Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20th post

Looking to the Flight Attendant
Anyone who knows me knows this fact: I do not like to fly!!!  That is actually a bit of an understatement.  I have a fear of flying yet, from time to time, I find myself in a position where I do not have a choice but to fly.  During a flight when there are strange sounds, the seat belt light goes on, turbulence hits, or a storm rolls in my anxiety and fear level skyrockets.  You know what I do?  I look for the flight attendant and I watch her.  Every time I do this what I find is a flight attendant who is smiling, talking to passengers, and meeting the needs of those around her.  Immediately my heart rate begins to return to normal and my fears begin to lessen.  Why?  Because this is what the flight attendant does.  Day in and day out she is on a plane in all kinds of circumstances.  She is not rattled by the turbulence, this is what she does and she is at peace.  I look to her because if she is not concerned it tells me that I too should not be concerned but to learn to relax and rest.
Jesus disciples had made a commitment to follow Him, to let him lead them, to walk in his path.  In this passage, in Mark (4:33-41), we see their obedient hearts as Jesus leads them into a boat to cross the lake.  I believe that Jesus knew there was a storm ahead and yet he still had them get into the boat.  Knowing what lay ahead did Jesus gather his disciples and warn them?  No Jesus didn't tell them anything, in fact he went and found a nice comfy cushion and went to rest in the back of the boat.  He remained in that restful place even when the violent storm hit.  What did his disciples do?  They focused on the wind and the waves and they used all their sailing know how to try and help themselves and yet this storm was too much for them and they were full of fear.  Finally they went to Jesus and woke him from his rest and in desperation asked for him to help.  Without Christ's heart rate escalating in fear, he spoke to the storm and calmed it and then he spoke to his disciples and asked them why they are so afraid.  He questioned the level of faith they had.  Why had they stopped following his lead?  Why didn't they continue to look to him and see that he was not worried but was resting and at peace?
This passage in Mark has been my life recently.  I've had a few storms roll in that I was not prepared for, that have knocked me off balance, blown my hair into a tangled mess, and soaked me to my core from the crashing waves and rain.  My response has been much like the disciples; fear, dread, feeling overwhelmed, and out of control.  But God has used this story in Mark to remind me of my fear of flying, yes you read that right.  Just as I look to watch the flight attendants on an airplane in order to find comfort, I believe God is calling me to look at him during the storms and difficulties in my life and to continue to let him lead me.  Where is Jesus during the storms in my life?   Right there with me, resting in my heart.  Why was he resting?  Because he was not worried!!!  God is not worried.  I feel the need to say that again, God is not worried.  God is not caught off guard.  God is never out of control.  He is always at peace and in rest.  He is always able to calm any and every storm.  He is not worried and he is wanting to lead me into that same rest.
Christ doesn't desire us to live in fear and to feel alone, helpless or hopeless.  What he wants is for us to find rest with him.  Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  Note this verse says all those who ARE, present tense, burdened are to come to him.  You don't need to try and bail your life out of the storm it is in before you can find rest.   In the middle of the storms of life Jesus is calling us to look to him for hope, comfort, and peace.  He is inviting us, leading us to rest with him. 
The storms that hit my life are still pouring down rain and sending waves crashing over the bow.  I am still soaked and my hair a mess but I am learning to look to my God, my savior Jesus, and what I see is the one I have chosen to follow is not worried for me or those I love.  I have seen that there is opportunity for my faith to grow during the storms.  There is opportunity to experience hope.  There is opportunity to have peace that transcends all understanding (Phil 4:7).  I am learning to rest in the trust, hope and peace of God and it is a much better place to be during the storms then where I was.
If you are in a storm, know someone in a storm, or want to prepare for possible storms then I encourage us all to keep our eyes focused on Jesus through prayer and God's word.  Let us keep our eyes focused on the one who is resting and not on the storm blowing around us.  The Lord is not worried about our situations.  He is still leading us but where he desires to lead us right now is to join him by his side and rest. 
Praying for us all to experience this rest and grow in our faith!

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