Friday, March 10, 2017

March 10

What is the greatest danger that faces our nation today? The North Koreans, fake news, Iran, terrorism, the rise of the robot, gluten, gun control, or super size soda drinks?

While all of these problems are serious (maybe not the soda), I would suggest these are not the greatest threats to America. The greatest danger is the causal Christian. The Christian who says they believe in God but lives life as if He doesn't exist. The causal Christian is not an atheist but he lives like one. The causal Christian professes to believe in the existence of God and His oracles (the Bible) yet they live life without connecting to either one.

David says this in Psalm 53:1, "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their ways are vile; there is no one who does good."

There is a direct relationship between the existence of God and human morality. A foolish person says there is no God so therefore there are no oracles from Him. In such a world there is no absolute revelation. Subsequently, in a world without God, who is to say which values are right and which are wrong? Who is to judge that the values of Adolf Hitler are inferior to those of Mother Theresa? The concept of morality loses all meaning in a universe without God. This means that it is impossible to condemn war, oppression, or crime as evil. Nor can one praise brotherhood, equality, and love as good. For in a universe without God, good and evil do not exist - there is only the bare, valueless fact of existence. Welcome to the world of Jerry Springer.

But here is the question; can we live in a world like this?  Are there certain acts that we can say are absolutely wrong, all the time?  

1. Is Planned Parenthood's selling of baby body parts wrong? Is this always wrong?

2. Is the Hindu practice of burning the widow on the husband's grave always wrong?

3. Is "honor killing" of a teenage girl who refuses to participate in an arranged marriage always wrong?

4. Is child pornography always wrong?

5. Is slavery always wrong?

In the end I believe we all know in our hearts that certain things are always wrong. When we say this we are saying there is a God. Only a fool would say there are no absolutes. Here is the rub for us who call ourselves Christ followers. To say we know God and believe His oracles and yet live as if there are no absolutes is wrong and even dangerous. Many Christians have subtly, almost imperceptibly embraced a godless lifestyle. The hope of America is the hope found in His Church. It is to believe God is there and He has given us the oracles for life. So become a radical today, believe the oracles, live the oracles, and share the oracles.  


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