Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30

  Malachi 1


  What does 99.9% Quality mean?

  One hour of unsafe drinking water per month.

  Two unsafe landings at O'Hare each day

  15,000 lost pieces of mail per hour

  20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions each year

  500 incorrect surgical operations performed each week

  19,000 newborn babies dropped at birth by doctors each year

  22,000 checks deducted from wrong accounts each hour

  Your heart fails to beat 32,000 times each year


Years ago, the former secretary of HEW John Gardner said, "I am concerned with the fate of excellence in our society. If a society holds conflicting views about excellence or cannot rouse itself to the pursuit of excellence, the consequences will be felt in everything that society undertakes."


There is no area where the pursuit of excellence if more important than the spiritual. Malachi takes this issue head on with his accusation that the people of God where giving him second best. Try giving that blind sheep to the IRS as payment for your taxes. God says check the attitude. You come to church tired, not prepared for worship, with a consumer mindset, ready to take but not give. God says, "I see that you are just going through the motions." 


But God wants the best from us, not because he needs more sheep. Our attitude towards our best is the direct link to our soul satisfaction.  If you want a second hand experience with God, give him your leftovers.


As we prepare for a new year, give your best to Jesus; your best worship, your best attitude, your best service, your best love.


Malachi 1:11 tells us why this is a good choice, "My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my name, because my name will be great among the nations," says the Lord almighty.    

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday, December 29


“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”‭‭ (Proverbs‬ ‭31:8,9)

These words suggest that, as Christ-followers, we may take a positive stand on behalf of those whose voice might not be heard or those who, out of fear, may not speak up for themselves.  While we may certainly survey the world and find many peoples who fall into these categories, we also encounter folks in our daily lives who could use our support and advocacy.

Perhaps your career affords you the opportunity to take up the cause of the oppressed and struggling.  Great!  Please exercise those duties with care and love, following the Biblical principle of loving mercy and doing justice (Micah 6:8).

For many of us, however, we may not find direct avenues for standing up for the oppressed or voiceless.  We may have to be creative in our concern.  If you are in this situation, perhaps you could think through those individuals whom you know to have resistance from their supervisors; who face poverty of spirit; or who have genuine "felt" needs.  How could you love and support them?  What doors are open for demonstrating that love and support?

This love and support will involve some creativity and taking some risks to stand in the gap.  Following this Biblical mandate will allow us to "let our light shine" before others, so that they may also "glorify our Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16,17)

Happy New Year!  May we all seek Him passionately in 2017.

Lord God, thank You for standing with the oppressed, the fatherless, the widow, and all those who suffer and are in need.  Give us courage to intercede for the in prayer and in our actions.  Give us strength to offer our lives in service to You and to others.  We need You desperately to bring justice and mercy in this world.  We seek You today and each day, knowing that You alone are our hope and our strength.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 27

Zechariah 12

As we read through the prophesies of Zechariah we see many details of Christ's life that were written 500 years before they even came to pass.  One of the detailed Messianic references clearly fulfilled in Christ is found in verse 10.  "And I  will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.  They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son."  The "spirit of grace and supplication" I believe he is referring to is the Holy Spirit which was poured out as described in Acts through Pentecost.  The same Spirit which Isaiah referred to in 44:3 as did Ezekiel in 39:39.  We also know from Isaiah 53 that the Messiah would be pierced, and see that fulfillment in John 19:34. In Revelation 1:7 we read that "every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him". I think God is trying to show us that eventually there will be an awakening.  Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus, Yeshua, is the Messiah.  All Scripture is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16) and What was prophesied has come and will come again. In His Sovereignty, God has given us free will to make the choice whether we receive this truth now, or wait till the final chapter unfolds and see if things really play out the way it's written.  If you're reading this blog, you've already made your choice, and with that comes the responsibility of living our lives and sharing this truth as it is written.  Only God, by the power of His Spirit of grace and supplication, can open the eyes of the blind, we have to remember that, but it's up to us to plant seeds.  I pray for myself and everyone reading this blog that the people God puts in front of us today see Jesus and the truth behind Scripture in all of us not just by our knowledge of Scripture, but because we host the presence of the prophesied Messiah. 


Friday, December 23, 2016

Dec 23

Bible Reading for 2017

As we set our sights on a new year I want to challenge you to start your year out reading through the Bible. The motto for the new year is G3  Gather, Grow and Go.  Bible reading is absolutely essential for our growth as Christ followers.

Ignorance is on the march in our culture. It is advancing very quickly because truth is disappearing. As Americans we are having an enormous struggle agreeing on even the most basic values in life.

Yesterday I read a Barna report that said 67% of young people never read the Bible. Only 3% read it daily. And we wonder why so many lives are crashing and burning in our world. The truth is most young people know more about Taylor Swift than they know about God.

So would you prayerfully consider asking a young person to join you on the Bible Reading journey next year?  All you need to do is invite them. The worst they can say is, "no, thank you."  

We have One Year Bibles at church or you can just go to the internet to find the reading for the day ( The One Year Bible site will even read the passages to you. We also have a daily blog entry for the reading of the day where you can receive daily encouragement from your church family ( 

I would like to thank our team of writers for the past year, Jon Lanuza, Carol Policastro, Randi Rivera, Louise Jaworski, Steve Edwards, Kenny Sullivan and Keesha Sullivan.

Here is a quote from Greg Hawkins and Cally Parkinson from their book "Move."  Their book is centered on the question, "What is the best way to lead people in spiritual growth?"  Here is their conclusion.


Nothing has a greater impact on spiritual growth than reflection on Scriptures.  If churches could do only one thing to help people at all levels of spiritual maturity grow in their relationship with Christ, their choice is clear.  They would inspire, encourage, and equip their people to read the Bible.


With the new year being just a few days away, would you prayerfully consider taking the Bible reading journey with us?  

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thursday, December 22


“Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.”
(‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13:11-17‬)

This text highlights the dangers of following the world's wonders.  These two beasts set themselves against God's purposes, but they deceived the inhabitants of the earth who had not given their lives into Christ's hands.  As a result, this deception leads to their dehumanization and ultimately their destruction.

The passage begs the question, "How may we avoid this type of deception?  Or, positively, how may we stand with God through times of temptation?"  These thoughts directed me to the accounts of Daniel and his three friends.  Despite their standing in the spotlight around Babylonian leadership, they disobeyed man's directives in order to honor God's.  Like Moses, these men illustrated the better choice of associating with Christ instead of choosing the pleasures of sin, taking instead the disgrace of Christ as superior to the treasures of Egypt.  Paul mentioned that he considered everything a "loss" for the sake of knowing Christ.

Why would Moses, Daniel and his friends, and Paul take such an attitude?  How could they stick with their decisions in light of the challenging circumstances that would come as a result?  Simply put, they saw the beauty of the reward (God Himself and knowing Him) and received strength from their protectors and guides (God Himself, through the Person of the Holy Spirit).  We will do well to follow their example and focus our thoughts and hearts in a similar direction.

How has God touched Your heart recently?  How could you commit yourself to hearing His voice more frequently this holiday season and in the coming year?  Would you like to know God more deeply?  Please consider continuing the journey of reading through the Scriptures in 2017 (or even getting started over the next 10 days).

Many blessings to you for a very Merry Christmas!

Lord God, thank You for providing godly examples of overcoming the world's threats.  Give us strength to choose standing with You over anything else.  We need a deeper revelation of Your Presence and love in our lives.  Prepare us for the wonder of Christmas and protect our time to honor and worship You.  We give You our lives and hearts today.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21

Psalm 140

As I read through this Psalm I couldn't help but think how God will sometimes put us in a place where we learn to pray knowing that our only hope is in Him and there is no "Plan B".  Listen to David's plea "rescue me, protect me, keep me safe, God my Lord, the strength of my deliverance, you shield my head in the day of battle".  We don't know how or who God will put in our path to get us through our struggle, or perhaps He Himself will perform the miracle, but we do have countless Biblical accounts of God's hand rescuing, protecting and shielding His people.  We also have many accounts in our church and in our own lives of God moving miraculously in our lives.  Psalm 121:2 tells us that our help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.  So today, when we take our quiet time to pray, let's lift our eyes to the hills and pray because there is no "Plan B".


Friday, December 16, 2016

Thursday, December 15

MICAH 1:1–4:13
PSALM 134:1–3
“Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?’” (Revelation 6:15–17)
The account from Revelation makes clear that only faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ provides the pathway to God’s eternal rest and joy in heaven. The judgments that befall the earth come equally to the rich and powerful and everyone else, as these verse below indicate.
Given its obsession with youth and self-indulgence, the world doesn’t provide much incentive to focus on the eternal. In fact, it seems that the world and its distractions even divert us from considering the relatively long-term of the next year or more.
In contrast, God definitely has communicated eternity into our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:10,11). How will we respond to this communication? Will we seek to know Him, the Eternal One? Or will we ignore the calling?
Early on in my walk with Christ, I had the great blessing of hearing several messages about living in light of eternity. One speaker used a room-wide clothesline, explaining that this line represented eternity. He then placed a strip of electrical tape on the clothesline, to mark the span of our lifetime. This illustration stuck with me and pointed out our opportunity to live for that much greater line.
Practically speaking, how may we offer our hearts and lives to eternal ends? Reading God’s Word gives us an excellent foundation for understanding God’s call to live in light of eternity. As Paul wrote in Philippians 1:21, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” In another place, Colossians 3:1–4, he described Christ as “our life.” The Word therefore highlights how the life of Christ, lived in us, prepares us for His purposes.
Character-building, which comes through submitting ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction, lies at the center of preparing for eternity too. We desire transformation, not just information. We need God’s reshaping of our hearts and redirection of our plans because our natural selves desire what is contrary to God’s heart. Our lives in Christ fit us for God’s eternal service.
I personally have benefited tremendously from studying the stories of great men and women of God, who followed Jesus’s example of living sacrificially. Missionaries like Jim Elliott and C. T. Studd are two of my favorites; they willingly submitted their lives to God’s plans and impacted millions through their testimony. The Apostle Paul provides a great Biblical example.
As we celebrate the Incarnation at Christmas, please remember the eternity behind that Incarnation. Let us seek Him wholeheartedly and find the joy of knowing and loving Him.
Lord God, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for showing us the all-importance of eternity. We give our hearts to Your eternal purposes and desire to live our lives to impact eternity. Give us opportunities to be a blessing to others at this Christmastime. Allow us to pour out Your love into their lives. We love You, honor You, and serve You today. In Jesus’s Name, amen.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 13

Revelation 7

The book of Revelation is a difficult book to get through, I think. After all, reading about the end of life as we know it here on earth is not easy.  As I read through this chapter, I closed by eyes and visualized the scene.There are four angels holding back the winds of the earth so that another angel can put a seal on our foreheads so we will be recognized as children of God. That alone is hard to comprehend. Now I know Pastor Scott can give a much better explanation that I ever could about the significance of the number, so for now, just to grasp the impact of the scene, let's not get stuck there.  There will be a great multitude that no one could count, people from every nation, speaking different languages, praising and worshiping the Lord!!! (v9)   This is how we will spend the rest of our lives. I know everyone reading this blog is going through something, waiting on an answer, or even questioning the answer.  Our faith in knowing God's word is true is what will get us to the finish line.  As we spend the next two weeks reflecting on the birth of The Messiah, I think it's important to remember how the story ends: 

They are before the throne of God
    and serve him day and night in his temple;
and he who sits on the throne
    will shelter them with his presence.
16 'Never again will they hunger;
    never again will they thirst.
The sun will not beat down on them,
    nor any scorching heat.
17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne
    will be their shepherd;
'he will lead them to springs of living water. 
    'And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes  (15-17)

I feel so blessed to be part of a Church community that prayers together, and encourages each other. As we close our Bible reading for the year, I encourage everyone to join the Church reading next year, and invite a friend.  Someone you know needs to hear the Gospel.


Friday, December 9, 2016

December 9

Book of Joel

Do you have a hard time making decisions?  One of the longest decisions ever made was by a guy named Octavio Guillen of Mexico City. According to The Guinness Book of Records he became engaged to Adriana Martinez in 1902. He kept putting the wedding off for 67 years! When they were finally married in 1969 they were both 82 years old.  Now that is a guy who struggled with decision making.  


We are all decision makers. It is estimated that we make 70 decisions every day. Over a year this adds up to over 25,000 decisions. And over the course of a lifetime it adds up to millions. The decisions we make determine the lives we live and the people we become. So they're huge, and they just keep coming.


In our reading today in Joel the nation of Israel had been overrun by locusts. These locusts were a severe mercy sent from God to open their eyes to the decision they needed to make to return to him. The image is really striking in chapter three, "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision. For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision."  


God was forcing the nation to decide who they were going to follow. That is the ultimate decision in all of life. Who are you going to commit your life to? Are we committed to our agendas or God's agenda?


This decision of who is going to be "god" in our lives is the most important decision of the 70 we will make today. This Advent season we must all choose between "commotion" or "devotion." Advent calls us to nobler decisions than getting the presents wrapped and the tree decorated. The most important decision is to have wholehearted, unreserved, all-in, fully-committed, wholly-surrendered devotion to God. I know this is really countercultural, but it is the most important decision of the day.


So use this day of Advent to choose to draw closer to the Lord.


"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday, December 8


"Unless the Lord builds the house,
   the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
   the guards stand watch in vain."  (Psalm 127:1)

"To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!  Amen." (Jude 24,25)

These two passages, juxtaposed in today's readings, spoke to me about the preeminence of God's intervention on our behalf.  From the private to the public, if we do not engage with God, we "labor," contend, and struggle in vain.

I wrestle constantly with self-sufficiency, wanting to figure out and tick off problems on my own.  God created me as a someone who loves to research solutions and implement them.  Yet, leveraging these God-placed passions can cause me to go awry, considering only "horizontal" solutions, edging into pride, or succumbing to worry or fear.  

I believe that the antidote to this challenge lies in giving each day and each task into the Lord's hands, dedicating them to Him and seeking His best for them.  George Mueller, who directed a series of orphanages and schools in 19th-century England, illustrated these committedness to God by trusting God for His resources.  He never requested funding for the projects, convinced that God would bring the funds and opportunities to bless others.  Two quotes from Mueller below indicate his trust in God's awesome provisions:

"The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.”

“Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you.”

Along with Jude's instruction, we rest in God's strength for today and for eternity.  Today, God allows our faith to grow so that we may be better-prepared to bring honor and glory to Him forever.  What a great privilege to invest our lives today and always in His service.

Lord God, thank You for rescuing us from ourselves.  Thank You for pointing out our pride and self-sufficiency.  Thank You for reminding us of our smallness and Your awesome power.  Help us to trust You more deeply and to follow You today.  Bring us closer to You in this Advent season.  Give us opportunities to introduce others to Your Presence.  We love You and worship You today.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 7

Hosea 6

I'm really enjoying reading the book of Hosea.  I found out that the name comes from a Hebrew word meaning "salvation" and the book was written during the reign of Uzziah and Jeroboam II, when salvation was certainly needed.  So as I'm reading through this tragic love story, I'm noticing a parallel between the love Hosea has for his unfaithful wife and the love God has for His people.  The story shows God's constant and persistent love. Hosea had every reason to let his wife go, but instead he chose to pursue her and redeem her.  God could easily have wiped us out a long time ago, but because He so loved the world, He sent His one and only Son to redeem us. There's always a price for redemption. Whether it be15 shekels and one and a half omers of barley or the blood of an innocent lamb, a price must be paid.  In verses 1-3 in today's reading we see a "Prayer of Teshuvah" -  a prayer to turn back to God . I pray that as we go into a time of preparing our hearts to receive our King's birth, we remember with praise the price that was paid for our redemption.  I pray if we we've strayed in our hearts that we turn back to Adonai, Who will heal us, bind us up and bring us to a place where we will live in His presence.  Just as Hosea made a covenant with his wife, God has made a covenant with us, and He is faithful.


Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5: Obedience without Understanding, Usefulness despite Sinfulness

Hosea 1:1-3:5

1 John 5:1-21

Psalm 124:1-8

Proverbs 9:5-8

Today's OT reading - wow.  God asked Hosea to marry a "promiscuous woman" - an "adulterer".  And He didn't just order Hosea to marry her, to give himself in marriage to someone whom both he and God knew was conducting herself in a manner singularly unsuited to the commitment of marriage, He ordered him to have children with her.  He didn't just command Hosea to bear the burden of an adulterous wife, he commanded him to have children who would suffer that burden as well. 

Two things come to mind.  The first: the instinctive response - "God, are You kidding me?  You can't be serious."  Followed by the inevitable "what kind of a God would inflict this on me?"  Often this becomes justification to disobey God and seek sinful gratification apart from Him.  And yet we know from subsequent reading that God had His purposes, and we are left to choose whether or not to believe that because those purposes were His, they must be good - even if we don't understand them.  Not an easy thing to choose - moreso if one was in Hosea's situation.

The second thing that comes to mind is this: God's purposes and plans had use - even for the grievous sinner.  When I sin and the reality of my sinfulness hits me, it is difficult to believe God could forgive me, even harder to think He could love me.  But He goes beyond that - despite my sinfulness, He has use for me!  This is not to say He condones my sins, no - but He still has room for me to be engaged in the coming of His kingdom, despite my sins. I may be unworthy, but He makes me worthy.

Father today I ask you two things.  Grant me the humility to remember that Your ways are above my ways, and Your thoughts are above my thoughts, and remind me that my obedience is premised neither on my understanding nor my agreement.  And then when I do sin and hide myself in shame, remind me that Your love is so great You not only forgive, You never cease to love - and You still have use for me in Your kingdom.

Friday, December 2, 2016

December 2

The first sign of Christmas is in our passage today.  

1 John 3:5  But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin.

The whole gospel is found in this verse. Jesus was sent from heaven on a mission. His mission was not to condemn the world but to save it. Jesus came to take away our sin. He was able to do this because there was no sin in him. His death on the cross and his resurrection provide the only way for sin to be removed from our lives. God the Father sent his only son on this mission because it was the only way he could preserve his justice and yet rescue mankind.

Verse 8 says… " He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work." 

Another reason for Christmas was to destroy something. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. And he accomplished that by triumphing over him at cross. So the encouragement to me today is my Savior has destroyed my enemy and given me the privilege to live a new life, a life free from the bondage to sin.

May the Lord open all of our eyes to see his beauty and his victory.


"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

DANIEL 8:1–27
1 JOHN 2:1–17
PSALM 120:1–7
PROVERBS 28:25,26
“But if anyone obeys his word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.” (1 John 2:5,6)
In a Life Transformation Group, made up of five guys who meet monthly to share life and pray together, we are currently reading 7 Men by Eric Metaxas. The book features biographies of seven famous men and looks into what make them “great.” My colleague read the rear cover of the book and the rhetorical question found there: “What makes great men great?”
We talked about that subject a bit, and I offered that, based on this text, great men demonstrate self-sacrifice and humility. In the story of William Wilberforce, Metaxas indicates that the great English politician and abolitionist determine to live beyond himself, seeking a “Great Cause” to follow. Metaxas also points out that the seven great men in his book had trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, placing their lives into His sovereign hands for guidance and direction.
Today’s passage from 1 John 2 argues that we must obey God’s Word and “walk as Jesus did.” In this manner, “God’s love is truly made complete in” us. We might be tempted to settle for a cheap alternative: a modicum of God’s presence on Sundays and tough weekdays, but little interaction with Him on other days. Yet, the Scriptures consistently highlight that God has intended that we become complete in Christ.
Our obedience to God’s commands (1) brings us into deeper fellowship and intimacy; (2) provides us freedom from the ravages of sin; and (3) prepares us for a deeper revelation of His love, character, and truth in our lives. God desires to pour His Spirit into clean, prepared vessels. By confessing our sin, He cleanses us and purifies us from all unrighteousness. We then commit to follow Him, trusting Him for His presence. We find our greatest joy and wholeness in becoming more like Christ.
This passage caused to reexamine some of my sinful attitudes this morning. In short, I find that, as the week wears on, fatigue causes me to become less vigilant and less focused on knowing God. The distractions of this world become more pronounced. I desperately need God’s presence and the strengthening of the Holy Spirit to retain the focus that will bring this deeper fellowship and intimacy, freedom, and a deeper revelation.
How can we help one another to walk as Jesus did? How have the Scriptures spoken to you recently about honoring God with your obedience? How may you turn your heart more completely over to Him? (I am asking myself these questions too so that I may see real growth and support you, my friends in Christ.)
Lord God, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for the consistent teaching of Your Word and that You bring deeper intimacy, freedom, and revelation as we follow You. Overcome our weakness by the strength of Your Spirit. Cleanse our hearts of every manner of wickedness. Help us to hunger and thirst for You more than the sorry substitutes in the world. We love You and desperately need You. In Jesus’s Name, amen.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 30

1 John 1:8-10

Cleansing Begins with Confessing

I remember a second grader who once came to school with something that belonged to his parents. Clearly this child took what was not his and it certainly didn't belong in school.  When one of the other kids saw it they immediately ran over to tell the teacher.  Of course the teacher approached him and asked what he was hiding in his pocket.  You could see the child's color drain from his face, and he started to cry.  When the whole incident was said and done and all was forgiven, the color returned to his face and he was able to move on with his day. Maybe we aren't being confronted with an immediate sin, but John makes it clear that if we think we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves. He also goes on to say that God is faithful to forgive us once we confess.  Psalm 103:3 affirms that God forgives all our iniquities. Repentance clears away the big and small lies with which people sometimes surround themselves.  Sometimes the most dangerous lies that people tell are perhaps not to other people but to ourselves.  In order to move on in our journey with Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, we can't hold on to what no longer belongs to us, including our sins. In verse 6 John talks about God's light dispelling the darkness.  If we claim to have fellowship with Jesus, but we are still holding on to past sins, then we are not practicing the truth. Remember, we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us (Phil. 4:13) and repentance leads us into a deeper truth and understanding about not only God, but of ourselves as well. I think that repentance is a process and I don't think we are ever done with it. Just like the little second grader who felt a whole lot better and was able to get on with his day after he admitted his mistake, I pray we take time and ask Jesus what mistakes we need to leave at the foot of the Cross.   I pray for all of us that we let the cleansing begin!!


Friday, November 25, 2016

Nov 25

1 Peter 3

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.  3:1

The simple instructions from this verse are sometimes very hard to practice. Many times I find myself way to quick in judging people and seriously lacking in compassion. Usually when I am in this condition it is because I don't know the full story. Quick judgments are faster and easier than sympathetic listening.

Writer Kathy Henderson tells a story that makes this point. It is the story of how she and a group of mothers were hanging out at a Y Day Camp one summer day. The whole pool was focused on a girl that was screaming at the deep end of the pool. She was a head taller than everyone in the camp but she was sobbing like a baby.

First, one instructor tried to coax her into the water, then a second and finally a third. All of the attempts failed.  

During this whole process the mothers were remarking to each other.

This is terrible. You can't coddle them.

This is ridiculous why they pamper her.

Yeh, her fears only get worse the longer they delay.

All three of these mothers were experts since their children learned to swim 3 weeks earlier.

Finally all three instructors bodily dragged the girl to the water and gently lowered her into the arms of her teacher. The screams subsided to gasps.

       Well, it's about time.

       They should have done that 15 minutes ago.

Just at that time a young day camp instructor approached Kathy. Her eyes never left the pool area. She spoke softly and nodded toward the drama in the water.

"She went boating with her parents and brother last summer. Only her father could swim. They took no life jackets. The boat capsized ‑ she watched her mother and brother drown. Her father managed to save only her. She's in our day camp program here at the Y and her father insists she learn to swim."

Kathy said, "Her words stung. I looked at the drenched child as she climbed out of the pool, her weak smile wavering through chlorine and tears. I had not witnessed typical childish fear ‑ I'd just witnessed a terrifying mountain crossed. Hot tears blurred my eyes. Forgive me, child.  Forgive me, Lord.

Sometimes we are way to quick in judging people and slack in compassion.  Lord, help us to be sympathetic, loving and compassionate. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thursday, November 24


EZEKIEL 47:1–48:35

1 PETER 2:11–3:7

PSALM 119:49–64

PROVERBS 28:12,13


“Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” (1 Peter 2:19–21)



In this passage, Peter discusses the believers’ calling to honor God in both public and private settings, starting with our interactions with governing authorities to employers to our families.  He centers this conversation around Jesus’s submittedness to the Father’s will, even in the face of His suffering and crucificixion.  Peter indicates that Jesus’s sacrifice both serves as our example and our enablement to live in similar submittedness to God’s call.  Peter anticipates that the example of Christian duty will open doors for proclaiming the Gospel:  “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have…. ” (1 Peter 3:15)


With governing authorities and employers, Peter urges believers to remain steadfast in their commitment to honoring God, even if we should face outward persecution.  Like Paul in Romans 6, Peter explains that we should exercise our freedom in Christ to become slaves to righteousness.  As part of this calling, we should “show proper respect to everyone,” including emperors, governors, and employers.  We will give real testimony to the truth of the Gospel:  “For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.” (1 Peter 2:15,16)


This passage caused me to consider my own desire to be “proven right” – and quickly!  This desire comes from my natural pride and impatience.  Peter’s words, however, suggest that we should be willing to endure through challenging moments, keeping our eyes on the greater purpose.  Verse 23 pierced me to the heart:  “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats.  Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.”


How well we “entrust” ourselves to God (“him who judges justly”) will determine our success in sharing the Gospel through our submitted lives.  This high calling does not come easily to us in our natural selves, but God empowers us through sending His Holy Spirit into our lives.


Today, we may desire a greater bounty of trusting our great God and Father.  Without this trust, we will miss the mark in staying the course and following Jesus’s example of obedience in the face of physical and spiritual opposition.



Lord God, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus Christ to save us and to exemplify the submitted life that You desire for us to show.  Strengthen us today to live this way, even under opposition.  We give thanks today for You, for our families and friends, and for the fellowship of believers among us.  We love You and honor You today.  In Jesus’s Name, amen.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23

1 Peter

What's your perspective?  By definition, it means your view point -- If we relate to Peter we can ask the question "what angle are you seeing life through"?  St. Francis of Assisi said we should read the bible with great humility, knowing that it is the only way to receive God's self-revelation which is revealed in the Scriptures. (Through the Years with Francis of Assisi). Peter tells us to set our hope completely on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Yeshua the Messiah.  Peter points our minds in the direction of action and balance (v.13) by staying focused on Jesus.  He shifts our perspective by explaining that we no longer are to be shaped by the same desires that ruled our lives in our ignorance-- meaning before we claimed Jesus as Lord over our lives.  When we see ourselves as being redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (v.19), the "view" of how we recognize our calling  and way that we live our daily life changes.  Peter tells us in v. 17 "If you call on Him as Father -- the One who judges impartially according to each one's deeds -- then live out the time of sojourning in reverent fear."  Clearly, this is not our home.  But, while we are "passing through", our perspective and our eyes should be fixed on Jesus.  I pray for each challenge we face today that our thoughts, actions and decisions are shaped from the perspective of the Mind of Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit that lives within us.


Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18

James 2:1-3  (Phillips)  Don't ever attempt, my brothers, to combine snobbery with faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ! Suppose one man comes into your meeting well-dressed and with a gold ring on his finger, and another man, obviously poor, arrives in shabby clothes. If you pay special attention to the well-dressed man by saying, "Please sit here—it's an excellent seat", and say to the poor man, "You stand over there, please, or if you must sit, sit on the floor", doesn't that prove that you are making class-distinctions in your mind, and setting yourselves up to assess a man's quality?—a very bad thing.


Have you ever considered that you might be guilty of the sin of snobbery? 

A "snob" is defined as, "a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and dislikes people or activities regarded as lower-class.Snobbery can creep up in the most unexpected places, yes, it can even occur in a church. When we show partiality based on class, politics, or make racial or ethnic distinctions, we are coloring outside the lines of the gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ says the church should be a judgment free zone. We are a place where everyone is welcomed with open arms.


Years ago Rebecca Pippert in her book, "Out of the Salt Shaker and into the world" told this story. When I first came to Portland, Oregon, I met a student on one of the campuses where I worked. He was brilliant and looked like he was always pondering the esoteric. His hair was always messy, and in the entire time I knew him, I never once saw him wear a pair of shoes. Rain, sleet or snow, Bill was always barefoot. While he was attending college, he had become a Christian.


At this time a well-dressed, middle-class church across the street from the campus wanted to develop more of a ministry to the students. They were not sure how to go about it, but they tried to make them feel welcome. One day Bill decided to worship there. He walked into this church, wearing his blue jeans, T-shirt and of course no shoes. People looked a bit uncomfortable, but no one said anything. So Bill began walking down the aisle looking for a seat. The church was quite crowded that Sunday, so as he got down to the front pew and realized that there were no seats, he just squatted on the carpet—perfectly acceptable behavior at a college fellowship, but perhaps unnerving for a church congregation. The tension in the air became so thick one could slice it.


Suddenly an elderly man began walking down the aisle toward the student. Was he going to scold Bill? My friends who saw him approaching said they thought you can't blame him. He'd never guess Bill is a Christian. And his world is too distant from Bill's to understand. You can't blame him for what he's going to do.


As the man kept walking slowly down the aisle, the church became utterly silent, all eyes were focused on him, you could not hear anyone breathe. When the man reached Bill, with some difficulty he lowered himself and sat down next to him on the carpet. He and Bill worshiped together on the floor that Sunday. I was told there was not a dry eye in the congregation.


This is our calling, to sit on the floor with whoever comes into our church or our homes regardless of their race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. We welcome all people into our lives.

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, November 17

“Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business.” (James‬ ‭1:9–11‬)
In many ways, the Book of James provides an extension of Jesus’s pointed teaching found in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7). Jesus’s earthly brother minces few words in highlighting the essential commitments of true disciples.
This quick snapshot provides a helpful case in point. James discusses the rationale behind avoiding favoritism in Chapter 2, but he introduces the concept through a focus on self-regard. Throughout time, we humans have taken great pains to rank ourselves against others. This tendency towards comparison sometimes leads us to feel more secure – and sometimes less secure. In the end, however, it doesn’t reflect the grace of the Gospel or God’s concern for each person. James emphasizes the foolishness of this endeavor by demonstrating the brevity of life and that death does not discriminate.
Favoritism and comparison ultimately seek to establish our personal superiority above others. The root lies in pride, which leads us to declare to God, “I know better than You.” Such comparisons cause us to forget the God-stamped image in each person. That image gives each person dignity and honor. When we individually or corporately take away that dignity and honor, we fail to reflect God’s character.
Whatever our personal circumstances, we may take joy in celebrating that God-stamped image in each person we meet today. Please listen to their thoughts and attitudes of their hearts. Please find joy in showing each person the love of Christ. And please pray that these God-stamped images would find true fulfillment in submitting themselves fully to Christ. May our light so shine that others may know Him better.
Lord God, thank You for giving us this truth that each person bears Your image and that our station in life doesn’t determine our dignity. Help us to go beyond our natural selves and to love people deeply and from the heart. Help us to demonstrate the love of Christ. Take our fatigue and world-weariness and replace it with a full measure of Your compassion and grace. Use us to bring others closer to You through sharing Your Presence with them. Empower us through the Holy Spirit to live out these commitments today. In Jesus’s Name, amen.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Nov. 16

Psalm 115

In the Hebrew text, the word that is used for Lord in this passage is ADONAI.  This noun is used 434 times in the Old Testament and parallels with the use of YAWEH, meaning Master, Lord.  Interestingly enough, the noun is a plural, much like Elohim, perhaps opening our eyes to the Trinity.  This Psalm was sung at the Passover meal in which the celebration of deliverance from Egypt is still remembered. So as I was reading this Psalm with all this mind, I couldn't help but feel the desperation of the author to give The King of King and Lord of Lords all of the glory and praise for every victory in life.  It stirred up in my heart a desire to pray with that much desperation. Any glory we take for ourselves in any victory must be renounced, chalked up to pride and repented for. Our God is in the heavens, superior to the limitations of our minds and constraints of this world. It is incomprehensible to us but as we've been reading in our Hebrews passages, we are called, by faith, to know and trust that He is real and will never leave us or forsake us and that He loves us.  This is God, our Father, who sent Jesus, the perfecter of faith, to pay the highest price for our salvation.  So tell me, what can we make with silver or gold that is better than that?  Trust in Adonai, He is our help and our shield. He is mindful of us, and He will bless us. (V. 11-12).  I pray we all see the hand of Adonai in our lives today and to Him be all the glory.


Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14: Of roads, clay pigeons and focus

Ezekiel 29:1-30:26
Hebrews 11:32-12:13
Psalm 112:1-10
Proverbs 27:17

Do you still remember when you first learned to drive?  I had to learn twice.  The first, in Manila where we drive on the right side of the road; the second time 6 years later, when I moved to Indonesia, where they drive on the left side of the road.  Both times I had to relearn to keep my eyes on the road - when my eyes would drift to the side of the road, inevitably my hands would move, and I would find myself steering in that direction.  There were a few times  I was so distracted I almost crashed.  The same thing is true shooting clay pigeons with a shotgun - the instructor kept telling me to keep my eye on the little round disc flying across my field of vision, even making me just point at the clay as it flew.  He said the key was to look at the target so you could hit it.  If you looked away, you would miss.

In today's NT reading St Paul admonishes the Hebrews to rid themselves of distractions - "of everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles".  And he encourages them to fix their eyes on Jesus.  When I read this again today, I realized I'd never really thought of what it meant to fix my eyes on Jesus.  Perhaps that is why I often find myself so distracted - so worried for my children, so troubled by work, so burdened by the day to day.  So I gave it a think, and realized there are a few very clear steps I could take to keep my eyes on the prize - prayer in the morning, first thing, to direct the day; praise for the things I experience, see and hear; gratitude for the bountiful and the challenging both.  

That last - gratitude even when circumstances are challenging - is difficult, but important.  It will help me to "not lose heart when He rebukes [me]", to receive the discipline that confirms I am His child, the discipline that will eventually produce "a harvest of righteousness and peace".

Father, during the distractions of abundance and the discouragement of difficulty, help me keep my focus on You and You alone, that Your discipline might bring about in me the transformation You intend.  

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thursday, November 10


“Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.  But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool.  For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” (Hebrews 10:11-14)

In this passage, the author of Hebrews highlights Jesus's once-for-all service as the Great High Priest.  Under the sacrificial system then active under Jewish law -- whose reference here strongly suggests that the Temple in Jerusalem still remained standing, dating this letter at pre-70 AD -- the nation's priests would offer sacrifices continually as atonement for sin.  Still, the passage explains that these offerings "can never take away sins."  Their continual offering underscored that limitation.

Yet, Jesus offered just "one sacrifice" -- His body and blood -- and "has made perfect forever those who are being made holy."  "Made perfect" refers to our justification, the one-time assignment of forgiveness to those who trust in Christ for salvation.  When we come to Jesus in repentance, this turning of our hearts by admitting our sin and declaring our desperation for Him brings us peace with God, our reconciliation with Him.  Christ's sacrifice was indeed that powerful! (Colossians 2:13)  2 Corinthians 5:17 declares that we have now become a new creation in Christ.

How about the second part:  "who are being made holy"?  If our justification occurs immediately, why the need for a continual process towards holiness?  We understand from the Scriptures -- and real-life experience -- that becoming a disciple of Jesus doesn't immediately transform every thought, attitude, and action.  We struggle and strive to become more like Christ.  Yet, we are not alone in this pursuit; rather, the Holy Spirit refreshes, renews, and strengthens us towards progressive sanctification.  This fitting to become more Christ-like defines the Christian's experience.

To paraphrase Hebrews 10:14, reflecting back on the Potter's House, we are "set free and made ready by the death of Christ and are being fashioned into His desired shape for us each day."  We rejoice in what we have already received, but we also find great joy in seeing God's purposes revealed in our lives.  We join with Him in that effort through submitting to Him, trusting in Him, and acknowledging Him.  He will then direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5,6)

Lord God, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to serve as a once-for-all sacrifice on our behalf, winning our freedom.  Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit so that we may become more and more transformed and conformed into the image of Christ.  Strengthen us today to reflect more of Your character, and bring greater joy into our lives as we submit to Your good purposes.  We love You and honor You today.  In Jesus's Name, amen.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9

Hebrews 9:27 - Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people, and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him

Writing a blog the day after a presidential election is not easy.  There was a lot of tension and controversy this election season.  After reading this mornings passage, this is my take away.  We are still "ONE NATION UNDER GOD", and even if the winner of this election wasn't your choice, KING JESUS IS STILL ON THE THRONE.  We are precious to Him because He paid a price for us.  I pray our words today reflect the God we serve.  Jesus, take the wheel.


Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7: There were really 10 dwarfs in the story...why am I Grumpy again?

Ezekiel 16:42-17:24
Hebrews 8:1-13
Psalm 106:13-31
Proverbs 27:7-9

Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Doc, Bashful, Dopey and Grumpy.  Those were the seven dwarfs in the story, and in my life, I have been each and every one of them (and a couple of others, come to think of it - Hungry and Thirsty.  And Clueless.  They don't show up in the story because one was in a food coma, the other hung over, and the last one was always missing.)  Yes, I have been all of them - but I have been particularly good at being Grumpy, at grumbling.  I don't do it often, but when I do, I would make the Olympic team.  Maybe even medal.

It isn't something to be proud of.  The psalmist today reminds us that Israelites grumbled - at Moses, at God, as they were being saved from the Egyptians, and being led to a land of milk and honey, as God had promised.  The grumbling - which was really the sinful rejection of God's providence and plans in favor of their own - wasn't just unwarranted, it blinded them to all God had already done for them, and to all God was going to do.  And it led them to put their trust in an idol they thought would be more amenable to their demands - a helpless, powerless idol appealing only because it wasn't capable of ordering them down paths they did not want to go, an idol whose value was really only to be able to justify their choices, their actions.

Grumbling hasn't changed much.  When I grumble at my situation, it takes me a while but I eventually realize that I am grumbling at - and rejecting - what God, in His infinite love, wisdom and power, had determined was best for me at that point in time, however difficult.  And, like the Israelites, I seek other idols - good intentions, hard work, logic, pleasure, money, success - to justify the choices I make apart from God.  

The thing is, just as grumbling hasn't changed much, neither have its consequences.  Apart from God, is there any reason to believe our descendants will not "fall among the nations"?  Thankfully, just as there was Moses and there was Phinehas, just as there was the old covenant, there is the new one, and Jesus is there to save me from the consequences of my being Grumpy.  And when He does, perhaps my heart will reflect still another two dwarfs - Joy and Peace.  

Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4

Hebrews 6 


I love the way the Living version records Hebrews 6:10,  "For God is not unfair. How can he forget your hard work for him, or forget the way you used to show your love for him—and still do—by helping his children?

There is no better illustration of how people help others than the care and love shown to Debbie Foster. Over the past months so many people showed love to Debbie by visiting, praying, singing, writing notes, bringing food, cheering, and helping care for her. The great thing is that by showing your love for Debbie, you showed your love for God. And God will never forget even the smallest act of kindness. Never!

His children include all people, including a child who has not yet found God. Right now the church is having a particularly difficult time in reaching the 20somethings in our culture. Our reputation with this group is terrible. David Kinnaman, in his book, "Unchristian" points out that our favorability rating with the next generation is at an all time low of 3%. That means 97% of young people have a neutral or bad impression of the church. This is a huge image issue.   So what is our strategy to change this perception?  I suggest we live out the Christian life before them with joy, grace and a willingness to help others. The unbelieving world is not concerned with our creeds but they are watching our deeds.  And when we live lives that are filled with good works it causes them to pause and consider God. The unbelieving world can deny our theology, our creeds, and our gatherings but they can't deny our good deeds. When we reach out with compassionate, loving and unconditional acts of kindness, it opens the doors to deeper conversations about faith.  

Good deeds are one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal to change culture. "Good deeds" lead to "good will" which leads to "good news."

So your homework today is to do one act of kindness where you serve someone without expecting anything in return. And when you do this, picture the face of Jesus on the person you are helping. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"

Thursday, November 3

“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries a nd tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 5:7–10)
In today’s reading from Hebrews, the author notes the concurrent Sonship and Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ. While He enjoyed all the benefits of being God’s only Son, He also willingly served on behalf of people, representing them before God as the great High Priest. In particular, He served as a perfect mediator between God and man “because of his reverent submission” and perfect “obedience.” Indeed, His faithful service to His Father involved suffering, transforming into the “perfect” substitute for sinful man.
The author describes the Lord Jesus as a “high priest in the order of Melchizedek.” This figure appears in Genesis 15, where the patriarch Abraham encounters Melchizedek, who served jointly as king of Salem (Jerusalem) and a great high priest. Later, the writer of Hebrews mentions that we might consider that Abraham had given his offering to this Melchizedek after receiving a blessing from him. As Hebrews 7 notes, the lesser receives the blessings from the greater. Therefore, many commentators perceive that the earthly Melchizedek may have been a prefiguration of the coming Lord Jesus Christ.
This passage suggests that Jesus’s suffering on earth made him fit and ready to become the perfect sacrifice for us: a heavenly Son taking the penalty for our human sin. God’s justice demanded the fullness of this payment, but His mercy caused it to fall to His Son rather than to His children. Given the depth of this sacrifice, giving my life to His calling appears right and relatively small.
Lastly, the verses talk about the effectiveness of Jesus’s prayer because of His “reverent submission.” This tie between righteousness and power emerges again in James 5:16: “… The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” How we need to see this power released on a hurting and broken world!
Lord Jesus, we give thanks for Your perfect obedience and sacrificial humility. You took the Cross that we rightly deserved and freed us from slavery to sin to become Your righteous servants. We give You our hearts today, that we might be transformed more into Your likeness and that the power of the Holy Spirit might overcome our human weaknesses. Grant us the grace to love others as You would love them. Turn our hearts fully back to You so that we will grasp Your beauty and Your goodness in a fresh way today. In Your Name, amen.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November 2

Hebrews 4

What day is Today?  According to verse 7, "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts".  So I'm looking at Today as the day we get another opportunity to tune in and listen to hear God's voice. What is He saying?  It's the day He has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)  I think everyday we have this wonderful opportunity.  The Israelites also had this opportunity but they chose not to combine the word they read with faith. It's this combination of being in the Word and applying faith that allows us to enter into God's rest.  There's a difference between having a relationship with Jesus and knowing about Him. This is where the people of Israel faced a problem and perhaps to whom the author of the book of Hebrews is addressing.  Resting in God today is a glimpse of what our eternal joy holds.  God didn't rest on the seventh day because he was tired, He had made everything perfect and so when we allow ourselves to "rest", we are freeing ourselves from our own labor and trusting in God's perfection. I believe it was His original design all along.  The Word of God is alive and life changing.  So Today, I pray we quiet our minds, and do not harden our hearts when we hear His voice.  Today, allow God's Word to work in our hearts and by faith, make every effort to rest in what Jesus provided on the Cross.  I pray today for everyone who is reading this, that the Lord bless you and keep you, that He make His face shine upon you, and that He be gracious to you. I pray Today, we rest in Him.  In Jesus Name.


Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016

Titus 3 

Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives. Titus 3:14

Some observations about this verse; this is a learned devotion. We don't naturally share our lives with others. We don't naturally think how we can serve others. The natural inclination of our hearts is to think only about ourselves and focus only on our agendas.

We need to be committed to "doing good" and only God can define that. Without God, we don't know what good is. But once God defines "good," we should be passionate about doing it.  

Our service involves the daily necessities of people. This is about doing life together with people, not just showing up once every 6 months.

The result of "doing good" means we will live productive lives. Doing "good" causes people to think about God, and it brings glory to Him. It also has eternal results. When we share even a cup of cold water in his name, it impacts all of eternity. Jesus said that loving one another was the signature sign that we are his disciples. It also gives us a tremendous sense of purpose and mission in life, something that very few people have today.

This leads me to pause and celebrate our church. We are in the final earthly days of our dear sister Deb Foster. The cancer in her body has not been healed by God and so she is preparing herself for the ultimate healing of going home to be with Him. The outpouring of "good", love and acts of kindness shown by our church family is staggering. The visits, the cards, and the care shown to her are incredible acts of love. Wow, what a demonstration of love and compassion. This kind of care is rarely seen in our world today. Thank you for living the gospel out. 

"Multiplying leaders to change the world"