Wednesday, December 13, 2017

December 13

Revelation 4

There is a wonderful song by Mercy Me, I Could Only Imagine, --  I'm sure we've all heard it more than once.  As I was reading through John's vision, this song came to my mind. How do we react to such magnificence? We worship like the angels. I started to think about how He is the Creator of all things and He is the first cause of everything in the Universe. (Col. 1:16) My guess is somewhere in galaxies we don't even know about, things are still being created from the very first time He spoke the earth into existence.  When we think about it, there can be no false idols because nothing ever made should or can be the object of religious worship. That becomes our creation, not the Creators. Nothing compares to His glory. He is the preserver of all things, and in His preservation there is continual creation. Even when we get to heaven we get recreated to His image. Everything that ever was or will ever be is held together by the sustaining power of God. All beings, except for God alone, are dependent upon His will and power. We were created for His pleasure and glory. As God made all things at His pleasure and saw it was good,  so he made them for His pleasure, to deal with us and everything around us, as he pleases and to glorify himself one way or another. This is His show, not ours.  So as we read about John's vision I'm not sure my mind can even grasp what he saw.  I can only imagine.


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