JOSHUA 22:21–23:16
LUKE 20:27–47
PSALM 89:14–37
PROVERBS 13:17–19
“Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left…. Buy you are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now.
“The Lord has driven out before you great and powerful nations; to this day no one has been able to withstand you. One of you routs a thousand, because the Lord your God fights for you, just as he promised. So be very careful to love the Lord your God…. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed.” (Joshua 23:6,8,9–11,14)
Today, we read part of Joshua’s final commission to the Israelites, as he nears his death. He words echo those of his mentor Moses, who gave similar instructions to Joshua and the whole people prior to Moses’s death. These words still ring true for us today.
These instructions – and some other reading that I have been doing – prompted some thoughts on vicious and virtuous cycles. A vicious cycle keeps people trapped in negative patterns, as one negative action or influence begets further entrapment in the pattern. Addiction provides a clear example of a vicious cycle, as it become quite difficult to break free without an outside intervention.
On the other hand, virtuous cycles provide self-sustaining blessing and fuel for ongoing growth and strength. Joshua lays out the guidelines for a virtuous circle that the Lord had provided for His people. This virtuous cycle would include love, obedience, remembrance of His promises, and His ongoing victory. Intellectually, this virtuous cycle seems hard to beat!
Yet, in reality, the people struggled to stay in the virtuous cycle, as temptation and distraction drew them into intermarrying with foreign women and following other gods. Their love for God had grown cold; their obedience waned; and their unique ties to Him withered. The disintegration of these very elements that had joined together for the virtuous cycle collapsed into a vicious circle of disobedience.
As Christ-followers, we have the amazing blessing of these virtuous circles – but with the recognition that God has sent His Holy Spirit so that we may remain on track. We will do well to desire Him more, to seek Him more, and to know that He will strengthen us for His purposes. May we remember the fulfillment of His many promises and the joyful peace that we may experience as we remain on the virtuous circle.
Lord God, thank You for creating a virtuous circle of love, obedience, and faith. Give us the wisdom to see where we are falling short of experiencing the full blessings of this virtuous circle. Provide us opportunities to share about these wonderful truths with our neighbors, friends, and family. Give us grace to seek You more consistently and to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit so that we may remain faithful in following You. Place Your praise on our lips and give birth to a deeper, richer love for You and others in our hearts. We love You and give You all glory and honor today. In Jesus’s precious Name, amen.
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