Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 31, 2017

" Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals" Psalm 150: 3-5

What if the instruments listed in Psalm 150, are simple metaphors for our souls, for our unique gifts and talents,  for praising God from a place of true self.  What if every single one of us, is created with a unique "voice"  for praising and bringing Jesus and the Kingdom, into this world.  How can I find my voice, my purpose, my praise? Two things came to mind this week:

- Start each day with remembering- WHO AM I?

In the movie, "50 First Dates", the main character Lucy, played by Drew Barrymore, suffers from anterograde amnesia as a result of a serious car accident.  She is not able to remember anything, past the day of the accident. In order for her to have a somehow normal life , she needed to watch a video made by her family, each morning, that explained her accident, who she was, and where she was in life. That made me think of how vital it is for us Christians, to have a similar routine.  Something to remind us, of who we are in Christ, and where we are in our walk with Christ. I think 2018 could be so different, if each morning I would take the time to embrace my true identity, dictated by my Heavenly Father, rather than what my parents, schools, jobs, relationships programmed me to be. Let's praise God by knowing who we are, so " fearfully and wonderfully made". ( Ps 139:14)

-Claim God's promises for my life every single day, with passion and enthusiasm

The "passion and enthusiasm" part,  I got from Zig Ziglar, a famous motivational speaker,  who claims that reciting a series of affirmations every morning and evening before bed, in front of a mirror, with passion and enthusiasm can produce a major change in someone's life. There are indeed a lot of testimonies from people whose lives have changed. If random affirmations have that power, how life changing, a similar ritual with Scripture verses would be. A list of favorite verses that we could claim each day with passion and enthusiasm. Let's praise God by honoring and integrating his Word into our lives!

Wishing you all, a New Year filled with blessings and joy! Happy New Year!


Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29

Revelation 20

Have you ever heard the line, "It's not what you know but it's who you know?" I heard of a lady who carried that truth to the bitter end. This lady wanted to marry four different men in her lifetime. She said each one would help her with the four things she needed most. First, she wanted to marry a banker, second, a movie star, next a pastor, and finally, a funeral director. When asked why, she answered, "One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go."

Everyone has a view about the future and how to prepare for it. The Bible teaches that the only person you need to know to get ahead is King Jesus. And there is no getting ahead without him.

Over the past week we saw the final chapters of human history. The final days are incredibly dark and violent. This is what happens when a culture abandons God and loses its ethical moorings. During this period of time a lot of bad things are going to happen to God's people. It would be easy to lose hope and despair. But then comes chapter 20 and we see the King passing his judgment on the world.  

Revelation 20:4  And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Make no mistake about it. This portrait of Jesus the King changes everything. At Christmas we see Jesus as a helpless, vulnerable infant. Here we see him as the Lion, the invincible conqueror. Behold his blazing wrath over injustice, evil, violence, corrupt politicians and the predators in Hollywood. (sorry just couldn't resist taking a shot).

When we see Jesus as the one who will come in the role of our champion it gives us hope to persevere. Keep your eyes on Jesus and do not lose hope.  Jesus is coming again. Count on it. Live in the light of it.


"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thursday, December 28


10 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
    nor his delight in the legs of the warrior;
11 the Lord delights in those who fear him,
    who put their hope in his unfailing love.
(Psalm 147:10,11)

In our readings from both Zechariah and Revelation, we see the culmination of history in the redemption of God's people and the overcoming of the forces of evil.  These developments bring forth a holy cleansing and victory over darkness, to the glory of God and the rescue of His people.  We understand that history will come to fruition in and around Jerusalem.

In light of these accounts, it focuses my attention on what it means to be well-prepared for our Lord's coming and His forthcoming reign.  God has explained that He intends for His people to serve with Him in His Kingdom.  What would it look like to be ready for what lies ahead in that Kingdom?

In short, we will benefit from studying God's Word thoroughly to understand what God esteems and what He wishes us to avoid.  In this short passage from Psalm 147:10,11, we read about what brings delight to our God.  While the world esteems strength, wealth, or power, the Lord "delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."  He loves those with a God-centered outlook, placing Him first in their lives, both in action and thought.

As we look ahead to New Year's resolutions, how could you become centered in loving and serving God for 2018?  How would you like to grow?  Would you be willing to join us in studying God's Word together?  Do you have any friends or family members that would benefit from this journey together?

Lord God, thank You for revealing that You will bring history to conclusion through Your Son.  Help us to become well-prepared for this certain future by loving You more and following You more closely in 2018.  Reveal how we may grow more into the image of Your Son, to Your honor and glory.  Thank You for Your many blessings in 2017 — and for never leaving us nor forsaking us.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

December 26

Zechariah 10-11

Who Are You Shepherding?

A shepherd is defined as someone who cares for, leads, and guides, people or animals.  In verse 11:4 the Lord said "Pasture the flock marked for slaughter".  As I was reading through this I started to wonder, in today's world, who would that be?  Who am I supposed to be caring for or guiding?  In a world where idols are often created out of money, power, fame, or success, we, as followers of Jesus, have a wide field of people to choose from when we think about who we should be guiding.  The choice is so clear, but the pull of the world is so strong, do we trust in the idols we create or in God's promises for our future?  As we read through Zechariah and Revelation, we learn who the flock marked for slaughter is.  Just as God told Zechariah to take a job as a shepherd of a flock of sheep being fattened for slaughter, Jesus told us to go make disciples (Matthew 28:19). Just as He told Peter to take care of His sheep, (John 21:16), He has told us.  After I was done with the reading, I was led to pray and ask God who does He have for me to shepherd this year? As an instrument of God's hands, how will God use me to turn someone's eyes toward the Lord?  As followers of Jesus, we know that there is nothing of this world that will fulfill us. As we've read all throughout the year and culminating in Revelations, only in the Messiah will all the promises of God be fulfilled. We have been commissioned by Jesus and empowered by His Holy Spirit to pasture the flock. I pray we continue to encourage and strengthen each other as a body of believers to care, lead and guide the flock marked for slaughter, always keeping our eyes fixed on the Lord and giving Him glory and honor and He gathers together under His wings those who are willing (Mat. 23:37, Luke 13:34). I would like to encourage everyone to take a moment as we close out this year and ask the Lord who He wants you to shepherd.


Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Day Blog Post

The First Christmas Gift - more than what meets the eye

"For God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son that, whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

This verse is a proclamation of the very first "Christmas" gifts ever given.

God sent His son to the world.  He wrapped him in flawless humanity and GAVE him to a flawed world.  The Creator became creation for our benefit simply because of the love God had for us.  Not because we deserved the gift or had put it on our list of things we wanted.  Simply because of his love.  That flawless human gift would walk life and experience what we experience.  He would not be a gift that was aloof, that was unaware, that was misinformed but he would be a gift to the world that understood, that experienced, that lived in and amongst the pains, trials, sufferings, burdens and hardship of the flawed human life.  He was to be a gift that understood and loved with compassion, grace and mercy.  The gift was to be the Ultimate display of the LOVE of God.

But this was not the only part of the gift, no there was more....

This perfect, understanding and love filled gift was given with one main purpose.  This gift was to redeem, to pay the price of sin for a world of flawed humans.  The price for sin is death!  It does not matter what your social status is, your ethnicity, your level of education, you bank account balance, nothing in all of creation can be given to pay the price of our sin except for one...The life of that flawless human gift, God's one and only Son.  That flawless gift was given to be our replacement and pay the cost for our very personal sins.  To give us all FREEDOM from that debt. It was a second part to an already awesome gift.

But guess what?  These were not the only parts of the gift, you guessed it there was more....

Death would not hold onto the flawless gift given by God.  No, this flawless human would rise from the dead in victory and bring with him the third part of this gift,  Hope!  This precious gift that was given as a display of God's love and understanding, that paid the price for our sins, kept giving and rose victorious from the dead to offer us HOPE!  The challenges, the hardships, the pains, the struggles, the _______________ (you fill in the blank) that we face in our flawed human lives is not the end, is not the climax of existence.  There is a life, an eternal perfect one, beyond this flawed one we live in now.  There is hope beyond today.  There is hope beyond our pain.  There is hope beyond our sadness.  There is hope beyond whatever heaviness that tries to bind us.  This life is and was never meant to be it.  We have a opportunity for something so much greater.

That original Christmas gift that God gave us almost 2,000 years ago was a tri-fold gift from a Triune God!  But it is a GIFT, which means that we need to receive it, to accept it, to BELIEVE in it.  It is the only action we need to take in order to receive everything good this gift hold for us, that this gift want for us to have.

If you have already received this gift, if you have already ask the Lord into your life and believed in Him, then I encourage you today, Christmas Day (and every day really), to give Praise and Thanks to God for His gracious love given to us.  Give Praise and Thanks to God for his sacrifice and our freedom.  Give Praise and Thanks to God for a Hope that can never be taken away from us.  Give God Praise and Thanks for the gift he gave, the only one that has eternal benefits, his son Jesus Christ.

If you have never received this gift then I encourage you today to take a moment and talk to God and tell him you want and need to receive, to believe in this precious gift that was given for you.  I can guarantee you that life will always have it moments of disappointment, sadness, failures, and challenges.  It will never be able to produce for you what that first Christmas gift can.  Open you heart and let the Lord in.  It hasn't always been easy but I am so very thankful that I did.  I hope you will too.

I wish you all a blessed, joyful, and Christ filled Christmas.  And as always I am here if you should need or want to talk.

Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

December 23: Of Hitting or Missing the Mark

Zecharaiah 4:1-5:11
Revelation 14:1-20
Psalm 142:1-7
Proverbs 30:21-23

"...There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name."  This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep His commands and remain faithful to Jesus.

- Revelation 14:11-12

The Book of Revelation has always been a tough one for me.  When I read it, I find myself missing the forest for the trees quite a bit.  I focus on trying to understand the significance of numbers and symbols and characters, rather than on what God is trying to teach me.  I was reading the NT scripture, and the verse above caught my attention.  As I stopped to read it over, and then a third time, I got a glimpse of the forest.  

I don't believe many people start the day determined to "worship the beast and its image".  But sin is "missing the mark".  That suggests specific target, focus and direction. There is one mark.  To hit anything else, to aim at anything else, is to fail.  The mark is God - acknowledging Him, knowing Him, loving Him and submitting to Him.  But why should we?  I think it's because, apart from the key purpose - to love Him and be united with Him - God has permitted us certain needs and desires in our heart.  Those needs and desires take many forms - from food, clothing, shelter and relationship, to money, power and popularity.  I believe that ultimately, however, those needs all converge at one point: a better life for ourselves, and for those we love.  And I believe that the satisfaction of those needs and desires, and the ease with which they are satisfied, is determined by whether or not we hit the mark.  

For the first 12 years of my daughter's life, I worked my hindquarters off, in hopes of building a good life for her, her brothers and their mom, one I equated with material abundance and financial security.  I was constantly traveling, constantly exhausted - and constantly absent.  Not having surrendered the decision to God, I had no way of realizing my good intentions were leaving my kids without a father, and my wife without a husband - all in pursuit of a life I had no reason to believe was going to be THE good life for them.  I was missing the mark, and so there was no rest, day or night, for me.

How then to approach things?  We get great guidance in today's OT reading.  In Zecharaiah 4:6 we read that the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel is "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit".  One of the greatest temptations is to think it IS by our might, our power, our intellect, our hard work, our resources, our relationships, our whatever-it-is.  When we depend on that, we miss the mark, and we sin, and we make things so much harder for ourselves.  

Lord, as we celebrate the birth of Your Son, in the humblest of surroundings and the most threatening of environments (Caesar Augustus wasn't going to tolerate a claimant to his throne, was he?) remind us of the completeness of our helplessness and our dependence on You.  Help us to make the best use of our effort, by focusing on You.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Thursday, December 21 (resending)

(Resending this entry due to an e-mail error)

"... The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)

This verse does not come from today's reading, but it has been circulating in my mind since we read it earlier this week. From this verse, we understand that God takes "great delight" in His children and "rejoices over you with singing." What a fantastic promise!

Given our finite understanding, we cannot fully grasp the depth of God's love for us - and the joy that He experiences in His relationships. It brings to mind Jesus's noting that, if we love one another and abide in our relationship with God, our joy will be "complete." The phrase from Zephaniah suggests that God experiences this fullness of joy through His relationship with us, too.

Does your past - or your present - make it challenging to fathom God's love for you? Do you ever feel undeserving of God's affection? The Incarnation, Jesus's taking on human form to live in perfect obedience and to become a perfect sacrifice for us, speaks to the depth of God's love. As Romans 5:8 explains, "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He looked on the crowds with compassion, and He knew of those who would follow Him, including us.

As you recall the miracle of the Incarnation, please fix your mind and heart on the glory of God's amazing gift and the lavishness of His love. May His singing over us lead us to awe, worship, and greater joy as we follow Him wholeheartedly.

Lord God, thank You for sending Your Son in human form so that we might receive forgiveness through His perfect obedience and perfect sacrifice. Give us clean hands and eyes so that we might know You better at this Christmastime. Help us to experience the overflowing joy that You desire for Your children, rooted in an abiding trust and the certainty of Your presence. In Jesus's Name, amen.

596 Glenbrook Road, Unit 13 | "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection
Stamford, CT 06906-1423 | and the life. He who believes in me will
(C) 203.820.1741 | live, even though he dies; and whoever
(H) 203.355.9374 | lives and believes in me will never die.
(E) | Do you believe this?'" -- John 11:25,26

Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22 2017

Revelation 13

The purpose of the book of Revelation is to encourage and warn us regarding the final chapters of human history. In our reading today, we see one of the darkest chapters of human history. A world dictator is going to rise to power. He will rule the world with peace at first, but then a terrible time of persecution will break out against all Christ followers and the nation of Israel. Obviously, this will be a very difficult time to be a follower of Jesus. The Bible calls this dictator "the Antichrist."   "Anti" means both "against" and "in the place of" Jesus. The purpose of the Antichrist will be to oppose the true Christ and to have worship directed towards himself and Satan, who ultimately empowers him.

The Antichrist is a composite man, who in his character, displays the abilities and powers of great past leaders like Alexander the Great and Napoleon. He will have the charisma of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. He will have an irresistible personality, superhuman wisdom, as well as superb administration and execution abilities. He will also have supernatural powers that will cause people to think he is a god. All these gifts will be conferred on him by Satan, whose tool he will be.

During this period of time there will be a one-world government that will control a one-world economy. People will not be able to buy or sell without a mark on their hand or forehead.

These will be terrible times for planet Earth. But don't lose hope or fall into despair. Jesus will return and defeat him. While the Antichrist will become incredibly strong, do unthinkable damage and cause unparalleled destruction, his doom is certain.  One word, one puff of air from the mouth of Jesus and he will be destroyed. At times I wonder where God is when evil appears to reign and rule this planet.  But Jesus is coming again.

When the army of Julian the Apostate was on the march to Persia, some of the soldiers got hold of a Christian believer to torment and torture him in brutal sport. After they wearied of it, they looked into his eyes and said scornfully to their helpless victim, "Where now is your carpenter God?"  (Referring to Jesus) The prisoner looked up through his pain, blood and agony to say, "Where now is my carpenter God?  He is building a coffin for your emperor!"  It's true!! For every God-defying person, every God-defying power, every God-defying principle that exalts itself above God and his Word, the coffin is now being built.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 20

Psalm 139

As I was reading this Psalm, I was reminded of listening to my Mom talk the other day about a jewelry loop that was handed down to her which was used to examine flaws in diamonds.  In this Psalm, we are given a poetic description of divine omniscience.  The Jewish Study Bible explains that sitting down and standing up are expressing the whole of one's life and activity.  The hand of the Lord is an expression of divine control and assistance.  I started to think that since the Lord knows us so intrinsically as the Psalm explains, what would He find if He took a loop designed to find flaws and examined the heart that He gave us which was meant to love Him?  As my Mom was talking to me about finding flaws in diamonds, I was thinking about the flaws in my heart!  To be honest, I kind of tuned out of what she was saying and started to pray in my mind.  I was reminded of the theme of Advent, prepare Him room.  The King of the universe was born in the back room in a manger but does He live in the back room of our hearts or have we given Him His proper place?  This has been a very emotional Advent season for me, which I guess is good -- that's what it's supposed to be. God's hand knit me together and He knows every aspect of my inner being. I can't hide anywhere, or hide any part of me.  When the God who created me examines my heart will He find the room I prepared for His Son? God knows we aren't perfect and He sees our flaws. Jesus was born to die so that His blood would cover our flaws and when God examines our hearts He will recognize His image within us as we were originally created. Today just started and we have 5 days left till our Savior's birth. There's still time. Prepare Him room.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday Dec 18th Blog post

This is not based on today's reading but is something I shared at church yesterday.  As we enter into the busy week before Christmas I want to be encouraged and encourage others to take the time to sit at the feet of Jesus and Prepare your hearts for all the Savior has to offer.

Prepare Him Room!
How successful have you been in doing that this week?  This Advent season?  This year?
Our everyday lives are busy and when Christmas time draws nears our lives seems to become even busier.
We somehow manage to fit in to our already busy lives: Gift buying, Christmas parties, Writing Christmas cards, Making cookies, Cutting down and decorating Christmas trees, Wrapping gifts, Family visits, Waiting in longer lines and sitting in more than usual traffic
For many as Christmas draws nearer they deal not just with the busyness of life but also struggle with what can often times be a daily life struggle with Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Bitterness, Hurt, Shame/Guilt, Lack of forgiveness, Hopelessness, Pride.
All theses things, the busyness of life and the season, along with the deeper heart struggles that fill our thoughts and time,  can easily distract us from the daily need to prepare Him,    Christ, room in our hearts and lives.
We prepare Him room by spending daily, unrushed time, inviting him in to our lives.  We can do this through Praying, Reading his word & seeking wisdom, Sitting in Quiet, and connecting with others who are seeking to prepare him room.
Why is it important to prepare Him, the King of Kings, The Prince of Peace, room in our hearts and lives?
It gives our hearts opportunity To Heal, To find Rest, To experience hope, To be filled with what is lacking and needed, To be humbled, To feel true love, the Love of God lavished upon you, To be freed
When we take the time to prepare him room and allow our hearts to be filled with the Goodness of the Lord, with lasting gifts  from  God this Christmas and beyond then we become a light to the world.
Like the star, that guided the Wisemen to the long awaited messiah, the Christ, the savior and redeemer, that first Christmas in Bethlehem, we become a light to the world around us.  We help lead others to the Healer, Forgiver, Redeemer, and  Savior.  We become a gift bearer of truth, hope and freedom to the Lost that the Lord wants to reach.
Let's not delay.  Let's not wait any longer.  Let's start now, today, and Prepare Him Room' Let's prepare a place in our hearts and lives for the long awaited Messiah, the Prince of Peace, our Savior Jesus Christ.
It is not  just a seasonal things but there is no better season to start than now – At Christmas.
We make time for so much more, let us make time for the one that really matters, the one that can truly make a difference.
As you listen to the song I encourage you to use the time to sit and reflect on how much time you spend preparing him room verses the busyness of life, to sing it as a proclamation, or to pray and invite the Lord in.
Let this be the start, or even the continuation for some, in living a life where we daily
Prepare Him Room.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

December 16: Of omelettes and egg shells

Micah 5:1-7:20
Revelation 7:1-17
Psalm 135:1-21
Proverbs 30:5-6

"You've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette."
- English (American?) proverb

See, the shell gets in the way of the deliciousness of an egg.  It looks cool, and it looks like it's doing a good job, but in order for us to enjoy the egg, the shell has got to go.  

Today's reading in Micah, specifically 5:10-15, says as much.  If we were to paraphrase today's reading, it might say "you've got to demolish a few chariots" or "you've got to tear down all your strongholds", or even "you've got to destroy your idols and your sacred stones among you" and "you've got to suffer God's vengeance in anger and wrath on the nations that have not obeyed Him" in order to enjoy relationship with God, and all the goodness that brings.  I'm sure the Asherah pole seemed like a good idea at some point; I'm certain that, having worked really hard to build something - a career, a bank account - it made sense to put our trust in it.  But the truth is, those are shells that separate us from God's goodness.  They have to be broken.

It isn't easy. Seriously, how many of us, after recognizing the dependence, after swearing off of it, still find ourselves clinging to it unconsciously?  Old habits die hard, if they ever die at all.  The good news is that, in the verse, it isn't us that breaks the shell - it's God.  He does what we cannot.  He tears down the strongholds, destroys the witchcraft, destroys the idols we cannot.  He breaks the eggs to make the omelette - all for us.  And all He asks is that we "walk humbly with [our] God".

I love omelettes.  I try to make them the way Jacque Pepin does in his video - with butter and a generous helping of parmesan cheese.  I don't let the shells get in the way.  God offers us far better...let's not let the shell of our sinfulness get in the way either.

Father thank You for cracking the eggs and setting the plate of Your blessing.  We walk humbly with You to Your table.   

Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15

December 15, 2017

Revelation 6

They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?" Rev. 6:16-17

The holiness of God is our worst enemy. God's holiness means He can't tolerate any sin, any rebellion, any disobedience, and this makes God dangerous. In these six seals we see God pouring out his wrath on a rebellious planet and it is scary. Did you notice the oxymoron used here? The wrath of the lamb. That just doesn't make sense. Lambs are soft and gentle and there is nothing hostile in them. Something has occurred that has switched the wiring in this lamb. And that something is the rebellion of mankind. You can already see the forces of darkness gaining strength in our world. Eventually these forces will unite together in a one-world government and Christ followers will be the hated and massacred. Those murders will cause the lamb of God to roar from heaven. It will be a frightening roar that will chill even the most hostile heart.

Beware of the deception that is occurring right now on the political and religious spectrum. The battle lines are drawn and every God-defying, God-rebelling political power will face the terrifying wrath of the Lamb. Human evildoers will turn God the Son from a mute victim into an almost mutant victor.  

But nobody, nobody can stand. Certainly, none of us. We can't stand. All we can do is get on our knees, confess our sin, humbly seek the forgiveness of God, and focus our faith like a laser on the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

You see, in the end the Lamb of God has two faces. One is the face of wrath, a sight that "ought to make our blood run cold," as C. S. Lewis once put it. The other is the face of suffering love, the face of one who has had his throat slit for the sins of his repentant people. One face or the other is turned toward you and me this very day, this very hour.

Which face do you see?

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday, December 14



“Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:


‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb

    be praise and honor and glory and power,

for ever and ever!’” (Revelation 5:13)



In today’s passage from Revelation, we find several successive sets of worship coming from the four living creatures and the 24 elders (8–10); a multitude of angels (11,12); and “every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them.” (13)  Revelation includes several mentions of triumphant worship from both angels and every living creature.  In theological terms, we might describe this heavenly worship as the teleological purpose of each created being and thing:  to bring glory and honor to God.


From the passage, we understand that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, is fully worthy to receive praise, honor, glory, and power.  Slain to carry the sins of the world, Christ “purchased” the redeemed for God “with your blood.” (9)  Through faith in Christ’s atoning work, people “from every tribe and language and people and nation” have become “a kingdom and priests to serve our God,” who “will reign on the earth.” (9,10)


Even today, we may prepare for this teleological purpose that God has prepared.  We may celebrate God’s awesome character and His amazing work poured out into our lives and the lives of those around us.  As we have recently reviewed at Grace, worship and gratitude are closely intertwined.  As we reflect on God’s character, the time will call forth both worship and gratitude.


While in college, a wonderful leader who had discipled me and some friends challenged us to remember how God had worked in our lives over the previous semester.  We created “stones” like the ones that the Israelites deposited as a memorial after seeing the River Jordan stand still (Joshua 4:8,9).  I have continued this practice on a yearly basis, looking to record the top two to five ways in which God has demonstrated His faithfulness.  This exercise helps to embed memories of God’s goodness and mercy.  Would you be willing to consider doing that for 2017?



Lord God, thank You that we may anticipate an amazing time of worshipping You in heaven.  Prepare our hearts in this Christmas season to worship You fully, instead of becoming overwhelmed or unfocused.  Give us joy in knowing You and in fellowshipping with family and friends.  Point out those events or changes in 2017 where You showed Your faithfulness.  In Jesus’s precious Name, amen.


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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

December 13

Revelation 4

There is a wonderful song by Mercy Me, I Could Only Imagine, --  I'm sure we've all heard it more than once.  As I was reading through John's vision, this song came to my mind. How do we react to such magnificence? We worship like the angels. I started to think about how He is the Creator of all things and He is the first cause of everything in the Universe. (Col. 1:16) My guess is somewhere in galaxies we don't even know about, things are still being created from the very first time He spoke the earth into existence.  When we think about it, there can be no false idols because nothing ever made should or can be the object of religious worship. That becomes our creation, not the Creators. Nothing compares to His glory. He is the preserver of all things, and in His preservation there is continual creation. Even when we get to heaven we get recreated to His image. Everything that ever was or will ever be is held together by the sustaining power of God. All beings, except for God alone, are dependent upon His will and power. We were created for His pleasure and glory. As God made all things at His pleasure and saw it was good,  so he made them for His pleasure, to deal with us and everything around us, as he pleases and to glorify himself one way or another. This is His show, not ours.  So as we read about John's vision I'm not sure my mind can even grasp what he saw.  I can only imagine.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday Dec. 11th blog post

Like A Kid At Christmas!!!

When I was a little girl I would get so excited for Christmas Day!  Months before I would take the time to write out my Christmas wish list, putting great thought and care into what I asked for.  I would hand it over to my mother and then I would wait.......and wait.......and wait some more.  I truly believed that there were more hours in a day during the month of December than any other month because it went by so slowly.  It was like Christmas morning would never get here.  I waited and waited in eager anticipation wondering if and what I might find under the tree should Christmas morning ever choose to arrive.

Finally Christmas Eve would trigger and explosion of excitement in me.  The waiting was coming to a close.  The eager anticipation of waking up to wishes hoped for was almost unbearable.  It was one of the only nights of the year my mom didn't have to tell me to go to bed early, I knew going to bed meant waking up to what I had been waiting for all these long weeks.  I would toss and turn half the night still in that eager waiting mode. Finally sleep would blanket me till morning.

5:00am my body clock would ring, "wake up, wake up, it's Christmas Morning!!!".  The problem was we were not allowed to go downstairs until my parents woke. So that meant...more waiting!  My parents room was on the other side of the wall from my room.  I would put my ear to the wall and try to listen quietly to determine if I heard any signs of stirring that might mean my waiting was soon over.  No!  Complete silence.  I would lay there and toss and turn, wondering what awaited me just down the stairs from where I was. 

Finally they would wake up and head downstairs with my sisters and I in tow.  The sight of the tree, the gifts and stockings were magical and caused the excitement to grow even more, it was all there within reach.  But, yes there is a but, there was more waiting.  I can not tell you why but we were not allowed to open our stockings or do anything till my dad finished shaving and had his cup of coffee.  More waiting but this was the hardest because we knew it was right there, so very close yet so very far away.  This waiting made the month of December seem like a flash.  Why did he have to torment us by shaving?  Who cared if he had stubble?  Couldn't he have done this the night before?  It didn't matter, wait and wait some more was what we did.

Finally my mom would signal that our waiting was over and we could open our stockings and then we would move on as a family and open our gifts.  I didn't get all the things I asked for on my Christmas list.  Some years had far less than others but you know what, I was always happy with what I got.  You know why I think I was happy with what I got?  It was the eagerness found in the waiting.

"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.  My soul waits for the LORD more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning." Psalm 130:5-6

Christmas is about the hope we have in Christ.  It is about the salvation we are offered through Him.  That hope and salvation is something we wait for.  We are supposed to wait in eager anticipation for the Lord like a child waiting for Christmas Morning.  That first Christmas ushered in the opportunity to have a close personal relationship with God.  It allowed us to go directly to God with our Praise, our Thanks, our Confession, our Requests!  We can bring to him our heavy hearts, our needs, our fears, our hurts, our worries, our everything.  Then we wait on Him in hope, eagerly wait.  Sometimes the wait is quick and the answers swift. Sometimes the wait takes a bit but we have a peace and an ease.  Sometimes the wait is as long as the month of December and we feel like answers (or the answers we asked for) will never arrive. 

I am encourage by these verses in the Psalm 130 because it reminds me of the Hope I have in Christ, the hope that Christmas holds.  I need simply to wait and trust in the Lord with eager anticipation and hope.  I need to put my eager hope in His word; the truths, the power, the authority His word holds.  I need to wait eagerly remembering that the Lord is in control.  I need to wait with eagerness remembering that God has my good and His Glory in mind.  I need to wait with eagerness and excitement in who God is and that he already has a plan for me that is more glorious than anything I could imagine or ask for.  I need to wait not with worried eyes on my temporary circumstances and wants but with eager eyes on the real reason for my hope, the real reason for Christmas: I wait with my focus on the hope that this life is not it, this life is not the gift under the tree but simply the waiting for the true gift of eternal joy, eternal peace, eternal life.  I still wait in hope for the answers to my earthly prayers but when I do that with my eyes focused in eager anticipation on the real gift that awaits me after the waiting is over, then I know that I have the power to endure the wait no matter how long it may seem to take.

This Christmas I know we are all waiting on the Lord for something.  How are you wait?  Are you waiting with eagerness for whatever he has for you or Are you waiting with fear and despair?  Are you waiting with eager hope beyond what this life holds or are you waiting for this life to be the best life ever?  Are you waiting with eager hope in the word of God or are you waiting with stressful hope in your job, your family, your spouse, your strength, your plans?   We have a choice you know?  Christ came over 2000 years ago to give us the gift of hope to be our strength, our power, our support as we wait.  This Christmas and beyond I encourage you, no matter what your wait is, not matter what your wait is for, be sure to eagerly put your hope in the Lord and to wait faithfully in Him.    

May we all find and hold onto that Christmas time childlike faith, hope and eagerness that we can carry with us through life as we wait on the Lord.      

Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8


Remember those "mom warnings" they gave us as we were growing up. Quite a few of them were really good advice and could have spared me a truck load of grief if I had paid attention. Here is a list of some of my favorites.  

"Shut that door, you weren't raised in a barn.

"You would forget your head if it wasn't fastened on."

"You have enough dirt behind those ears to grow potatoes."

"If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?"

"Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about."

"Money doesn't grow on trees."

And my favorite "Wait until your father gets home." This made us really glad to see dad at the end of the day.


Jude, the half brother of Jesus, is giving us warnings in his short letter. These warnings are given to keep is on the right pathway as we follow Jesus.

"Beware of changing the grace of God into a license for immorality."

"Beware of people who deny the deity of Jesus Christ."

"Beware of those who say we can sin without any consequences."

"Beware of scoffers who say Jesus is not returning to this planet."

And finally, "beware of people who think spiritual growth will just magically occur in our lives".


In verses 20-22 Jude reminds us that we have a responsibility to intentionally build our spiritual muscles. We grow these muscles by increasing faith, praying in the Spirit, waiting patiently in trials, keeping ourselves in God's love and showing mercy to those who doubt.


 As we wind down the last days of 2017 can I ask you a personal question? How much has your faith grown this year?  On a scale of one to ten, with one being no growth and ten being an outstanding year, what is your number?


Jude says we are to take personal responsibility for building up our faith. That means we are all still under construction and it is time to come up with a building plan. Our blog team of writers can supply encouragement, but you must do the construction. As we think of a new year starting in 23 days it would be a good time to intentionally set up a building plan for your spiritual growth in 2018. I would encourage you to read through the Bible again in 2018 but this time take someone along on the journey with you. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thursday, December 7


2 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

5 Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you. 6 They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God. 7 It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. 8 We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth.

(3 John 2-8)

In this letter - perhaps aptly describes as a postcard - the apostle John writes to his brother in Christ, Gaius. This letter highlights the ongoing love that the saints may show to others and that discipleship friendships may continue for many years.

The apostle may have written the letter from his exil on the island of Patmos, late in his life (c. 90 AD). He received this report of Gaius's faithfulness, which brought him great joy. First, he knew that Gaius himself was experiencing joy by walking faithfully with God. Second, John treasured this news, knowing that his life's investment in the Gospel had paid dividends into the lives of others. Gaius has demonstrated the Gospel through his love and commitment to the truth. He had taken up the mantle from his teacher, John, and was willing to invest in the Kingdom work.

Who has invested in your life in 2017? How have you invested in the lives of others? What steps might you take this month and into 2018 in order to bear more fruit through your relationship? How would you like to grow in this arena?

Lord God, thank You for showing us examples of faithful brother and sisters in the Scriptures. Help us to show a similar faithfulness through our experience of Your love and truth. Give us wisdom on how best to bear fruit through our relationships in December and 2018. We love You and honor You today. In Jesus's Name, amen.

596 Glenbrook Road, Unit 13 | "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection
Stamford, CT 06906-1423 | and the life. He who believes in me will
(C) 203.820.1741 | live, even though he dies; and whoever
(H) 203.355.9374 | lives and believes in me will never die.
(E) | Do you believe this?'" -- John 11:25,26

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

December 6


When I read the account of Hosea I wondered why God would tell (not ask) Hosea to marry a woman who He knew would be unfaithful to him?   She lived a wretched life yet God wanted Hosea to love her. I couldn't help but be drawn to the parallel between Hosea's relationship with his wife and God's relationship with Israel, perhaps even with us today. God told Hosea to love his wife just as the Lord loves the Israelites even though they turned to others gods (3:1). God is love and He displayed His love for us in the life and death of Jesus. That was His ultimate commitment to us and this love is steadfast and His commitment remains unbroken.  Just as Hosea allowed his wife to pursue her lusts, God will allow us to wander, but His love for us will remain unchanged.  Just as Hosea sought out his wife and redeemed her, God's love will never stop chasing after us.  His purpose is to redeem us.  Is it any surprise that Hosea's name means "salvation"?  Just as Hosea grieved over his roaming wife, I believe God grieves for His children who go astray.  I found this reading so timely during this advent season as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Savior. What a great time for us to reaffirm our love and commitment to our Lord.  I pray we take time to restate our vow and give Him first place in our heart and our lives. 


Monday, December 4, 2017

Blog post Monday Dec 4th

"This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.  Dear Friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." - 1 John 4:10-11

A simple reminder today as we have entered into the season of Advent: God sent his only Son as an act, a display of love toward us. Christ was sent not because we were deserving and holy but because of God's love for us.  He saw a greater need in us and chose to show us love rather than wrath.

As we go about our day today let us remember and not hinder ourselves from experience God's  gracious, unmerited, and sacrificial love.  Then let us remember to let that love pour out of us into the lives of those we encounter today and each day of this advent season.  Don't reserve it just for those who are kind and whom we deem deserving.  Let us remember that the love we were shown was given to us when we did not deserve it.  We never know what is actually stirring in the hearts and minds of those we encounter, the struggles and hardship that people carry with them secretly.  Let us drench others with the Love of God and let God use our loving actions and attitudes in the hearts of those we encounter today.

It isn't always easy but what a blessing we can be and what a blessing will fill our hearts when we are filled and share the love of Christ that was shared with us.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

December 2: Of Entitlementitis and the Daniel Syndrome

Daniel 9:1-11:1
1 John 2:18-3:6
Psalm 121:1-8
Proverbs 28:27-28

"We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great mercy."

One of the things that worries me most for myself, for my wife and for our children is infection - not so much of a disease of the body, but of a disease of the spirit.  If it were given a medical named, one might call it "entitlementitis".  Its key symptom is "the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment".  Perhaps I am reading the wrong news outlets (or, perhaps, the right ones?) but it seems to be spreading, particularly in universities, among both faculty and students.  Often those who contract the disease can be found rejecting norms, making demands of others, often times shouting "What do we want?  [Insert demand here]!  When do we want it?  Now!" with utter disregard for fact, for accountability.  Because they exist, they want; and because they want, they deserve.

Then we read about Daniel.  The amazing thing is, Daniel WAS a righteous man, in such strong and right relationship with God he was prepared to relinquish life in painful fashion (as much as bee sting hurts, I can only imagine how much a lion's teeth tearing flesh from limb would hurt!) rather than reject the Lord.  And yet, despite all that, Daniel did not presume to think he was entitled to anything from God.  Consider the verse above, spoken while praying for forgiveness, confessing the opposite of entitlement - unworthiness.  It appears that, because Daniel had grown close to God, he had developed an immunity to entitlementitis. Wow.

The absence of any sense of entitlement alone would be admirable enough; yet in Daniel's case it came packaged with a recognition of, and an unwavering faith in, God's love, mercy and provision.  And so because Daniel had grown close to God, he developed the immunity to the sense of entitlement AND the confidence that while he might not have been entitled to anything, God loved Him and so Daniel believed God would take care of everything.  I'd like to think of that as the Daniel Condition.

Father, please give us the diligence to spend time with You; please allow us to get to know You the way Daniel did, that we might develop the same immunity to the growing plague of entitlementitis, and experience peace not because we deserve, but because we know we are loved.  In Jesus's name we pray.

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1

1 John 2


A husband and wife had been married for 60 years and had no secrets except for one: The woman kept in her closet a box that she forbade her husband from ever opening. But when she was on her deathbed—and with her blessing—he opened the box and found a crocheted doll and $25,000 in cash.

When the husband asked for the explanation she said, "My mother told me that the secret to a happy marriage was to never argue." Then she explained, "Instead, I should keep quiet and crochet a doll."

Well, her husband was touched. Only one doll was in the box—that meant she'd been angry with him only once in 60 years. "But what about all this money?" he asked.

"Oh," she said, "that's the money I made from selling the dolls."


Getting along with people is hard. It is particularly hard at Christmas. The best part of Christmas is being with members of your family. Do you know what the worst part is? You guessed it. Being together with members of your family. It would be funny, if it weren't true. Right? Unfortunately, Christmas is that time of year when all the imperfections we bring to the family table are difficult to digest. We know too much about each other to be sufficiently tolerant. And yet quite often we don't know nearly enough about what goes on in the hearts and minds of our families.


In his letter, the apostle John gives us clear guidelines for our Christmas gatherings, "but if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him." This is the secret to thriving at Christmas - having God's love made complete in us. It is out of the overabundance of God's perfect love that we draw our love for others. And when we connect with Jesus and have his love flood our hearts, that becomes the reservoir we draw from. So, in the end, the vertical love from God determines our horizontal love for others.


As we begin the month of December, the goal is to daily draw so close to Jesus and his love that you can pour that love out on your family, friends, church family and that special draining person in your life.


"Multiplying leaders to change the world"