Such heaviness today. My heart is heavy to read tragedy of those with little faith. My heart is sad for Moses. A man with so much faith and obedience... He will never see the Promise Land. Shaking my head (like I usually do) at the Israelites. Such little faith!!!!!!!! They were sitting on the front steps of a land flowing with milk and honey (koop-aid and marshmallows as I used to tell my first graders :) that God told them they could HAVE!! Here you go Israel, take it! It's yours! Just believe that I am with you! But they didn't believe. They doubted the God that lead them out of Egypt. Parted the Red Sea. Appeared and guided them in clouds and fire. Sent food from Heaven, water out of rocks. Only Joshua and Caleb believed they could take huge land. We see God... He punishes those with little faith.
We also see God...the God of mercy. Mercy. He could have (and really thought about it) totally destroyed these Israelites with no faith. He was angry, amazed they still didn't believe they could do ALL things through Him. He did no destroy them, but let them live. Punished and in judgement, but they lived. In His mercy he declared Joshua (Hebrew name for "the Lord is salvation") and Caleb would be the only ones who would enter the land. I admire Moses and his courage but also intimacy he had with God. Wow.
There is much more to say and go over in this text.... Sermons. I'm reminded of Psalm 145 (I think his was read at church on Sunday). Mediate on God's mercies in our life. We have little faith. We have been lead out of Egypt (slaves to sin) and we have been lead by the light and heat of His fire and clouds. He has parted seas and settled storms in our lives. Be a Joshua. A Caleb. A Moses. Be courageous and have X-Faith.
Psalm 145:8. "The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works."
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