1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4
Acts 24:1-27
Psalm 4:1-8
Proverbs 18:116-18
I saw myself in the New Testament reading today - not once, but twice. I wish I could say that, both times, I saw myself in Paul, but no. I saw myself first in Ananias, and then in Felix.
Ananias must not have liked having to plead his case before a higher authority; he was, after all, the high priest, and he must have grown accustomed to the Jews heeding his every word, particularly in matters pertaining to their religion. And yet here he was, forced to make a case for a course of action he might even really believed was essential for Judaism, maybe even important for him, for maintaining his authority, as well. So what does he do? "Listen, Felix - really sorry to have to bother you with this small matter, not really worth the attention of someone so great as you, who's work has led to such good times for us..." - lies (he was trying to get someone killed - no small matter that!) and flattery, to get his way.
Paul, on the other hand, simply responded with the truth, plainly spoken. Felix may or may not have recognized it for what it was, but God understood Paul was choosing to depend upon Him alone, and not on any sort of machination or manipulation. And God, who purposed for Paul to be there in the first place, protected him. I cannot help but think back to the many times I wanted something and, rather than trust in God, I saw fit to apply the same strategy of falsehood, flattery and manipulation.
So Paul spoke the truth to Felix, and he came back for more. Did Felix hear it? Sadly, it appears he didn't. When the talk turned to the need to live a life different from the one he enjoyed, "Felix was afraid" and ordered Paul to stop. To make matters worse, instead of receiving the great gift Paul was offering, Felix was hoping for a paltry bribe. For two years, Felix had the opportunity to hear about our Lord, and to develop a relationship with Him under Paul's tutelage. And he blew it, as I have, so many times in the past.
The psalmist said it well: "How long will you people turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?" I pray that, in my life, and in the life of my family, that stops today.
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