Wednesday, June 26, 2019

June 26

Psalm 144

David was an incredible warrior.  If he were alive today he would probably be in some elite branch of a special service division. Training is key to success, especially if you are a soldier. Think about David's life though.  Did he have special training when he fought Goliath?  No, in the physical sense he went in with some stones and sling shot, but in the spiritual world, he went in with God on his side.  David understands that it's the Lord who trained his hands for war and is fingers for battle. We too are trained for battle. Our training, much like David's, begins and rests in our relationship with God and in our prayer time. Apart from Him we can do nothing. We are reminded in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that "the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world".  The Lord has not left us defenseless. He knows we live in the battle field, the Christian life does not take place on a playground. Jesus promised we'd have trouble. (John 16:33) So how do we train? What equipment do we use? In His wisdom, God has left us His Word, the Sword of the Spirit, and His Holy Spirit. There is a battle we face everyday.  It is for our souls, our spouses, our children, other family members and friends. We need to know God was well as David did and be aware of God's many attributes, His chesed, (loving kindness), God is our fortress, high tower, deliverer, shield and refuge. Before David even went out to physically do battle, he dropped to his knees. That's where the true fight begins and Kingdom victories are won. David's victories rested in trusting a covenant keeping, Sovereign God. He lived in a relationship with God that exemplifies what a prayer life is. Life might not always turn out how we think it should, but that doesn't change who God is.  Lord, I ask that you meet us where we are in our battles, on our knees, seeking your face, knowing that even though we don't see the full picture, or always understand, the victory is Yours.


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