1-17
Psalm 135:1-21
Proverbs 30:5-6
"You've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette."
- English (American?) proverb
See, the shell gets in the way of the deliciousness of an egg. It looks cool, and it looks like it's doing a good job, but in order for us to enjoy the egg, the shell has got to go.
Today's reading in Micah, specifically 5:10-15, says as much. If we were to paraphrase today's reading, it might say "you've got to demolish a few chariots" or "you've got to tear down all your strongholds", or even "you've got to destroy your idols and your sacred stones among you" and "you've got to suffer God's vengeance in anger and wrath on the nations that have not obeyed Him" in order to enjoy relationship with God, and all the goodness that brings. I'm sure the Asherah pole seemed like a good idea at some point; I'm certain that, having worked really hard to build something - a career, a bank account - it made sense to put our trust in it. But the truth is, those are shells that separate us from God's goodness. They have to be broken.
It isn't easy. Seriously, how many of us, after recognizing the dependence, after swearing off of it, still find ourselves clinging to it unconsciously? Old habits die hard, if they ever die at all. The good news is that, in the verse, it isn't us that breaks the shell - it's God. He does what we cannot. He tears down the strongholds, destroys the witchcraft, destroys the idols we cannot. He breaks the eggs to make the omelette - all for us. And all He asks is that we "walk humbly with [our] God".
I love omelettes. I try to make them the way Jacque Pepin does in his video - with butter and a generous helping of parmesan cheese. I don't let the shells get in the way. God offers us far better...let's not let the shell of our sinfulness get in the way either.
Father thank You for cracking the eggs and setting the plate of Your blessing. We walk humbly with You to Your table.
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