Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3 Thursday in Kenya and Good Friday on a Cross

On Thursday Muslims attacked the Garissa University Campus in Western Kenya. During a 15-hour siege they killed 147 Christian students.  From the eyewitness reports the gunmen ordered all of the students to lie down on the ground. Then they were asked if they were  Christian or Muslim. If they said Muslim, they had to recite the Shahada (The Islamic creed). If they recited the creed; they were released. If they were Christian; they were shot on the spot. When the terrorists were asked why they were doing this, they said they were killing the infidels, which is commanded in the Qur'an.


What a contrast to the event we celebrate today as Christians. Jesus didn't come to earth to put infidels to death; he came to love and forgive them. The God of the Bible doesn't demand we give our sons to him. The God of the Bible gave His Son for us. That is what Good Friday is all about: God the Father loving the world so much that he gave his one and only son. The contrast is also seen in that while Jesus' enemies were nailing him to a Roman Cross, he spoke words of forgiveness, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing."


According to secularism "all religions are alike" and they are all dangerous. Most secularists fail to distinguish between religions. But today we can see the clear difference.

Good Friday is the best day to compare Islam with Christianity. On the cross we see a God who loves, forgives, sacrifices and offers mercy. On Thursday there was no mercy to be found. To ignore these differences is to miss the greatest opportunity ever afforded a person.

Two days, two worldviews and two radical outcomes.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

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