Wisdom. One of the wisest people I have known in my life is my grandma. She is a beautiful person and I have always adored her. Her name is Celedonia, but I have called her Sally for a long time. She never went to college, she doesnt speak perfect English, and worked in a school cafeteria in rural New Mexico. She has a set of encyclopedia s from the 70's, but she teases my cousins and I that she knows more American history than us becayse she studied so much of it when she became a citizen if the US. The point of this: its not the knowledge that makes her into what she is, but its the wisdom. So what makes her so wise? I have never known a person who prays and talks to God more than her. I put all that together this week. My Sally has a constant dialogue with God at all hours of the day and night. She also tells me her God are so close because His first language is Spanish :).
As I read these first chapters if Proverbs, and keeping Sally in mind, i noticed a key word that the writer repeats over and over. "Listen. ". This is how we gain wisdom...by hearing and listening. Listening to and for the voice of God through His Word, His creation, and others. He gives us the responsibility to channel His wisdom, an attrubute that has bden with Him from the beginning. Parents: teach your children. Children: take heed to your parents. Teachers: teach and seek this wisdom that comes from God. Students: (really this is all of us) pray for yijr teachers and respect them. Soak it in.
I was aldi reminded of the responsibility that we as Christians have WHEN we seek wisdom. We do this by seeking God in the Word, but we can only do this by guarding and checking ourselves. At the end of chapter 4, we see the command (not suggestion) to watch our mouthsm guard our eyes, and set our feet straight. Wisdom comes not just from our hearts and mindsm but a combination that all our being sttributes snd influences. Remember that sing from Sunday School? "Oh becareful little eyes what you see. Oh becareful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above, is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what you see.". It continues with "ears what you hear," " feet where you go," and finishes with "heart who you trust.". Again, makes sense. Our eyes, ears, feet, and heart need to be on Jesus.
We are almost half way through the year and our Bible. I am thankful for reading this. Its an encourament and a challenge to guard myself, flee from that cherished sin or simple pleasure. In the pages ahead I pray to seek wisdom. I am guilty of reading the Word and asking God for knowledge instead of wisdom. Shame on me. I pray that i will be like my Sally: seeking intimate prayer with God and learning how to listen. Even though i didn't realize it when i was young, i was always listening to her. Now its natural to call her and ask for advice. I pray that God gives me wisdom...afterall, it is valued more than knowledge, rubies, silver and gold.
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