July 29, 2016
Romans 12:21 "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Americans are angry. They are angry about shootings, discrimination, rigged election results, people living above the law, lying politicians, taxes and being manipulated by the media. A recent study of 3,000 American adults found that about half are angrier today than they were a year ago. That is why sociologists have called this the "age of rage."
Kathie and I saw this first hand on Tuesday. We were travelling on the highway when we saw a motorist rapidly speed up and then deliberately cut off a car, almost sending it into the median strip. They missed each other by less than a foot. Both cars were travelling at a high speed so if they had bumped, it would have been a fatal car crash. Both of these drivers were overcome with evil.
The world's response to anger is to get your revenge. Jeffrey Kuger wrote an editorial for TIME in June reminding us of this widespread anger and how people are now organized around rage. There are groups called "Vegans Outraged," Dancers Outraged," "Gardeners Outraged," and even "Knitters Outraged." That last group scares me because they have those long needles.
But there has to be a better way of dealing with our anger than the old adage, "I don't mad; I get even." We now have a whole nation of people getting even.
The apostle Paul wrote Romans after his first-hand experiences of being locked up on trumped up charges. He could have been a man filled with rage. It would have been easy to become overwhelmed by evil. But the gospel changed everything in Paul's life. He had experienced God's grace, love and forgiveness in his life.
Revenge and getting even are contrary to the Gospel. Managing anger well doesn't mean we live with massive doses of denial. It means that instead of becoming overcome by that anger, we turn it over to the Lord and ask him for the strength to respond with grace and love.
Here is the good news. Because of Jesus' presence in our lives we don't have to allow anger to control us. We can learn a new way of responding that will keep us from falling victim to the age of rage. When we do what is right, live peacefully, pray for and love our enemy, then we unleash the unseen power of God into the situation. Although evil may try to overcome us, because of Jesus, we are compelled to do no evil in return.
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