Friday, July 5, 2013

Wed blog

2 Kings 22:3-23:30, Acts 21:37-22:16, Psalm 1, Proverbs 18:11-12
"Pride comes before the fall" is a very common phrase in the Butler home (my family.)  I've heard it form my dad, my mom, and my brother and I have even said to each other.  I usually hear it when I don't wanna hear it, and I'm told it when I need to be told.  Pride is one of my greatest struggles and faults.  My mom blames it on my blood and she says it comes from her side of the family and that is just the way we are.  My dad, so you know, is one of the greatest and most humble guys I know (unless we are talking about golf and he will gladly show you his golf ball collection J It is pretty awesome!)  We have read many proverbs over the last six months (half way there!) and I admit that when I conclude my reading, those last two proverbs are just skimmed.  I almost did the same today, but I nodded my head with an "Ohhhhhhh,'   and smiled after the root of one of the Butler family sayings.  As we read, "Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor." (Proverbs 18:12)  It made even more sense as I tied it back to the OT reading we had in Kings.  They go hand in hand. 
In C.J. Mahaney's book Humility, True Greatness, he asks the question, "Why does God hate pride so passionately?  Here's why: Pride is when sinful human beings aspire to the status and position of God and refuse to acknowledge their dependence upon him."   The kings of Judah and Israel had prideful hearts, hearts that had turned away from God and refused dependence on Him.  They fell.  Their kingdoms fell.  Their land suffered and they felt God's anger and wrath; "I will bring disaster on this place and its people, according to everything written in the book the king of Judah has read.  Because they have forsaken me…" (II Kings 22:16-17)  The good thing in this story was King Josiah did turn back to God and the people did as well, but it was only temporary.  The next generation fell to Babylon. 
When I read this passage I kept thinking of our country, especially during this holiday week.  I get emotional 90% of the time I hear the Star Spangled Banner, and I do love my country and am proud to be an American.  However, I see a country moving farther and farther from God.  Our pride – of our leaders, our cities, and our own hearts are growing more and more away from God.  His anger is on our land and we see it in the news, in the droughts and fires in the southwest, and in our schools.  Revival happened in the OT by "renew[ing] the covenant in the presence of the Lord and keep[ing] his commands." Our pride, or lack of dependence on God, is causing our fall, but like the proverb said, if we are humble, we will have honor.  Keeping praying for our land, but make your prayer that of humility this week. 

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