Monday, January 6, 2020

bible blog post Monday Jan 6th

The Balm For Division  (Matthew 5:18-48)

Pick up any news paper, turn on any news channel, read through your Facebook feed, read through your twitter feed, expose yourself to social media in any form or listen to the conversations people around you are having and you quickly are made aware that we live in a very divisive world.

Every day we are exposed to divisiveness in politics, religion, sports, entertainment.  We have social division, economical division, educational division, and even age divisions.  We can argue over food choices, medical choices, fashion choices, and even vacation choices.

Now a days nothing seems to be off limits that can cause division. A Pandora's box of negativity and division has spilled out into our world.  I'd love to say that those of us in the church (those who have a relationship with Christ) have not been affected by this pandemic of divisiveness but we are prone to it as well.

Matthew 5:18-48 speak to this attitude of divisiveness, self-centered thoughts, selfish behavior, lack of forgiveness and grace.  It challenges us to choose to show Love instead.  Sounds easy except the challenge is not to just love those who agree with us, who make us smile, who are easy to get along with but also to love those who are difficult, selfish, mean, greedy, who hurt us, who have wronged us, those who we perceive as our enemy in any way.  This is not an easy task in and of ourselves but these verses remind us that we have a God who shows kindness to those who's hearts are far from him as well as those whose hearts are set on him.  He desires to draw people to him not away from him and Love is the avenue he uses.  We are not being called to do anything different than he himself does.

1 Corinthians 13 shows us the importance of love and then gives us a definition of what love is.  I want to share this verse today as a reminder of how we are called to live in love toward others in our divisive world today and every day.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.   LOVE NEVER FAILS.

According to Corinthians, love focuses on the needs of others whether they deserve it or not.  Love is produced by a humble heart, a gracious and merciful heart.  Loves is the glue that can bind people together when we might not see eye to eye.  Love is the balm that can heal hurts and suture wounds.  Love covers over a multitude of sins and wrongs (1 Pet 4:8).  We can love everyone (even the divisive ones) like this because it is exactly how God chooses to love us.  So, as you go about your day and encounter people, read posts or tweets, or have conversations (with friends, enemies, or just people who have a different thought or view) remember what love is, what it truly looks like, and then seek to let it shine in your actions, attitudes and words.

James 1:22 instructs us to not just be people who listen (or read) the word of God but to be doer's of it.  To put it into action.  We have the list of how to in Corinthians so let us show love towards all those we encounter both today, tomorrow, the next day and the next day..... .  It starts with a willing heart, a prayer for strength  and then action.  The more we try the better we will do and perhaps we can be the change to the division in our world. 

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