Friday, May 27, 2016

Thursday, May 26, 2016

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2016
Today's reading includes the wonderful truth that Jesus serves as the True Vine. From this image, we recognize that God cares deeply about human flourishing, nurturing us through our connection to the Living Christ. He nourishes us, strengthens us, and equips us to bear real fruit. Our connection to Him leads us to fulfill God's purposes, not our individual brilliance, strength, or will. This Vine gives life to us – and, through us, to others.
Crucially, we have a calling as Christ-followers to bear fruit. How should we understand what this fruit represents? First, it represents the fruit of life transformation, borne out through our connection with Christ. Galatians 2:20 explains that "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live. The life I live, I live through the power of the Son of God." (paraphrase) Life transformation comes both at once – as we receive Christ and become His branch – and over time – through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. This fruit emerges naturally from persevering in our connection with the Vine and trusting Him above other "gods" calling for our attention. Have you ever prayed that God would transform you more into the image of His Son? If not, I encourage you to search out what the Scriptures say about transformation (2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Corinthians 3:18) and ask Him for the fruit of transformation in your life.
Second, this fruit involves the produce of commitment to God's Kingdom work. In short, His Kingdom work includes inviting others to experience the Vine, transforming our communities through bringing His presence, and building others up to become what God has created them to be. This Kingdom work requires time and sacrifice, but the results last far longer than other types of work. Have you ever prayed that God would use you for His Kingdom purposes? If not, why not today?
Third, this fruit involves an outpouring of love. Recognizing that we are fully loved through our connection to the Vine, we may love others compassionately and purely. In Christ, our love and joy become complete because He substitutes His all-sufficiency for our weakness. We are solely responsible for staying connected to the Vine rather than "producing" love from ourselves. Channeling the all-sufficient love in the Vine, we have every ounce of love that we will need to touch and bless a world full of broken people. We will grow weary at times, but He will give us the resources as we rest in Him. Have you ever prayed that God would make you into a greater lover of people? Whose model could you follow in this prayer?
Praise God for His provision of the True Vine! May we remain connected and fruitful today.
Lord Jesus, may You be rightly praised today. We rejoice in our connection to the True Vine. Energize us through our connection with You to bear fruit that will last. Help us to serve well in pointing others to You. Please use us to expand Your Kingdom in Stamford, Fairfield County, and beyond. We love You and worship You with all our hearts, minds, and souls. In Jesus's Name, amen.

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