"But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit." (Jeremiah 17:7,8)
While Jeremiah's prophecy includes many laments over the sinful nature and warnings of oncoming judgment, there are nuggets of tremendously encouraging truth for those who seek to follow and honor God. This passage, which echoes the encouragement of Psalm 1, stands as such an example.
Ultimately, the person described here doesn't necessarily have any other "things going for" him or her. Instead, the sole determinant is that he or she "trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him." This binary decision of trusting or not trusting in God creates substantial ripple effects in our lives. Given this passage's focus, we will concentrate on the positive effects of trusting Him.
Please notice the analogy of a "tree planted by the water." Given the sometimes arid terrain in Israel, this metaphor spoke to the hearts of its original hearers. The trees near a river would flourish and remain green; their survival aptly depended on the live-giving river. In a similar vein, those who trust in God rely on His portion like a river. Revelation 21 discusses a "river of life" flowing directly through heaven. In addition, those who trust in God become rooted in Him.
As a result of the connection with God, those who trust flourish like the tree. They do not fear nor worry in lean or challenging times because their confidence ultimately comes from being rooted in God's faithfulness. Their joy remains consistent, knowing that leaner times offer God more opportunity to show His provision and that greener times point to His overwhelming generosity. This person "bear[s] fruit" through his or her life, demonstrating the love of God to a watching world.
Would you like this description to fit your life? How may you more fully trust in God so that His radiance might be displayed in you? Please consider reading His Word today and spending time talking with Him. Please prioritize your connection with and trust in God as paramount for any measure of "success."
Lord God, thank You for allowing us to become rooted in You by trusting in Your provision. Thank You for the encouraging truth of Your Word and the recognition that You never forsake Your people. Help us to turn to You in humility and understand our dependence on You today. Make us like trees planted by the water, so that we may point to Your goodness and love through our transformed lives. In Jesus's Name, amen.
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