Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thursday, May 5



JUDGES 21:1–25

RUTH 1:1–22

JOHN 4:44–24:12

PSALM 105:1–15




In today's readings, we see two clarion examples of God's heart for all people.  In the reading from Ruth, we find Ruth's surprising affirmation of following Naomi and her God, even forsaking her own people of Moab and the ongoing famine there.  In John 4, Jesus demonstrates a pioneering spirit of outreach to a heavily disliked people, the Samaritans, even crossing the male-female divide.


Ruth elected to choose Naomi and demonstrated great faithfulness throughout her life.  The story of redemption and restoration throughout this story points to the lovingkindness of God and His deep concern for the poor and broken-hearted (Psalm 34:18).  Ruth's redemption would come through Naomi's family line, a kinsman-redeemer named Boaz.  Boaz's blessing of his extended family -- more on that later in our reading -- provides a testimony of how we as Christ-followers may shower blessings on others from the blessings that we have ourselves received.


Meanwhile, Jesus crosses several significant cultural boundaries to bring the Gospel message to the Samaritans.  In our minds, we might have imagined a far different course:  Jesus, knowing the hearts of all people, might have selected someone close to God in Samaria and used this individual to reform this errant group.  Putting on our consultant hats for a moment, it seems that the path would have been much cleaner with a more "acceptable" first recipient of the Gospel there.


Nonetheless, Jesus's compassionate love and outreach sought out a woman far from God, whose life had been full of disappointment (and, reading between the lines, regret).  When Jesus identified the truth about her multiple relationships -- but only after offering her better "water."  He reached her at her point of physical need but leveraged that conversation to address her deeper spiritual need.  Through His compassion, He recognized through the Spirit that she would respond to His offer to quench her spiritual thirst.  We may grow in this aspect of ministry, I believe, through observing people around us and seeking to see beneath the surface.


Please take note at the Gospel's awesome penetration through this unlikely evangelist.  Knowing this woman's background, the surrounding community understood that change had indeed transpired in her life and became quite curious.  For this reason, we often hear that the power of a transformed life will speak much louder than our words.


How have you experienced spiritual transformation in your life?  How did Jesus speak to you most clearly? How may you communicate this great news to other people who may be thirsty too?



Lord Jesus, thank You for demonstrating such a heart of compassion for lost people.  Guide us in following Your example.  Bring about greater evidence of transformation in our lives so that we may share Your great news with others.  We love You and honor You today.  In Jesus’s Name, amen.


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