Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 17th Blog Post

Numbers 26:1-51

Luke 2:36-52

Psalm 60:1-12

Proverbs 11:15

In Numbers 26:1-51, we learned that the more the tribes were contributing, the greater the reward.  As we reflect on our own lives and our personal walks with our faith, we can discern that the more effort we put into our walk and our journey through faith, the greater the reward will be along the journey.  The more time we spend in prayer, reading His word and worshiping, the more we will be able to apply His teachings on to others.

In Luke 2:36-52, the prophet, Anna, spent her days at the temple worshiping, fasting and praying.  She gave thanks to God and spread the word of the child, Jesus, who would redeem Jerusalem.  Through our own act of fasting and prayer, our focus is more refined as we lift our worries up to Him and praise Him for all He has given us.  I pray that Our Father will use His supernatural healing powers to help those affected by the coronavirus. Who is better prepared to help our community, our nation, our world, than He?

I love reading how wise Jesus was, even as a young child, and how he stayed in Jerusalem to learn and ask questions from the teachers.  His earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, were not pleased when he didn't stay with them on their trip back to Nazareth, causing them to worry about his whereabouts.  When asked why he chose to treat them that way, his response was simple, and I can imagine his honesty when he said, "Why were you searching for me?", "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?".  He obeyed his parents and went to Nazareth, but his wisdom and love for his Heavenly father continued to flourish, and Mary was a close witness to this.

God wants us to worship Him, not the "earthly gods".  They do nothing more than distort our focus, while He offers us salvation and eternal life.  When God is not the focus in our lives, He is greatly displeased, and at times shakes the earth as exemplified in Psalm 60.  It makes me think of the coronavirus, and how it is shaking our earth.  However, instead of letting fear take residence in our hearts, we should take this opportunity to come together and help support one another.  Yes, there is still fear, and there are many people who are not turning to God during this time, but there are countless people across the globe uniting and serving during this time of great need.  Let us celebrate that! Let any fear that there may be propel us forward into living out His word. God has raised a banner of righteousness for His believers, those who fear Him. Let us proclaim our faith and celebrate the love and the Word of our Lord.  Whether shouting from the mountaintops, or from the valleys below, let us be strong in our faith, no matter the season. When we feel weak, lean on Him, lean on our community, open our hearts and souls to Him continuously.  

Dear Lord, just as David called out to you to help him in battle, we call out to you to help us through this challenging time.  During this time of uncertainty with the coronavirus, we can lean wholeheartedly into our faith and on you, Our Father, and remain certain that you will carry us through.  Thank you, God, for loving us beyond human comprehension, for giving us your Grace and for sacrificing your son for us so that we would be saved; Thank you, Jesus Christ, for your ultimate sacrifice and undying love; Thank you, Holy Spirit, for guiding us and being an internal voice to help us reason through right and wrong.  Dear Lord, thank you for all that you have done for us, all that you continue to do for us, and for the future plans that you have in store for us.  You are the storyteller, and our Faith is in you. In your name, I pray. Amen.

New Wine - Hillsong Worship

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