Sunday, March 12, 2017

March 11: Of crowds, enslavement and ransom

Numbers 15:17-16:40
Mark 15:1-47
Psalm 54:1-7
Proverbs 11:5-6

"The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.  "Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate, knowing it was out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him.  But the chief priests stirred up the crowed to have Pilate release Barabbas instead."

Jesus has just been betrayed by those closest to Him.  If that had been me (or you, perhaps?) He would have been looking for support - not from above, but from around Him.  As I stood before Pilate, I would have been looking at the crowd, looking for the comfort of even one, solitary, friendly face, the face of someone who would stand with me, stand up for me.  There wasn't any - not a single one.

Who might've been in the crowd that had not only rejected Him, but had chosen an insurrectionist in His place?  Perhaps a few of those Jesus had fed?  One or two of those he'd healed, or their friends or families?   Some who had heard Him preach, praised Him for his authority, perhaps even chuckled at the discomfort He'd caused the Pharisees?

I can tell you one person who was there - me.  I put myself there, today, every single time I have the opportunity to choose Him, and choose someone else; every single time I forget all He's done - for me, for my family, for my friends; every single time I think things would be better if I could choose my way instead of His.  

We know what happens after this.  Because of my presence in the crowd, Jesus was crucified, and He died.  Because of my choices - the choices I make today, each day - His body lies limp on the cross.

The most amazing this is this: He does not only hang lifeless because of me; He hangs lifeless FOR me as well.  He knew I was going to be in that crowd; He knew I was going to sin, so enslaved to sin I could not possibly ransom myself.  And He chose to ransom me.  

I pray one day I come to a level of appreciation and gratitude that even begins to reflect the magnitude of His gift.  

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