Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23

1 Peter

What's your perspective?  By definition, it means your view point -- If we relate to Peter we can ask the question "what angle are you seeing life through"?  St. Francis of Assisi said we should read the bible with great humility, knowing that it is the only way to receive God's self-revelation which is revealed in the Scriptures. (Through the Years with Francis of Assisi). Peter tells us to set our hope completely on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Yeshua the Messiah.  Peter points our minds in the direction of action and balance (v.13) by staying focused on Jesus.  He shifts our perspective by explaining that we no longer are to be shaped by the same desires that ruled our lives in our ignorance-- meaning before we claimed Jesus as Lord over our lives.  When we see ourselves as being redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (v.19), the "view" of how we recognize our calling  and way that we live our daily life changes.  Peter tells us in v. 17 "If you call on Him as Father -- the One who judges impartially according to each one's deeds -- then live out the time of sojourning in reverent fear."  Clearly, this is not our home.  But, while we are "passing through", our perspective and our eyes should be fixed on Jesus.  I pray for each challenge we face today that our thoughts, actions and decisions are shaped from the perspective of the Mind of Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit that lives within us.


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