Friday, September 20, 2019

Sept 20

Galatians 5

The movie "Freedom Writers" is the gripping story of inner-city kids raised on drive-by shootings, gang warfare and hard-core attitudes - and the teacher who gives them hope of a better life. These kids live in a world torn apart by the choices of others... dysfunctional parents, gang members, cruel friends, and the harsh realities of life in the ghetto. Yet their teacher continually tells them, "You have a choice."

We also have a choice in a world torn apart by hatred, bitterness, addictions and ungodliness.  

"So, I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature."  Gal 5:16

We can choose to live by the Spirit or choose to live by what we feel is right (our sinful nature). It is a daily choice. Here is the harsh reality: while we have the freedom to choose our actions, we do not have the freedom to choose our consequences. The wrong choice about true freedom will always lead to bondage. Our world is filled with people living in bondage and they mistake it for freedom.

My prayer is that we will all live in the power of the Holy Spirit. Choose freedom; choose the Spirit.


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