Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24: Of Perfect Teams and Prayer

Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29

Luke 6:12-38

Psalm 67:1-7

Proverbs 11:27

"One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying with God.  When morning came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also designated apostles: …and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor." - Lk 6:12-13, 16

When I began my career, a management trainee at a global firm, the country GM called me into his office to welcome me.  "Jon," he said, in his loud, midwestern voice so unique in 1987 Manila, "there are only two jobs at this firm, and you and I have both of them."  

I didn't understand where he was going, so he continued.  "They are building the business, and building the people.  Your job is 99% building the business; my job is the reverse."

That has stuck with me these 31 years of my career.  In building any organization, building the team is the most important job.  

So today's reading has some seriously practical implications.  Consider this: before our Lord built His team, He went to a mountainside.  To pray.  All.  Night.  And then He chose the 12.  

Let's let that sink in a moment.  He already knew the apostles - they were among the many disciples following Him at that point.  What might He have prayed?  For guidance in the selection process?  That those chosen might be strong enough for the task ahead of them?  That they might be the right people for the job?  Whatever it is, He prayed all night.  And His prayers were answered - He got the best people for the job.  

"Now hold on a minute," you might say. "He chose Judas.  Who betrayed Him.  Leading to an excruciating death.  How can you say he got the best people?"  My response to that is, if Judas hadn't sinned as grievously as he did, our Lord would not have known Calvary, Golgotha nor the open tomb.   So Jesus did choose well.

I'm currently interviewing candidates to replace an employee who left.  This made me think.  I've spent a lot of time reading resumes and speaking with the candidates.  I haven't spent as much time in prayer - certainly nowhere near a whole night.  I should probably change my approach.

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