Sunday, December 2, 2012

02 DEC 12

As A dad I believe in spare the rod spoil the child, Proverb 13:24. The tough thing was what were the rules of engagement for spanking? Spanking can be a light smack on the wrist as the child reaches for that cookie for the tenth time of being told no; to a full 3 swat spank on the bottom  (not bare just sayin)

Rule #1 As a parent never spank when I'm angry!

Rule#2 Always remove the child from people do not punish in front of anyone.

Rule#3 Always tell the child why they are being spanked.

Rule#4 Tell them how many swats on the butt they will get.

Rule#5 Always end it with a hug and tell them I love them and I never want to spank them, but after repetitive disobedience it has to stop. I gave my child too many chances to correct their heart and behavior, but to no avail it came down to a spanking. 


Why all of this? I want my kids to know I love them and there are rules, and standards we have! The same rules and standards God give to us we try to instill in our kids. Just like a child we keep doing the same stupid things over and over again! The bible is saturated with example after example of God people doing what the want when they want to do it.


In today's reading we see Paul my hero, spanking some churches in need of a good spanking. They knew what God was looking for in them, but they let a whole truckload of sin creep in. They had it all pride, envy, self-righteousness, and gossip. Pretty much thinking they were "all that and a bag of chips too!" Every section we read today comes down to this! LOVE if you have love you will give before take! If you have LOVE you will seek whats good! If you have LOVE first, you will be changed from the inside out!


You see my kids did not need a change in behavior, hell that's easy! They needed a change of heart. Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.



Today look at the motivations for you not Loving people, and ask Christ to change your heart.

Chuck Goulart
Anytime Appliance

"Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes."

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