2 Chronicles 8-10, Romans 8:9-25, Psalms 18:16-36, Proverbs 19:26
Seventh grade was by far the hardest year I have had to go through, but I remember it ending on a higher note. My youth group performed a musical called "Anytime," about a girl who travels through different stages in her parents life, her life, and in the future accompanied by a good and evil character. It was a fun and memorable experience that we still laugh about and I still get the songs stuck in my head. One song was at a prom and of course all the girls break out in song and dance. The chorus for this particular scene goes: "I surrender everything. Everything but.....
My 501's and my new blue sweater, my (I forgot these words) and my old love letters. My stereo with the hundred watt speakers, my Ray Ban shades and my Reebok sneakers. My friends at school and my Friday nights...my pizza parties and my private life. Oh Lord you know I aim to please! So take my life, take everything but these."
I thought of this song as I was reading about Solomon and the peak of his reign. Overall, he was a good king: full of wisdom, riches beyond imagine, faithful subjects, and a mighty kingdom. His power, wealth and greatness was famous in all the world, prompting royalty from other lands to seek him out. These were the blessings that God bestowed on to him. One of his greatest achievements in all history was building the Temple. "So Solomon made sure that all the work related to building the Temple of The Lord was carried out, from the day it's foundation was laid to the day of its completion." (2 Chronicles 8:16) Even in the verses before, we see the perfection that Solomon ensured over all maters concerning the Temple, the priests, the Levites, and the treasuries. Everything related to these areas were in exact accordance to what God commanded his fathers before. I'm sure there was not one single stone that was not where it needed to be. Solomon took it even as far as moving his wife to a different palace so holy ground would remain holy.
In this small window of scripture we can see the reasons and ways that Solomon was a great king and servant. He obeyed. He did what he needed to do at this moment. Just like the song, he surrendered everything and all was for God's adoration and worship. We also know from the big picture and knowledge of Solomon's life that he did not surrender all. His legacy is stained with his sin and disobedience. He had way too many wives and women, pulling him and his kingdom away from God and His truth. This lust and sin caused many consequences for the people and generations to come. The dynasty ended with his son as we read in chapter 10, and the kingdom was divided.
Just like the song, Solomon (and us) have the greatest intentions of surrendering all to God. We lift up our hands and self and say "take it God...take me, I'm yours," but in the days that follow we are not ready to give up certain things: our sins, our wants, and our control. I know I'm guilty and struggle with this every single day. Reread Psalm 18: 21-24. How appropriate that these chapters are all on the same day. We desire to be obedient, blameless, pure and full of integrity. I do. Skipping down to verse 29 gives us the answer, the way, the reminder. "In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall." We can't do it and will never do it on our own. We can only truly surrender through the power and blood of Christ. Even then we will stumble, but it's His grace and mercy that keeps us running strong.
Hello! Our church group has been singing "Everything But" since the 80's until today! I've been trying to find out where the original song came from. Do you have any more information about the musical Anytime? :)