Tuesday, March 20, 2015
In reading Numbers 14:1-15:16 I cannot understand why anyone would go against the Lord. He had shown His presence and His miracles to His chosen people, and they still turned to their own ways. They suffered the consequences. The Lord always showed mercy to Moses and showed His generosity and mercy to Joshua and Caleb. No matter what the Lord commanded, they obeyed. They even went so far as to plead the cause of the disbelievers. Yet, in the end, those who turned from the Lord met with death and destruction. You never know what you have until it is gone - and the Lord was not with them.
In Psalm 53:1-6 - "The FOOL says in his heart, There is no God....God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God - Everyone has turned away, they have together become corrupt: there is no one who does good, not even one."
There was nothing I am sure that was more heartbreaking to the Father, than to sacrifice His only begotten Son for a world full of people such as us. Yet as God looks down upon us today, as He did in the past, He knows that we are not good - but He loves us anyway. If we yearn to hear His voice, we will hear it. If we love Him with all our hearts, He will answer our prayers and lead us on a good, solid path to glorify Him. Deny or turn against the Lord......you must be crazy! The evidence is far too extensive not to lean on the Lord.
Even though I have been through difficult times and sometimes doubted His presence - the Lord has always been with me. Can you say that about anybody else in your life?? I guess it is only after years of living the way I thought was okay - that I realized my way was just not that good. When I read the Bible or any Christian inspirational stories, I get a calm peace that you can't find anywhere else. Glory be to God!
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