Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17

John 9

As I read the account of the blind man, I couldn't help but think of Red Sea Rule #2. Jesus lived His life here on earth answering the question "How can God The Father be glorified in this situation?".   In regards to the blind man, Jesus explains very clearly "His blindness cannot be explained or traced to any particular person's sins. He is blind so the deeds of God may be put on display."  (V.3)  The blind mans name is Siloam.  I checked into the meaning of the name.  His name means "sent" -- it's as if his name is a reminder that his healing was sent by God.  Jesus didn't explain the source of the mans blindness because it wasn't necessary -- that wasn't His mission.  His mission was to do the work of God, Our Father. Since healing blind eyes is the work of the Lord, this is yet another display to the Pharisees that Jesus is God.  I love how Scripture ties together as we see in Psalm 146:8 it reads "The The Lord opens the eyes of the blind", and in Isaiah 35:5 we read that "The eyes of the blind shall be opened".  If only the Pharisees would have opened their eyes, they would have seen that The Messiah to whom they had been praying to for centuries was standing right in front of them. Jesus used a very unconventional way to heal the mans eyes.  By mixing dirt and His spit together I'm sure a few eyebrows were raised.  But if we think about it, when we meet people who walk in spiritual blindness and speak the Gospel of Truth, that can also be considered unconventional causing a few eye brows to be raised as well.  Just as Jesus modeled, we cannot neglect our call to serve and our areas of service.  I pray we all get a chance to raise some eyebrows today.


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