Saturday, April 24, 2021

April 23: Of Child Discipline or the Lack Thereof

These were yesterday's readings and reflection.  Please forgive me for the tardiness.

Judges 1:1-2:9
Luke 21:29-22:13
Psalms 90:1-91:16
Proverbs 13:24-25

"Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them." - Proverbs 13:24

Last month, two young girls, ages 15 and 13, stole a car.  They tased the driver, who then clung  to the car while the girls drove off.  The girls lost control of the car, and by doing so they killed the owner.  

It turns out, this isn't an isolated incident.  Washington DC has seen a 300% increase in carjackings this year, many carried out by young teenagers who steal the car, then use it to commit other crimes - robberies and shootings among them.  

This was terrible for the victim, no mistake.  But upon reflection one realizes it is going to be pretty terrible for the two girls as well.  Whether or not they go to jail, something like this is not without consequences.  Either they are going to be stricken with grief and guilt at what they did - how does one get over that? - or they are just not going to care, which to my mind is far, far worse.  

But you know who else it is terrible for?  Every single parent whose child, whom they love, has put themselves in such a situation. Youtube has so many videos of parents breaking down in screams of agony and tears of pain when their children are sentenced to lengthy prison terms, or worse.  The ones we don't see - the quiet ones, when the parents become aware of the choices their children have made, the damage they've done to themselves and others, the long and difficult road they face to restitution, recovery and restoration - those are equally as painful.

To avoid that pain as much as we can for all involved, we need to raise our kids right.  And as scripture expresses so very clearly, discipline is essential.  

I will leave you with a feel good story - can you imagine how proud Matthew Garcia's mom must have felt?  When she raised her son, I suspect she loved him enough to discipline him.  

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