Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13 - Receiving the Discipline, Claiming the Miracle

Genesis 28:1-29:35
Matthew 9:18-38
Psalm 11:1-7
Proverbs 3:11-12

It is amazing how God sends us His Word in such timely fashion.  If you are journeying with Grace Church, you will probably know we have been storming heaven in behalf of one of our sisters, who needed a new heart.  God saw fit to answer our prayers, and she received a new heart a few days ago.  We had years to pray for her, but her need grew increasingly dire and inescapably urgent in the last 6 months. Today we offer up prayers of thanks, and prayers of sustenance - that her body might accept her heart, that she might heal.  

Carla and I visited another sick member of our church - a strong woman, she contracted the flu, it developed into pneumonia, and she fell into a coma, alive only by machine.  When I saw her, I was struck by how devoid of life she looks, engulfed by tube, bandage and machine.  I am so grateful to read today that, by faith we know "the girl is not dead but asleep".  I am so grateful to be reminded that "according to our faith, let it be done to you".  And I am reminded of another person seeking the Lord's healing in another part of the Bible - "I believe, Lord - help my unbelief!"  And so we pray for another sister, for God's healing, and pray with confidence in the knowledge that He can heal her.

Despite faith, what both our sisters have, and are going through, is extremely difficult - for them, and for those around them.  When we go through difficult times, we cannot help but ask "why, Lord?"  It is interesting that as I go through my Bible, I see that I highlighted part of today's reading a year ago - that part reads "My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in."  I believe the Lord's discipline is NOT punishment, I don't believe He releases His frustration at our sins when bad things happen.  Rather, I believe His discipline is more like my swim coach's, who subjected me to increasingly tough training so that I would get better at what I hoped to do (swim), so that I could reach the potential he knew I had in me.  I believe that is the Lord's discipline, and what our sisters have gone through, the difficulties each of us goes through every day - all that is to help us become what He knows we can become, what He wants us to become.

Father, when we struggle with the burden You have chosen for us, remind us that You have chosen these for us out of Your perfect love for us.  Help us to develop as You intend as a result of the discipline, and and when the burden gets too difficult, give us the faith ask You for your relief and Your miraculous help.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for the miracle of the new heart and the chance to stand in faith with another family. :-) My understanding towards storms in our lives are that it is a result of living in a fallen world, an unredeemed body that is going towards decay, and/or lack of wisdom (Prov 1:24-27). The storm exposed the disciples lack of faith and they were corrected for it (Matt 8:23-27). But yet, Jesus wasn't the one who raised the storm, He's our help for our troubles. We have hope because He is in our boat. :-)
