Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Oct. 21

Psalm 89

As I read through this Psalm, I couldn't help but find parallels to today's world and yet also find hope for what lies ahead. We learn that God promised Israel that despite their disobedience, He would never break faith with them, and even though there was evil that ran rampant, there was still a remnant of faithful people that believed and held onto the promises of God. I believe in my spirit those of us who have chosen to make Jesus not only our Savior but Lord of our lives, have been set apart as the remnant. As disciples, we are called to shine a very bright light that isn't ours, into the darkness and evil that surrounds us. Being made in God's image equips our character to display God's central characteristics and in that vain I often ask myself if the spiritual task at hand is being driven by some form of a false sense of self righteousness or out of the overflow of a filling from the Holy Spirit. It's one of those reality questions that only the Holy Spirit can convict us of in order to know the truth. In today's Psalm we are reminded that without God's help, we are not capable of any spiritual tasks, no matter how small they might be. So in light of the current events, are we praying from a place victory? Do we believe God will not break faith with us? I don't know if the Psalmist knew the state the world would be in by the time we read this Psalm, but I think we can be reminded and encouraged to know that God's covenant promises will not change because God hasn't changed. Our hope rests in the fulfillment of  the prophecy of Jesus.


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