- Start each day with remembering- WHO AM I?
In the movie, "50 First Dates", the main character Lucy, played by Drew Barrymore, suffers from anterograde amnesia as a result of a serious car accident. She is not able to remember anything, past the day of the accident. In order for her to have a somehow normal life , she needed to watch a video made by her family, each morning, that explained her accident, who she was, and where she was in life. That made me think of how vital it is for us Christians, to have a similar routine. Something to remind us, of who we are in Christ, and where we are in our walk with Christ. I think 2018 could be so different, if each morning I would take the time to embrace my true identity, dictated by my Heavenly Father, rather than what my parents, schools, jobs, relationships programmed me to be. Let's praise God by knowing who we are, so " fearfully and wonderfully made". ( Ps 139:14)
-Claim God's promises for my life every single day, with passion and enthusiasm
The "passion and enthusiasm" part, I got from Zig Ziglar, a famous motivational speaker, who claims that reciting a series of affirmations every morning and evening before bed, in front of a mirror, with passion and enthusiasm can produce a major change in someone's life. There are indeed a lot of testimonies from people whose lives have changed. If random affirmations have that power, how life changing, a similar ritual with Scripture verses would be. A list of favorite verses that we could claim each day with passion and enthusiasm. Let's praise God by honoring and integrating his Word into our lives!
Wishing you all, a New Year filled with blessings and joy! Happy New Year!