Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Genesis 1-2, Matthew 1, 2:1-12, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6

Genesis 1-2, Matthew 1, 2:1-12, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6

Happy New Year! We are on another adventure together and I am happy to be doing it with you! I have always been a fan of trees. Wherever we travel, I'm always taking pictures of them and growing up, I was always climbing them, especially the one in my parents front yard, my tía Carmen's house, and at my grandmas. I have a scar on my leg from when I feel off one in Sile, and just about knocked all my teeth out another time. That's ok...childhood war wounds. There is a special tree, however, that is like family to me. It is a giant cottonwood tree that is located on Santo Domingo Indian Reservation on the road to Sile, NM (where my grandma lives). It is huge, with so many limbs, and sits by itself, overlooking the fields that lead to the river. Sometimes the fields are a resting spot for migrating cranes, or it overlooks grazing horses, but the tree is a part of me and is comfort. It was a the base that Divan even proposed.

Psalm 1 has my favorite Biblical image of a tree and I bring the two together. It is only mentioned in a verse or 2, but has been one of those mission verses in my life. A man is compared to being a tree: a mighty tree that is planted by the waters. And his leaves: his leaves will never change, but will always bring forth good fruit. I always wanted to be this tree: solid, strong, bearing fruit. We know it can't happen by self.

The first 2 verses of Psalm (and Proverbs) are kinda the introduction of how, and a great intro to our year. We are on this journey to fall in love with God's law. We are committing to reading the Bible everyday to grow stronger, to become closer to God, and know Him more. Psalm 1:2, "but his delight is in the law of The Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night." Reading the Bible in a year is a great "resolution" and as I start my third year I truly believe it and think every Christian should do it. I have also learned, however, that by making this part of a "to-do" list, you will fail. This is not about us, this is about God. As we enter another year my prayer is that God use these scriptures that I may know more of Him, not myself. I pray that as we journey together our limbs may be stronger and that we will be set apart from others and that we would fall in love with God more, through his word.

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