September 29, 2013
Have you ever thought what it takes to make joy overflow in someone's life? This weekend we had our two grandsons for a sleepover. They have very little formal training in comedy because they are only 1 and 2, yet they can cause joy to overflow in Kathie's and my life like nothing else. We have developed this little ritual that causes joy to fill to the top and then overflow. It doesn't cost anything. It doesn't require any special talents or gifts. The ritual is after dinner to pump up the music and dance like crazy!! For 10 minutes we jump around the room with the energy of a highly caffeinated energizer bunny and do crazy free-style Zumba dancing. Then we collapse on the floor in sheer joy.
Do you think that God is pleased with this crazy ritual? Does God ever laugh? The Eternal one, the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty God, does he ever crack up at some of the stuff we do down here? I am convinced he does. God wants us to have his joy. The Bible indicates one of his highest goals for Christians is to be joyful.
John 15:10, 11 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
God wants us to experience two things: His love and His joy.
The book of Philippians is about joy. Of the 104 verses in this book, 19 mention joy, rejoicing or gladness. The unusual thing about this letter is this: Paul's situation was such that there appeared to be no reason for him to be joyful. Paul was in jail when he wrote these words of joy to the Philippians.
So what is his secret to having this overflowing joy? Notice just two characteristics of overflowing joy. First, Paul was serving others. When you aim at bringing joy to others, you experience joy yourself.
Second, this joy is found in Jesus. It is not found in any earthly possession. It is found by possessing Jesus.
So this week set your sails toward joy. Look to Jesus and get filled up with joy and then boldly, lavishly and extravagantly share that joy with others.
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