Wednesday, October 4, 2017

October 4

Colossians 1:9-20

I read this and found myself led to pray for our church, our families, and our friends:


Today, I pray for myself, and my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I know Lord that's it You Who is before all things, and it's You Who holds everything together in heaven and on earth.  Abba, we will never be able to understand how it pleased You to have Your fullness dwell in Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  We only know that our hope rests in the reconciliation of the blood shed on the cross.  I pray Lord that You continually fill us by the power of Your Holy Spirit with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding in order that we live and please You. I pray Lord that we  bear fruit in every good work as we grow deeper in the knowledge of God.  I pray that we are all strengthened with power according to Your might, the same power that raised Jesus from the grave, so that we may have great endurance and patience to run this race joyfully.  Thank you Lord for rescuing us from the dominion of darkness.  Thank you Father for this reconciliation that brings us into Your Kingdom --  the only place we can find redemption and forgiveness of sins.  Lord, You are the Word from the beginning and the image of the invisible God.  We give you all praise, honor and glory as we go into the world today and serve You with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our souls.    In Jesus Name, Amen.

It is a privilege and blessing to serve with all of you, 


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