Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26 - The Sermon on the Mount

Friends, today's reading, The Sermon on the Mount, is full of great instruction which Jesus taught, and is still teaching us today. We need to read it again and again. Each points Jesus makes calls for so much reflection in our lives! One thing grabbed me however while reading. As we already saw, Jesus says and does things which are not popular; they are counterintuitive for the human character and counter-cultural. For example:

1. The Beatitudes

Jesus says that people who are suffering are blessed: the poor, the mourning, the hungry, the persecuted. And we thought that we were blessed when we are well off! Those of us who seem fine now in our lives should be careful of spiritual droughts in our hearts. I think this is why Jesus always challenges us to help the needy, to seek righteousness, to be merciful, to get out of our comfort zones and be selfless. Because this will help us get in the same boat with the suffering people, share with them and be blessed together.

2. Loving others more than ourselves

Jesus says that we should turn the other cheek when someone strikes us, and that we should not only forgive our enemies but love them too! Now, that is way opposite our character! We are wired to avenge, to seek remedy from people who hurt us - and sometimes for the smallest thing (like someone cutting in front of our car on the road.) But Jesus is challenging us to be meek. He is not asking us to self-destruct here, He cares about our safety. But he challenges our hearts to become humble and to love others more than ourselves. Why? Well, it's simple for me. If Christ says it, I believe it is good for us. Just think, moments of forgiveness and giving are one of the most powerful and beautiful experiences in our lives.

3. True wealth

We think that our possessions (all the way from homes, to i-phones, to curtains, to favorite CDs, to diplomas and to promotions) are a sign of how well we do in life. I know we value family and friends too, but we do get wrapped up in the things we buy or achieve. Jesus tells us: no, treasures on earth are not true treasures, they collect dust and decay. True treasures are stored up in Heaven. I believe these Heavenly treasures are everything which we have accomplished together with Christ. Everything He has asked us to do and we did. Jesus' teachings are full of instructions of what is good for us. The most important thing being Him Himself - we need Jesus most!

Will you have Jesus this week?

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