1 Kings 2:1-3:2
Acts 5:1-42
Psalm 125:1-5
Proverbs 16:25
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
The pledge of allegiance was originally brought into schools to help with unity across the country. Each day that I am in school, I join my students with my right hand over my heart and recite those very words. On the one hand, I'm grateful that my district still allows us to recite it, but on the other, I am aware of how absent God is from so many lives today. Not by His choice, but by the unwillingness of many people to choose Him and follow His Word.
Did you know, the pledge actually began with a one hand salute, right arm extended and palm facing down. It was later amended because it resembled the Nazi salute (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/). What I find so interesting is that it then became practice to hold your right hand over your heart. Our Lord and savior sits at the right hand of our LORD. I find it no coincidence that God is speaking into our nation's youth, one pledge at a time, our right hands over our hearts. Our heart is the gateway for Jesus to enter our lives, and for the Holy Spirit to reside in us.
In 1 Kings 2:1-3:2, there was changing over leadership from David to his son, Solomon. Many knew that David had chosen Solomon as his heir, as he wanted to fulfill his duties to the Lord and continue to have his lineage hold the throne; but, his 4th son Adonijah had other plans. Adonijah felt that he was rightfully owed that position of authority because he was the next in line by birth date. You see, Adonijah's focus was not on God, it was on himself. His focus was not on understanding that his father, David, was choosing who he thought was a better fit, it was on himself. Too often we get fixated on what we think we are owed, rather than accepting that God has it all in control; and whether or not we know what His next plans are, we need not worry or hold resentment if things don't go the way that we had predicted.
I have often heard, "you are a product of your environment", and while I think that is true to some extent, I firmly believe that accepting Jesus Christ into your heart will create a whole new environment in your life. While David was very faithful to God, he may not have been the best parent or father figure. Did that contribute to why Adonijah acted the way that he did, while his brother Solomon, had his eyes fixated on the Lord? Parenting plays a huge role, but God's role is far greater. Had Adonijah chosen to follow God instead of plot to get the throne through David's nurse, his story may have been different. I believe God sees this in our present day. Children aren't always born into the most loving families, and they may not have the structure at home that is needed, but each morning at school is an opportunity for Him to whisper into our children's ears, and hold their hearts, no matter what human influence may surround them outside of those school doors. God loves our children, and this is just one way He is knocking at their door.
In Acts 5, we learned how Ananias and his wife, Sapphira sold their land, and lied to the apostles saying that they gave everything they received in exchange for the land to them. They were greedy, and lied about what they kept. They wanted to appear as righteous followers of Christ, but God is all knowing, and they paid a great price for their deception. My take away from this is that it is not enough to merely appear to be a devoted Christian, we must walk it out daily, live it, breathe it, and be the body of Christ. It seems kind of silly to claim to believe in our beloved, all knowing God, know that his magnitude of power is far beyond anything we can comprehend, and then to go and try to deceive others in the name of Christ. Who are you kidding? Not God, that is for sure. Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, paid the price of death for their actions. What price is our country paying right now for our actions?
I challenge you to ask yourself this question: In the midst of the terrible hardships that the people of our country are currently facing, how am I stepping out in my faith to spread the Word of God?
What is the Holy Spirit whispering in your ear? What is the Holy Spirit prompting you to do? Let us be Christians who look past the fear of being shut down or offending others with our faith. After all, isn't that what Jesus told his disciples to do? It's not a time to "play it safe" and only pray in private. Our country needs God. That is the only fix. There is no lack of hope. That is fear talking. Don't let Satan block you from living out your mission of being a disciple of God. Let us join together as a church body and show everyone who we encounter what it is to be a Christian. Let us stand out because we are living God's Word. Our Lord is fully invested in us, so let us be fully invested in Him and growing His kingdom.
Just like the Sadducees tried to stop the good works of the apostles, there will be people in life who try to stop you from performing the good works of God. However, you can walk in FULL CONFIDENCE knowing that the Lord has your back, and knowing that He is in power and control. We need to follow the laws of the land, but when they go against what God has said, just as Peter and the apostles replied, "We must obey God rather than human beings." Acts 5:29. We must be selfless, loving, honest followers of Jesus Christ. No matter what season you are in life, God's Word stands true and never changes, and it can always be used to give us a clear lens to view the world, free of man's influence. Experience the God given vantage point that the Bible provides, and embody His Word in all that you do.
Dear Lord, I come to you with thanks. Thank you for the work that you are doing in our church. Thank you for the work that you are doing in each of us. Thank you for the promptings that you give us to live out your Word. Dear Lord, I ask that you please give us the courage to step out in our faith on a new level. We are your vessels, please work through us. Please protect us, your disciples, as we grow in our faith and spread your Word. I pray that each person we come in contact with feels the presence of the Holy Spirit, and that they feel prompted to spread the same love and kindness that they received. Let's tip the scales of the sinful prejudice that is occurring in our world, and wipe it out completely. In your presence, everything is possible.
I love you, God, and thank you for loving all of us.
Hear Our Praises - Reuben Morgan
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