Friday, September 27, 2013

sept 27

Isaiah 53

The prophets account of how The Messiah would suffer is incredible.  Jesus bore our sins so we don't have to.  Pastor Scott was explaining to the Gyro kids yesterday that right now Satan is standing in front of God accusing us and Jesus is standing before God saying "No, Father, this one's mine".  Last year, one of the Gyro kids said that sin must be really bad if God had to come down Himself and only He could take it away.  Jesus was unrecognizable because that's the only way we can be recognizable before God.  Jesus was a humble servant and that's what God wants us to be.  I was thinking today in school, if all of my sin is gone, all that's left is humility.  I tried to keep this in mind as I spoke to my special needs kids and the other kids who needed reminders of how to be kind to each other.  The ancient Israelites looked towards the future for the coming of the Messiah and just were blinded to the fact that the lambs they were sacrificing represented Jesus, The Messiah.  When He came, they rejected Him.  As we read through the bible and all the pieces of History (His Story) fit together and we see the love behind the sacrifice and the salvation it brings.  How can we do anything less than praise, worship, and give our lives to Him as our Savior?  The song 10,000 Reasons has been my praise song all day.  What was your praise song today?


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