January 25: Exodus 11-12 (ish)
So you know, I have actually read this text a few times over the last couple days and I've been talking to God, debating what we should discuss today. As always, thick chapters…sermons and sermons. I have been sitting on my couch, procrastinating a little, watching American Idol, starting a few sentences here and there, erased them, and now starting over. Been struggling with what to write, trying to focus on a few paragraphs and not a thesis J <sigh.> God blessed me today, I hope you have spent time with Him too. Here we go…
I was fortunate to teach first grade Sunday school for many years in New Mexico. All year we learned the ABC's of God: His attributes. I know we are not 6 or 7 years old, but at times we can be like little children, coming to our Abba, and in these readings we need to keep in mind He is the main character. Let's look at what we can learn about God…
A – ALMIGHTY. God is all-powerful. 10 plagues were sent to Egypt. In today's readings we see the 9th and 10th. Darkness and the death of the first born. He is so strong and powerful. There is nothing God cannot do, and will not do in order to show His glory and make His name known. Pharaoh had so many chances to let the Hebrews go, but his heart was stone. In God's wisdom, he caused everything to work for His will and set the instructions for Passover, as a way to show His power to all of Egypt. Many times in chapter 11 and 12 we hear the voice of God, speaking to Moses and He leads with "I will," revealing His power and might.
The next letter we can see about God is O – OMNIPRESENT. God is everywhere all the time, doing different things, but all fir His glory. The 10th plague – the death of all the firstborn, was a quiet night. The Bible says not even a dog barked. He was with the Israelites in their homes, and He was pouring His wrath out on Egypt. God gave the Hebrews specific, specific instructions for this pass-over. A process that would involve the way they ate, prepared, and this obedience and faith would mean life or death. God said He would pass through the night, but in the end it would be a "memorial" that would last for generation to generation. It is today.
I leave you with a couple verses from Jeremiah that my first graders would have as memory verses that remind us of these two letters.
Jeremiah 32: 18b – 19a " The Mighty God, whose name is the LORD of hosts. You are the great counsel and mighty in work."
Jeremiah 23: 24 "Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?' says the LORD; 'Do I not fill heaven and earth?' says the LORD"
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