Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May 27

John 16

Imagine reading every third word of this blog.  Go ahead, try it. Skip the third word in each sentence. The first three sentences would read "imagine reading third word this blog ahead try skip the word in each."  Although it might make some sense, it's pretty confusing and sounds jumbled. Now imagine reading the Bible the same way without having the Holy Spirit guiding us into truth and speaking to our spirits. The Holy Spirit, the third person in the Trinity, puts the pieces together so that our spirits can understand what Jesus is saying. Jesus explains to us that He has to leave in order for the Spirit to come. Jesus promised He would never leave us and though He isn't here physically, His Spirit is. The Counselor who convicts us when we stray from the Lord, will also make the truth known and clear to us. Like Jesus, the Holy Spirit speaks only what He hears from the Father and conveys that to us. It's just all part of the mystery of the Trinity but the reality behind it is we can't separate ourselves from Him or nothing makes sense. My prayer is that this Sunday being Pentecost, there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our church for those who are here, in our homes, in our city, in our nation and in our world. I pray we are guided into truth by the Counselor for it is that truth that will set us free from the chains that bind us. Jesus told us to have peace because even though in this world we will have trouble, He has overcome the world. Come Holy Spirit, come.


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