Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sunday BlogPost (7/27/14)

July 27, 2014 [by Moses Alexandre]


Moses here, and after reading our devotional, this is what the Lord spoke to me. 
     Our Old Testament reading focuses on the rule of king Jehoshaphat of Judah. As a leader Jehoshaphat gave precise and excellent instruction to the judges he appointed (2Chr 19:4-7), he told them "consider carefully what you do for you aren't judging for people but for God." This is the mark of a true man of God in leadership, he pointed to God when establishing the way things would be run around his camp.
     Reading into chapter 20, I saw all the words Jehoshaphat commanded the people of God now being put to the test; two vast armies where mobilizing to make war with Jehoshaphat and then, the biggest lesson I received from this passage occurs: "Alarmed Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord…" (2Chr 20:3). Jehoshaphat then commanded the people to come together, fast, pray, and seek the Lord. This scripture really brings me to look at myself with the mirror of the Word. What is my first reaction when terrible news threatens me? Who is the first person I'm urged tell? Where will the answer for my problem come from?
If I'm honest with myself it wasn't always God. But the response God gave his people after king Jehoshaphat openly declared their dependence on Yahweh was beyond miraculous!
    Holy Spirit then spoke through Jahaziel saying "Do not be afraid or discouraged… for the battle is not yours but God's" (2Chr 20:15) and it surely was. Not only did they not have fear, they didn't even have to bring weapons! Their worship was warfare. Imagine having so much trust in Christ that you could sing Him a love song while walking into an atmosphere of destruction. As the Israelites praised, God destroyed the opposing armies. Lifting God's name is how they won the battle. After reading this passage, you can bet I'll strive for all of my problems to be forwarded to heaven. 

3 key points that I took from this devotional
  1. Establish firm guidelines for your relationship with Christ. (2Chr 19:4-7)
  2. Trust in God when problems come. Pray and fast, great things happen! (2Chr 20:3)
  3. As we worship and honor God, he protects us and fights for us. (2Chr 20:22)

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26)
Kenny Sullivan

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