"Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
"'You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being'" (Revelations 4:9-11)
Upon reading Revelation, we may find some of the language and images to be foreign and fantastical. How may we understand something that we have never seen with our eyes or experienced in real life? Yet, through John's vision and his reporting, we are transported into God's throne room and to the company assembled there. And we find worship.
From Revelation, we may take away some crucial nuggets on the nature of eternity, its Kingdom, and its King. Importantly, we find Jesus being exalted and worshipped for His sacrificial love. We find a righteous Father governing over the world and planned a course towards history's resolution. Both humans and angelic creatures stand worshipping before the throne, bringing glory to their King and the Lamb, Jesus Chris.
Their songs of worship have long guided our songs of worship. The heavenly assembled worship God for His character and His love. They underscore God the Father and God the Son's worthiness to receive "glory and honor and power." Just in today's short passage, we find worship of God's holiness, eternal nature, His creative power, and His sustaining love.
As we head into worship, both individually and corporately, we may also reflect on God's awesome character. What part of God's nature has struck you today as worthy of worship? Which of His Names comes to mind?
Today, I give thanks to the "Wonderful Counselor." He gives wisdom to all who ask, without reservation. He guides us in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. The Son has sent the Spirit to strengthen and empower us in our walk with God. The Spirit illuminates the Scriptures and convicts us of our sin. He holds the future in the palms of His hand, and He cares for His children and their present and eternal wellbeing. God, You are worthy of praise, honor, and glory for Your wonderful counsel!
Lord God, thank You for giving us this picture of heaven through Revelation. Give us understanding through Your Word and our reflection on it. Point out how we may better worship You in our day. Give us the strength and resolve to choose time with You; meet with us during this time. We love You and worship You today, recognizing You are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. In Jesus's Name, amen.
"Worthy Is the Lamb (Halleluia)":
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