Wednesday, December 5, 2012

II Corinthians 10-13

II Corinthians 10-13
Paul is one of the greatest missionaries, teachers, and apostles of Jesus.  He wrote much of the New Testament through letters that were sent to the early Church.  In the chapters we read today, he revealed himself by making himself real, transparent, and vulnerable.   He shares the sufferings he had endured DAILY from all around: persecution from others, the elements, and from his own sinful heart and nature.  But in these chapters I see the wonder of God's glory: in a paradox, in weakness, and in foolishness.  God gives Himself the glory that in Paul's weakness, His power is shown.
Paul describes on of Satan's attacks as "thorn in his side."  We don't know what this struggle was, but I know we can all identify with the battle Paul must have had.  It made him totally weak.  Perhaps it was (as Chuck has called it,) a "cherished sin."  We know it was from Satan, and Paul warns us that he comes "masqueraded as an angel of light."  I know I fall into this trap continually…that thorn that is at my side.  Paul pleads to God for it's removal, but he is answered with, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."  (12:9)  This is one of my favorite verses. 
Then the paradox, "For when I am weak, then I am strong." (12:10)   We have all been weak: some through physical ailments and illnesses.  Some through spiritual rock bottoms, worldly storms or temptation.  What I have learned through these chapters is that in these times of weakness, it is when we lean on God.  He is the only one who can give strength. As I said earlier, he shows his awesome power in Paul's weakness.  I pray for this faith…for I know how weak I can be and I know that there is suffering. 
Reading this passage reminded me of a song my mom loves called "God's Own Fool" by Michael Card.
Seems I've imagined Him all of my life
As the wisest of all of mankind
But if God's Holy wisdom is foolish to man
He must have seemed out of His mind
Even His family said He was mad
And the priest said a demon's to blame
But, God in the form of this angry young man
Could not have seemed perfectly sane
We in our foolishness thought we were wise
He played the fool and He opened our eyes
We in our weakness believed we were strong
He became helpless to show we were wrong
So we follow God's own Fool
For only the foolish can tell
Believe the unbelievable, come be a fool as well
So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a man never died for a dream
And You'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam
So surrender the hunger to save us now
And The courage to say I believe
For the power of paradox opens your eyes
And blinds those who say they can see
So we follow God's own Fool
For only the foolish can tell
Believe the unbelievable, come be a fool as well

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