Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4: Of dependence at His feet

Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26
Luke 10:38-11:13
Psalm 76:1-12
Proverbs 12:15-17

Last week we read about Moses sitting still in the presence of God.  Is it a coincidence that today's New Testament reading tells us of how our Lord thought it far better for Martha to emulate Mary, and sit before Him, rather than trouble herself with what she thought were the necessities of hospitality?  I think not.

A week ago we read about a man whose relationship with God so overwhelmed everything else in his life, whose relationship with God was so close, that he was able to sit still before God, sans food or water, for 40 days.  And we wrote about how that was just something impossible for us - not just the ability to sit still, but the ability to do without food or water for such a length of time.

Today's reading talks about sitting still as well - but it talks about doing away with something else: the belief that things depend on us.  In the first part of the reading, we see how, by her actions, Martha believes that if Jesus's visit is to go well, she has much to do - food, drink, maybe flowers and seating arrangements, and cleanup afterwards.  Jesus tells her it is nice of her to do that, but it isn't important - certainly not anywhere near as important as NOT doing anything but sit at His feet and listen, listen and get to know Jesus.   See, what is happening right at that moment?  It doesn't depend on Martha.  It all depends on Him.

The world teaches us - it certainly has taught me - that I need to do it.  That what I want is up to me, that achieving it is up to me.  But further along in the NT reading, God says it again - just like it didn't depend on Martha, it doesn't depend on me.  It depends on Him.  Which is why it doesn't say "take and it shall be yours", it says "ask and it shall be given to you"; why it doesn't say "open the door and enter", it says "knock and the door will be opened to you."  The truth is, I am unable to provide myself with the spiritual nourishment similar to what Moses enjoyed.  The good news is, as it was true for Moses, for Mary and for Martha - I don't have to.  Because it doesn't depend on me - all I have to do is sit, listen, and get to know the One on whom it all does depend.  And He will provide. He says so.  

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