Sunday, March 22, 2015
Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowds, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. (Luke 5:18-19)
These men were what I would call really good friends! And also men of faith because they believed that Jesus could heal their friend. This had to be no easy task for them. First they had to carry the crippled man some distance to get to where Jesus was teaching. We are not told how far they traveled but even a short distance would not have been easy. Now they arrive and find the crowd so thick that they are unable to get their friend in to see the healer. Do they give up and turn back? No. They are determined to find a way in and decide to hoist the man on his mat up to the roof of the house. Again, no easy task I'm sure. Now they are all on the roof and they have to make a way to lower the man down. So they must have had to break open a hole in the roof, large enough for the paralytic on his mat. I wonder what Jesus thought when pieces of the roof began to fall down around him. The scripture tells us that the man was lowered into the room, right in front of Jesus. And Jesus forgave him of his sins, healed him and the man left praising God.
For me, this is a good lesson to not give up when it seems that my prayers are not being answered. Ephesians 6:18 says we should keep on praying. These were men of action but sometimes all we can do is pray. For our own needs and especially for the needs of others. I really like receiving a prayer request through the Grace email so I can stop and pray right then and there.
Lord, I ask for the faith of the friends of the paralytic. And for that same kind of caring from my friends. I know that you have a good plan for my life and that nothing can happen to me that is outside of your will for my life. Strengthen me for the trials of today and for those to come. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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