Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thursday, May 30

THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2019

Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."

"You are a king, then!" said Pilate.

Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (John 18:36,37)

To those approaching this passage for the first time, Jesus's words must sound quizzical. Indeed, Pilate might have been confused himself. What kind of king does Jesus claim to be?

Pilate could join with the Jews in opposing Jesus as king—if He had actually claimed a physical kingship. Yes, as governor, Pilate could have stepped in against an apparent political or military uprising. Yet, Jesus's disciples didn't "fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."

Pilate latches onto this revelation of another Kingdom, but merely focuses on Jesus's claim of being a king. He doesn't have interest in delving deeper into the otherworldliness of this Kingdom.

In response, Jesus highlights His call to testify to the truth and to reveal that which the Father had sent Him to reveal. Studying the Scriptures, we recognize that this revelation requires spiritual eyes and a spiritual heart to discern. Physical or material truths do not require the Spirit's help, but spiritual truths do.

After reading this interaction, how may we respond? Do we throw up our hands in defeat, realizing that many of our friends and neighbors may not understand? Or do we embrace this otherworldly Kingdom and live freely as her servants?

From a practical standpoint, surrendering ourselves to God's will so that we may serve in His Kingdom doesn't jibe with worldly thinking. It seems antiquated, and, at the very least, it contrasts with the expected pattern of seeking the best for oneself. It involves sacrifice and costs us time, energy, and money. Yet, the rewards are eternal and extravagant.

Coming under the Kingdom's banner brings us into wholeness of person and fulfills our creation purpose of knowing God intimately. (John 17:3) We have assurance that God will satisfy our desires for Him if we seek Him fully and with pure hearts, and we will receive all our needs as we seek His Kingdom and His righteousness.

Where do you stand in this Kingdom pursuit today? How could you become more fully engaged in serving God and living under His Kingdom banner?


On another track, I loved the calm reassurance of this verse from Psalm 119:114: "You are my refuge and my shield;/ I have put my hope in your word." Thank You for Your protection and strengthening under Your Word!


Lord Jesus, thank You for courageously testifying to the truth and about Your Kingdom in Your earthly life. Help us to become more aware of Your Kingdom's workings and power. Give us the strength to surrender our wills to Yours so that we might become effective servants. Turn our hearts to seek You fully, with purity. Open our spiritual eyes to Your Kingdom's extent and its promises and hope. In Your mighty Name, amen.

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