Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1

Psalm 73

When I read this Psalm this morning I thought it was basically the story of my life before my testimony, before I began my journey to separate myself from the values the world holds as our standard of living and pursue a life following the standards set by God.  This Psalm was written by Asaph who was one of David's Levitical choir leaders.  The theme that struck me throughout this reading is that until we emerge ourselves into God's truth and His faithfulness in our lives, it's hard to understand how people who are trying to live a righteous life through Christ can suffer more than people who climb the corporate ladder and get ahead.  The fascade of our society is that the grass is greener on the other side, or if it glitters it must be gold which can leave faithful people wondering what's going on.  The life style of the rich and famous can, on a shallow level, look very inviting.  In Mathew 6:21 and Luke 12:34 we learn that where our treasure is, our heart is there also.  Finding joy in the riches of this world is living in a dreamworld.  Our reality and our identity lies in God.  Our hope is found in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Asaph was able to awaken to the truth that happiness and hope can be a reality, but it is based on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness.  Let's continue to pray for a great awakening.


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